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Federalism, Decentralisation and Conflict Management in Multicultural Societies Public Conference from Thomas Fleiner Budapest – January 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Federalism, Decentralisation and Conflict Management in Multicultural Societies Public Conference from Thomas Fleiner Budapest – January 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federalism, Decentralisation and Conflict Management in Multicultural Societies Public Conference from Thomas Fleiner Budapest – January 2008

2 How should they be governed? Who should govern whom? Holding or bringing multicultural Societies together we have to ask: And even more explosiv: Who should decide who should govern? Main Questions:

3 Multicul- turality Nation- state Challenges of the Na- tion-State Glocali- sation Fragmen- tation Diversi- tiy con- flicts The Challenge of the Nation State

4 Do federalism and decentralization help to bring or to hold multicultural societies together? Why is multiculturalism a problem? The issues:

5 Is a fragmented civil society as nation builder of a multicultural state conceivable and realistic? Based on what concepts does the international community intervene and/or manage conflicts of multicutlural societies?

6 Egocentric Hobbes Bearers of unalienable rights Locke Rational Citoyens Rousseau Exploiters or exploited Marx Cost-benefit driven Homo oeconomicus State of Modernity: all human individuals are equal as being What is the main problem? Capable of rea- son and judge- ment Kant What is good for all? Universal values, but they do not take culture as legtimacy fundament for politcal identity serious Nation-State facing Multiculturality

7 Nation - State Ignoring Culture Denying Culture Integrating in- to one cultu- re of identity Conflict with ethnic minorities

8 have economic roots are generated by fundamentalism are promoted by warlords have historical roots are stired up by neighbours Controversy about the roots and the potentials of the different conflicts: Induced by ethnicity Illegitimate state State v. minority terror Multiculturality: Diversity Conflicts Symptoms or causes?

9 Consumers profit from global market „citoyens“ claim universality of human rights human beings seek local security and local identity Reality Modern State Glocalisation

10 What is good for us and for our communities? To get legi- timacy from diversi- ties by Promoting: shared-rule self-rule? Reconciling: conflict ma- nagement power- sharing? Tolerating: minority protection; affirmative action? Equalising: collective rights? Challenges of the Nation-State with regard to fragmen- tation by diversity L e g i t i m a c y o f m u l t i c u l t u r a l n a t i o n s t a - k e s c u l t u r e s s e r i o u s e l y b u t i s f o c u s s i n g o n p a r t i c u l a r r a t h e r t h a n u n i v e r s a l v a l u e s

11 I. To bring or to hold together by state-making or by state-reconstructing

12 Bring together through constitution making by democratic procedure: Who is the „Pouvoir Constituant“?

13 Bring together by Constitution making Negotiation

14 Hold together through reconstructing the federal balance: Creating a new canton by secession


16 Berne Jura CH Creating a new Canton Jura out of secession and self-de- termina- tion

17 French German Along language lines?

18 Catholic Protestant Or along religious lines?

19 Nation – building: Hold together through reconstructing the federal balance:

20 II. Hold or bring together by decentralization

21 The challenge of elitism To bring together by improving local democracy

22 Transparancy and accountability To bring together by improving local democracy

23 Responsiveness To hold together by improving local governance

24 Human Rights To hold toge- ther by improving local governance

25 III. To hold or bring fragmented civil society(ies) together

26 With Rights

27 To bring civil so- cieties together with rights Right of Self-determination

28 To bring together with rights Collective rights

29 Civil societies facing diversities

30 How can civil societi(es) hold together when they face pluralism of languages

31 How can civil societ(ies) hold to- gether when they face religious diversities

32 IV. To bring or hold together by the international community

33 To bring together Role and legitimacy of international action

34 To hold togethter Forms of international involvement: Governance

35 Constitution making State- making State Unity Bring and hold multiculurality together Negotiation Soft secession Nation-Building Elitism Transparency Responsiveness Human Rights Self-Determination Collective Rights Language Religion Intervention Int. governance Recon- structing State Structure Decentra lisation Local de- mocracy Local Go- vernance Civil So- ciety Rights Diversi- ties Interna- tional C. Bring together Hold together Bring together Hold together Bring together Hold together Bring together Hold together


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