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Word By Mrs. Yollis Chaparral Elementary. is a computer program that allows you to create written documents.

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Presentation on theme: "Word By Mrs. Yollis Chaparral Elementary. is a computer program that allows you to create written documents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word By Mrs. Yollis Chaparral Elementary

2 is a computer program that allows you to create written documents.

3 To open Word, click on the W in the dock.

4 Next, the Project Gallery will open up. We are looking for a word document.

5 There is the Word Document. Click

6 That will open up a New Document. It will say Document 1 at the top of the new document.

7 If you are already in WORD, you will see the word WORD next to the blue apple in the menu bar.

8 The menu bar is always found at the top of the screen.

9 Today we are going to practice with the Tool Spelling and Grammar.

10 When you get to your computer, there will be three sentences to Spell and Grammar Check.

11 Here are the three sentences.

12 three sentences.

13 Find Tools on the menu bar and select Spelling and Grammar Check.


15 Word will alert you when you have misspelled a word. Anything underlined in red is misspelled.

16 Word is alerting you that Chaparral is misspelled.

17 The first suggestion is correct. Press the change button.

18 If you make a mistake, you can “Undo” your choice. Mar was wrong.

19 Here is the Undo button. It can be used over and over.

20 Once the sentence has been Spell Checked, it will begin the Grammar Check.

21 Grammar errors are always in green. Grammar Check thinks there is a capitalization error.

22 Grammar Check also alerts you about “Commonly Confused Words”.

23 Principle and principal are commonly confused words.

24 The suggestion is correct. You want p-r-i-n-c-i-p-a-l.

25 Press the Change button to fix the word.

26 When you are finished correcting, your document will look like this.

27 Word could not solve all the problems in this document.

28 Do you see any spelling or grammar problems?

29 All the black words are incorrect.

30 What is wrong with each word?

31 You will need to fix each problem using the arrows and the delete key.

32 Here are the corrections.

33 Spelling and Grammar Check is a useful tool. Be sure to go very slowly! Work carefully! Use Change, Ignore, or Undo.

34 I hope you have enjoyed learning how to Spell and Grammar Check a document on the computer program called Word. Try creating your own documents at home!

35 Practice changing the font, the font size, and the font color. Thank you and see you in two weeks! Mrs. Yollis Be sure to spel all wurds currectly!

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