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Mining and Sustainability- Working Together Euro Mine Expo Skellefteå, Sweden, June 8 - 10, 2010

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Presentation on theme: "Mining and Sustainability- Working Together Euro Mine Expo Skellefteå, Sweden, June 8 - 10, 2010"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mining and Sustainability- Working Together Euro Mine Expo Skellefteå, Sweden, June 8 - 10, 2010

2 Key Challenges  People  Environment  Partnership for Sustainable Outcomes 2

3 Key challenges: People  pressing need to address poverty, nutrition and health, particularly in emerging nations  rising expectations of local communities  increased demand for transparency  growing emphasis to respect human rights, including indigenous peoples’ values and concerns  ASM: 100+ million people, often unregulated, close to large-scale mining 3

4 Key Challenges - Environment  growing concerns about maintaining ecosystem integrity  growing emphasis on water, energy, biodiversity  continuing concerns about climate change 4

5 Key Challenges: Partnerships  What are the critical success factors that have enabled some countries to benefit from substantial resource endowments and avoid the so-called resource curse?  What practical steps might be taken by the industry, governments, local communities and aid agencies to build these success factors? 5

6 Setting the scene for partnership: the governance framework and capacity building … 6

7 Fostering economic development in remote areas Mining: Partnerships for Development ICMM member companies have committed, at a CEO-level, to work in partnership in six priority areas Poverty reduction Revenue management Regional development planning Local content Social investment Dispute resolution 7

8 Publications 8

9 For further information please e-mail us at

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