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Unit 1 Focus: sports Vocabulary: soccer terms Grammar: comparative and superlative Reading: Pele.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Focus: sports Vocabulary: soccer terms Grammar: comparative and superlative Reading: Pele."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Focus: sports Vocabulary: soccer terms Grammar: comparative and superlative Reading: Pele

2 Unit 1 continued… Vocabulary: modern, version, pick up, allow, disaster, prefer, organization, club, competition, compete, competitive, popular, popularity, stadium, referee, changing room, pitch, pitcher, amazing, amaze, profession, professional, politician, salary, career

3 Unit 1 continued… Grammar: comparative and superlative Go to Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary to check the inflected forms of adjective. Gradable adjectives: adjectives that are gradable can have comparative and superlative

4 Unit 1 continued… Reading text: Pele Ask students to google Pele Provide students with information about Pele Discuss questions on p.11 and 12

5 Unit 2 Focus: sports and the Paralympics Vocabulary Grammar: Comparative and past tense Reading: articles on the Paralympics and PowerFoot One

6 Unit 2 continued… Vocabulary: Disable, disabled, disability, athlete, patient, enormous, train, training, medal, natural, powerful, artificial, powerless, terrible, bounce, accident, temperature, equipment, painful, professor, ankle, innovation, invention, get used to, thanks to, quality, battery, recharge, rechargeable, sprinter, unfair, fair, argue, crier, mixed-race

7 Unit 2 continued… Vocabulary: background, heritage, tournament, prize, prize money, advertise, advertisement,

8 Unit 2 continued… Grammar: past tense Form of past tense: V.-ed question: Did +S. + v.+… ? negative: S. + did not + V.+… Discuss questions on p. 19

9 Unit 2 continued… Reading text: Bouncing back Ask student to google Time magazine 2007 inventions of the year Discuss questions on p.17

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