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Ch 13 - Age of Exploration. Main Idea During the 1400s and 1500s European explorers were inspired by Greed – buy and sell luxury trade goods Curiosity.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 13 - Age of Exploration. Main Idea During the 1400s and 1500s European explorers were inspired by Greed – buy and sell luxury trade goods Curiosity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 13 - Age of Exploration

2 Main Idea During the 1400s and 1500s European explorers were inspired by Greed – buy and sell luxury trade goods Curiosity – explore new worlds Desire for Glory – spread Christianity Voyages of Discovery

3 Mercantilism An economic theory that as a nation’s trade grows, its gold reserves grow and the nation becomes more powerful. An economic theory that as a nation’s trade grows, its gold reserves grow and the nation becomes more powerful.

4 Navigation Made Possible Prince Henry the Navigator – of Portugal Prince Henry the Navigator – of Portugal –Created a navigation school to train sailors –Used the latest technology Astrolabe Astrolabe Quadrant Quadrant Eventually compass and clock

5 Trade Find fastest and best sea route to Asian markets without going through Muslim lands due to transportation costs Find fastest and best sea route to Asian markets without going through Muslim lands due to transportation costs

6 Big Ten (+1) Explorers to the New World

7 Columbus ( 1492 – 1503) Sailed west to Indies - 4 voyages in all Sailed west to Indies - 4 voyages in all Landed on the Bahamas Landed on the Bahamas Sailed for Spain (King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella Sailed for Spain (King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

8 John ( 1497/98) and his son Sebastian Cabot ( 1508/09) Sailed for England Sailed for England Landed on coast of Newfoundland Landed on coast of Newfoundland Gave England claim to North America Gave England claim to North America Searched for Northwest Passage Searched for Northwest Passage

9 Ponce de Leon (1513) 1st Spaniard to land on the mainland of North America 1st Spaniard to land on the mainland of North America Looking for “Fountain of Youth” Looking for “Fountain of Youth” Established St. Augustine, Florida Established St. Augustine, Florida

10 Balboa (1513) Spanish Explorer Spanish Explorer Traveled across Panama Traveled across Panama Claimed Pacific Ocean and adjoining lands for Spain Claimed Pacific Ocean and adjoining lands for Spain

11 Cortes (1518) Spanish Conquistador Spanish Conquistador Conquered Aztec emperor Montezuma at Mexico City Conquered Aztec emperor Montezuma at Mexico City

12 Magellan ( 1519 – 1522) Searched for passage to Pacific Ocean Searched for passage to Pacific Ocean Sailed through “Straits of Magellan” Sailed through “Straits of Magellan” Died in Philippines Died in Philippines Crew 1st to circumnavigate the world Crew 1st to circumnavigate the world

13 Hernando De Soto ( 1539-1542) Conquistador Conquistador Sailed for Spain Sailed for Spain Explored land that is now Southern U.S. Explored land that is now Southern U.S. –Florida –Georgia to Texas –Alabama to Tennessee Explored Mississippi River – Present-day Oklahoma Explored Mississippi River – Present-day Oklahoma

14 Coronado (1540 – 1542) Conquistador Conquistador Looking for fabled Seven Cities of Gold Looking for fabled Seven Cities of Gold Explored present- day Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Kansas Explored present- day Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Kansas Visited the Grand Canyon Visited the Grand Canyon

15 Pizzaro (1522-1534) Conquistador Conquistador Conquered the Inca Empire over time Conquered the Inca Empire over time Ruled Peru and parts of South America for Spain Ruled Peru and parts of South America for Spain Killed in 1541 Killed in 1541

16 Vespucci (1501) Amerigo Vespucci Amerigo Vespucci America was named after him by a German mapmaker in 1507 America was named after him by a German mapmaker in 1507

17 Columbian Exchange Columbian Exchange According to historian Alfred Crosby, the exchange of plants, animals and pathogens between the two hemispheres was biologically “the most spectacular thing that has ever happened to humans," and he coined the phenomenon the Columbian Exchange. New World to Europe New World to Europe Europe to the New World Europe to the New World

18 The Columbian Exchange

19 The Poor Person’s Food The Potato The potato grows well in the temperate climate of northern Europe and produces three times as much food per unit of land as wheat or any other grain. Between 1781 and 1845, the Irish population doubled from four to eight million. Probably half of this population depended on the potato for survival. The Great Irish Famine Over one million died of starvation and disease, and almost two million emigrated to the United States and Britain.

20 Portuguese Merchants Spread Slavery

21 Sugar, Tobacco and Slavery

22 Slave Trade Worldwide


24 Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) New World divided between Spain and Portugal New World divided between Spain and Portugal All land and riches east of 60° W given to Portugal (Brazil) All land and riches east of 60° W given to Portugal (Brazil) All land and riches west of 60° W given to Spain (North and Central America) All land and riches west of 60° W given to Spain (North and Central America)

25 Other Explorers of the Age of Exploration Bartholomeu Dias – Portugal Bartholomeu Dias – Portugal Vasco de Gama – Portugal Vasco de Gama – Portugal

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