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Source Water and Sanitation News Service. 2 Emphasis on highlighting information on rural and peri-urban areas in developing countries Sector-related.

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1 Source Water and Sanitation News Service

2 2 Emphasis on highlighting information on rural and peri-urban areas in developing countries Sector-related news and features in English, French and Spanish Range of formats (PDF, online, hard copy), editions and frequencies incorporating news from sector members as well as IRC Source Water and Sanitation News Service

3 3 Editions include: Source Bulletin - focus on special features - available in English, French and Spanish - quarterly publication - available in hard copy, PDF and via emailPDF Source Weekly - electronic news from the WASH sector - online publication, also distributed via email Wash News Blogs - Set up by IRC and partners - divided by themes, regions and resources - RSS feed and email distribution available

4 4 What your colleagues are saying: –“I have used the IRC information resources over the last several years…many thanks for your response” –“It has been a great help to us. Our company, Black & Veatch has initiated voluntary activities with Engineers Without Borders” –“… IRC is a great resource for such activities in developing countries” Room for improvement..? –Targeted features –Meet your needs; reflect sector developments at all levels –Increase distribution and subscription Source Water and Sanitation News Service

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