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French language Week in the United Arab Emirates PROGRAMME.

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1 French language Week in the United Arab Emirates PROGRAMME

2 French language Week in Abu Dhabi Monday, March 10th : Symposium «City, life, vision – Literary visions of cities» organized by the University Paris-Sorbonne Abu Dhabi at the General Women’s Union. Monday, March 16th: Mail Art Exhibition. Alliance Française, until March 23rd. Tuesday, March 17th: Competition « future genious» between schools at Rosary School at 4:30pm. Symposium «Fear of the Other» organized by the University Paris-Sorbonne Abu Dhabi. 1 pm to 5pm, Cultural Foundation. Wednesday, March 18th: Symposium «Fear of the Other» organized by the University Paris-Sorbonne Abu Dhabi. 9am to 5pm, Paris Sorbonne Abu Dhabi University. Saturday, March 21st: Meeting with Yasmina Khadra. Abu Dhabi Book Fair, 5.30 pm. Opera Gala Opening Concert of the 6th Abu Dhabi Music Festival. Emirates Palace, 8 pm. Sunday, March 22nd: Conference by Yasmina Khadra. Alliance Française, 8pm. Monday, March 23rd: Award ceremony for the Mail Art competition. Alliance Française, 6 pm. Film show «Sagan». Alliance Française, 8pm. Tuesday, March 24th: Award Ceremony for a poem competition. Alliance Française, 6pm. Wednesday, March 25th: Film show « Le petit Prince ». Alliance Française, 6pm. Pictures exhibition «Regards sur les pays francophones». Alliance Française, exhibition opening at 8pm.

3 French language Week in Al Ain Sunday, March 15th: Dictation competition. Alliance Française, 6 pm. Monday, March 16th: Opening of the French Week. Maqam Campus, UAEU, 11 am. Filmshow « Oui, je parle français ». Maqam Campus, UAEU, 11.30 am. Information on the higher studies in France by Céline Gaillard. Maqam Campus, UAEU, 12 am. Initiation to French Language. UAEU Fallaj Hazaa campus, 12 am and Maqam Campus, 3 pm. Exhibition opening of original photographies by Yann Baptiste Seweryn, Parimagination. From March 16 th to March 20 th, UAEU campus. Exhibition on sustainable development. Alliance Française, March 16 th to March 20 th. Tuesday, March 17th: Presentation of Esmod, the French Fashion University in Dubai, by Mrs Tamara Hostal, Associate director. Maqam Campus, UAEU, 11 am. Filmshow « Oui, je parle français ». Fallaj Hazaa campus, UAEU, 11:30 am. French buffet. Maqam Campus, UAEU, 12:30 am. Meeting and discussion with Yann-Baptiste Seweryn, the French photographer of Parimagination. Maqam Campus, UAEU, 1:30 pm. Projection of a French film. Maqam Campus, UAEU, 2 pm. Wednesday, March 18th: Poetry recital in Arabic and French by Charbel Elias. Maqam Campus, UAEU, 11 am and Fallaj Hazaa Campus, 2pm. Slide show : photographies of France. Maqam Campus,UAEU, 12:30 am. French buffet. Fallaj Hazaa campus UAEU, 12:30 am Projection of a French film. Maqam Campus, UAEU, 2 pm Thursday, March 19th: Symposium “Fear of the Other” by Sorbonne-Abu Dhabi University. UAEU, 10 am to 5:15pm. Dictation award ceremony. Alliance Française, 2 pm Friday, March 2Oth: Giant Karaoke. Choueifat School, 6 pm.

4 French language Week in Dubai Sunday, March 15th: Film projection “Bonjour Paris” by Cedric Klapisch. Alliance Française, 4 and 6.30 pm Last pick up of the poets mail box. Alliance Française, 6 pm. Exhibition of the poems selected and mailed by the members of Alliance Française on the theme “En rires”. Alliance Française, 7:30 pm. Monday, March 16th: Mail Art exhibition. Alliance Française, March 16 th to March 19 th. Wednesday, March 18th: Multiple cultural exchange at the Alliance Française during the evening: 1 st Act : The trials and tribulations of a chef. Three chefs reveal anecdotes about their work in Dubai. 2 nd Act : Live Celtic music with JRM band and Rory Allardice. Thursday, March 19th: Award Ceremony for the Mail Art competition. Alliance Française, 4.30 pm. Vernissage of the exhibition from Rachid Khimoune “Les enfants du monde”. Art Sawa, 6 pm to 9 pm. Exhibition until June 16 th. Saturday, March 21st: Story telling by Evelyne Revidat, for children from 6 to 9 years old. Alliance Française, 10:30 am to 12:30 am. Workshop related to story telling. Alliance Française, 2 pm to 5pm. Art workshop on the theme “Des mots pour demain”. Alliance Française, 3 pm to 5 pm. Opening of the exhibition "Words for tomorrow" with 3 performing artists exposing their work and creating. Alliance Française, 7:30pm. Monday, March 23rd: “Café-contes”. A story teller, E.Revidat, tells the tales of the Silk Road. Alliance Française, 7:30pm.

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