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1 02-09 Structure and Research

2 02-09 Excellence Initiative >>> Success Stories  “Simulation Technology” Excellence Cluster  “Advanced Manufacturing Engineering” Graduate School

3 02-09 Excellence Initiative >>> “Simulation Technology” Excellence Cluster Fields of research:  Molecular dynamics  Modern mechanics  Numerical mathematics  Systems analysis  Data management  Interactive visualisation and  high-performance computing  Integrative platform for reflection and evaluation

4 02-09 <<< Excellence Initiative “Advanced Manufacturing Engineering” Graduate School Fields of research:  Digital and virtual engineering  Management and information systems for production, materials and process development  Corporate networking  Intelligent production systems  Knowledge-based management  New business models and sustainability

5 02-09 Doctorates: International Programs >>> Graduate Schools and PhD Programs  Simulation Technology (English)  Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (English)  Advanced Solid State Science (English)  Analysis of intelligent systems considering coupled multi field problems (German, French)  Comparing Democratic Societies in Europe / CODESE (German, French and English)  Internationalisation of literature and science since early modern times (German, English)  PhD Program Environment Water/ ENWAT (English)

6 02-09 <<< Doctorates: International Programs Research Training Groups  Aero-thermodynamical design of a scramjet for future space transport systems  Non-linearities and upscaling in porous media  Linguistic representations and their interpretation

7 02-09 Collaborative Research Centres (SFB) and Transregios >>>  Spatial World Models for Mobile Context-aware Applications (SFB 627)  Selective Catalytic Oxidation of C-H Bonds with Molecular Oxygen (SFB 706)  Dynamic Simulation of Systems with Large Particle Numbers (SFB 716)  Incremental Specification in Context (SFB 732)

8 02-09 <<< Collaborative Research Centres (SFBs) and Transregios  Control of Quantum Correlations in Tailored Matter (Stuttgart/Tübingen/Ulm) (TR 21)  Fundamental Technologies for the Development of Future Space- Transport-System Components under High Thermal and Mechanical Loads (München/Aachen/Braunschweig/ Köln/Neubiberg/Stuttgart) (TR 40)  Tropfendynamische Prozesse unter extremen Umgebungsbedingungen (TR 75)

9 02-09 Transfer Units  Computer Aided Modelling and Simu- lation for Analysis, Synthesis and Operation in Process Engineering (TFB 66)

10 02-09 Research Units  Noise Generation in Turbulent Flow (FOR 508)  Multiscale Methods in Computational Mechanics (FOR 509)  Specific Predictive Maintenance of Machine Tools by Automated Condition Monitoring (FOR 639)  Positioning of Single Nanostructures – Single Quantum Devices (FOR 730)  Polarization Field Control in Nitride Light Emitters (Coordinator: University of Ulm) (FOR 957)

11 02-09 Doctorates: International Programs Research Training Groups  Nanowires and Nanotubes: from Controlled Synthesis to Function (1165)  Phonological and phonetic competence: between grammar, signal processing, and neural activity (1234)

12 02-09 Federal Projects Currently a total of 184 German federal projects are being conducted at the University of Stuttgart (Nov. 2009) Examples:  EPHQUAM A research project on innovative light sources for secure communication  VALIDATE Europe’s largest driving simulator will help to develop intelligent driver assistance systems to reduce fuel consumption.

13 02-09 EU Projects The most successful German university in the EU’s 6th Framework Program (184 projects from 2002-2006) Participation in FP7 (2007-2013): currently 80 projects (November 2009). Examples:  SYMBRION: Robotic evolutionary self-programming and self- assembling organisms  HAVE IT: Highly Automated Vehicles for Intelligent Transport  INTEG-RISK: Early recognition, monitoring and integrated management of emerging, new technology related risks

14 02-09 Inter-Faculty Research Structure 21 34 5 678910 FhG, MPI, DLR,... Industry Structural concept Research centres Centre for Cultural and Technological Studies Stuttgart School for Science & Technology Transfer centres

15 02-09 Main Fields of Research  Modelling and simulation technology  New materials  Complex systems and communication  Technology concepts and technology assessment  Sustainable energy supply and environment  Mobility  Design and technology of sustainable living spaces  Integrated product and production design

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