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 Team Members & Responsibilities › Adam Jackson  Primary hardware AES implementation  Coprocessor Interfacing › Daniel Risse (project “leader”)  Linux.

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2  Team Members & Responsibilities › Adam Jackson  Primary hardware AES implementation  Coprocessor Interfacing › Daniel Risse (project “leader”)  Linux installation on PPC440 on FPGA  Software configuration/building › Documentation and reporting duties shared

3  Motivation › AES can be greatly accelerated in hardware › Possible parallelism › Multiple tools can benefit from accelerated AES  Goal › AES coprocessor › Linux running on ml507 board › Accelerated instruction integration


5  128-bit data/key AES  Linux running on ml507 board  Accelerated instruction integration  Complete Paper and Presentation Slides  Submit Final Paper  Final Presentation/Demo

6  Implementation › AES data width greater than APU bus width › Difficulty of installing/running Linux kernel on PPC › Difficulty of configuration and cross-compilation › Difficulty of integrating accelerated instructions into existing software  Conceptual › AES Algorithm › Cross-compilation › Open-source code modification

7  128-bit case › Data to encrypt is 4x4 matrix of bytes › Iterate through rounds  Substitute each byte  Lookup-table of “S-boxes”  Rotate-shift bytes within each row  Mix Columns  XOR each byte with round-key  Round keys derived from key-schedule algorithm › Final Round  Same as other rounds, but omits column-mixing  Decryption is the inverse algorithm using the same key








15  Clone git trees from Xilinx  Setup build environment (assumes ELDK)  Configure and make Linux kernel image  Load hardware BIT file onto FPGA  Use XMD to connect to PPC and upload ELF file, run  Cross-compile custom software on host machine with statically-linked libraries  Upload to Linux on PPC via FTP  Can interact with Linux on PPC via minicom or telnet

16  Integrate accelerated AES into other applications like SCP/SFTP, SSH, SSL/TLS  Integrate software into Linux image build (persistence)

17  [1] Xilinx, ”Embedded Processor Block in Virtex-5 FPGAs, Reference Guide,” Jan. 20, 2009, [Online] Available: guides/ug200.pdf  [2] National Institutue of Standards and Technology, ”Federal Information Processing Standard 197, Announcing the AES ENCRYPTION STANDARD,” Available: 197.pdf  [3] W. Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003, pp. 133, 139-171.  [4] ”Configuring, Building and Loading PowerPC Linux,” Oct. 6, 2009. [Online] Available: [Accessed: Dec. 9, 2009]  [5] Wikipedia, ”Advanced Encryption Standard,” Dec. 8, 2009. [Online] Available: Encryption Standard [Accessed: Oct. 22, 2009]

18  Questions?

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