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Status: EPICS on Xilinx FGPAs Peter Zumbruch GSI.

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1 Status: EPICS on Xilinx FGPAs Peter Zumbruch GSI

2 April 17, 2008 Status: EPICS on Xilinx FPGA - Peter Zumbruch, GSI 2 Strategy Hardware ML403 Based on VMware image provided by KIP (N.Abel) containing all necessary Tools Xilinx ISE 8.2 necessary IP cores (later) uClinux running on ML403 (N.Abel)

3 April 17, 2008 Status: EPICS on Xilinx FPGA - Peter Zumbruch, GSI 3 Strategy (2) Install EPICS on/in image Compile locally EPICS develop configuration files for cross compile ppc architecture uClinux OS cross compile EPICS for ppc/os EPICS base IOC, (one) i.e. (static) executable

4 April 17, 2008 Status: EPICS on Xilinx FPGA - Peter Zumbruch, GSI 4 Strategy (3) Include this into image to upload to FPGA Tests IOC locally IOC remote access move to other Virtex 4 platforms

5 April 17, 2008 Status: EPICS on Xilinx FPGA - Peter Zumbruch, GSI 5 Status Hardware ML403 Based on VMware image Ethernet IP core license (invalid license) uClinux running on ML403 (N.Abel)

6 April 17, 2008 Status: EPICS on Xilinx FPGA - Peter Zumbruch, GSI 6 Status (2) Install EPICS on/in image Compile locally EPICS : prepared/in test) develop configuration files for cross compile ( : prepared/in test) ppc architecture uClinux OS cross compile EPICS for ppc/os which compiler to use?

7 April 17, 2008 Status: EPICS on Xilinx FPGA - Peter Zumbruch, GSI 7 Details: Configuration Files EPICS Build systems uses sets of CONFIG files (Makefiles included in build process) to define necessary informations -I, isystem -L CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, FLAGS (CROSS)-COMPILER HOST/TARGET OS... prepared for linux-x86.uClinux-ppc405

8 April 17, 2008 Status: EPICS on Xilinx FPGA - Peter Zumbruch, GSI 8 Details: Cross Compiler Two different gcc-based configurations available: Xilinx EDK powerpc-eabi-{gcc,g++,ar,ld} 3.4.1 uClinux Distribution powerpc-linux-uclibc-gcc no g++ available (Toolchain not in VMware image) 3.4.2

9 April 17, 2008 Status: EPICS on Xilinx FPGA - Peter Zumbruch, GSI 9 Details: Cross Compiler - Problems configurations differ (gcc/g++ –v) eabi Thread model nfp with- newlib with- cpu:405 with- headers with- float=soft c++ disable- nls with- gnu-ld EDK single uClib?posix powerpc-eabi-{gcc,g++,ar,ld} doesn't find cc1, cc0 when compiling

10 April 17, 2008 Status: EPICS on Xilinx FPGA - Peter Zumbruch, GSI 10 Problems (2) If cross-compile succeeded... get knowledge how to get back to FPGA...

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