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PERL International Conference: A Decade of Responsible Living: Preparing, Engaging, Responding and Learning Redesign of the French National Agenda 21 policy.

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Presentation on theme: "PERL International Conference: A Decade of Responsible Living: Preparing, Engaging, Responding and Learning Redesign of the French National Agenda 21 policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 PERL International Conference: A Decade of Responsible Living: Preparing, Engaging, Responding and Learning Redesign of the French National Agenda 21 policy. François Jégou Strategic Design Scenario Email: Christophe Gouache Strategic Design Scenario Email: Sandrine Fournis French Ministry of Environment, Sustainable Development and Energy Email:

2 2 How a design-driven approach can support participative policy making? Agenda 21 Local France national recognition policy: a criticized and sucesfull process…

3 3 11 NATIONAL AND REGIONAL WORKGROUPS 150 INSTITUTIONS AND 250 CO-DESIGN MEN-DAYS OF ENGAGED STAKEHOLDERS CO-DESIGN …organizing a logistic process at national scale …the progressive redesign of the new recognition process as a backbone and articulation for the 11 workgroups

4 4 DOING BEFORE THINKING …implementing new practices before discussing them …mock-up of an online contributive mapping process to pass from a top- down national coaching to peer-to-peer between resources and stakehollders

5 5 EXPERIMENTATION …iterative co-elaboration of a visioning toolbox …5 loops of piloting and up-grading with different territories/governance levels to fine tune the toolbox

6 6 SIMULATION …realistic mock-ups to stimulate the strategic conversation …a fake advertisement campaign to explore with stakeholders possible shift of the image and perception of Agenda 21 processes

7 7 QUICK PROTOTYPING …quick and not too dirty to try before to deploy …a new portal based only on republication of contents posted by the regional and local levels to test a national posture of brokers between territories

8 8 DIFFUSION …an exhibition reporting format to facilitate dissemination …progresses and outputs presented as a set of manifestos to be used in exhibition format and display supports for ambassadors on the territories

9 9 Elements of conclusion: A national level looking for a new posture: from top-down command and control to a broker? A lighter, more flexible and bold process including any systemic sustainable development territorial project? Design-driven approach both as a tool and a mean for policy making?

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