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Published byJocelyn Todd Modified over 9 years ago
P4ITS Meeting #6 Giacomo Somma Project coordinator
Benef. numberBenef. short-nameFirst nameFamily name 1ERTICOGiacomoSomma 2NDRLasseStender 3ATE BiancaKapl 3ATE MartinBöhm 4ASFINAG BernhardJelinek 5VLJozefCannaerts 7CTAGJose ManuelMartinez 8FTAKariHiltunen 9VTTSatuInnamaa 10ÉARDAMelindaMátrai 11ITS BretagneImadFhail 13LISTChristopheFeltus 15LIGURIA CristinaBattaglia 15LIGURIA JacopoRiccardi 15LIGURIA SilviaRisso 16TOPOS (CEREMA)Jean-Philippe Méchin APHighways EnglandIanChalmers Participants list Excused 6VIGO 12VERONA 14ITS Sweden (STA) 17OHLC
Meeting objectives and agenda
P4ITS objectives (second year) Overall project objectives Mutual learning and training Set up an external consultation process Raise awareness on PPI in C-ITS purchasers Propose key recommendations (guidelines) for PPI in C-ITS Consolidate P4ITS into a sustainable longer-term network Specific WP4 objectives (M13 – M18) Interact with external stakeholders on the network's discussion paper Collect feedback Input the consolidated feedback in the network's work plan Specific WP5 objectives (M19 – M24) Trigger in-depth discussion on the updated identified barriers, or new topics identified Prepare draft key recommendations/guidelines
P4ITS Meeting #5, Brussels, 3-4.02.2015 Main outcomes of Meeting #5: Agreement on external consultation: expectations, feedback to be collected, stakeholders to be invited, consultation timeline (online survey & workshop), organisation & objectives of the workshop in Vienna; New draft of the Discussion paper (D3.2); Update on next meetings & work-plan. Meeting #5 follow-up: Annual Review follow-up: D1.2: re-submitted early February and approved by the EC; D3.2: finalised, submitted to the EC and published on P4ITS website late February; External consultation: Questionnaire prepared & published on Surveymonkey early March; Invitation sent by P4ITS coordinator mid-March (for both online survey & workshop) to 174 contacts from public authorities and research establishments (projects Compass4D, CHARM, SYNCRO, TIDE and V-CON as well as ERTICO partners); invitation sent also by other P4ITS partners to their own contacts; Reminders & agenda sent in April-May. Survey results analysed and presented at the workshop.
Objectives of P4ITS Meeting #6 Task 4.2 - Identification of potential enablers and discussion topics update Based on feedback received, identify PPI enablers remaining realistic in the scale of their potential achievement (e.g. aligning competition laws in all MS is not considered as a realistic enabler) Identify which points could be effectively addressed through a concerted approach and which will have realistically the highest impact, thus leading to update network discussion topics Prepare related deliverables: –D4.1 – WP4 external meetings proceedings and feedback (due date: M18) –D4.2 – Updated network topics description (due date: M18) Prepare the work plan of the second analysis phase (WP5) and update meetings planning for 2016. In addition: Prepare the final event at the ITS World Congress (presentation of first recommendations) Prepare P4ITS towards a sustainable longer-term network (new partners, funding opportunities, etc.) Provide the EC with feedback on identified PPI bottlenecks to highlight funding needs for the key areas, where action could be needed to supplement regional and national instruments
Agenda of P4ITS Meeting #6 Day 1 – Thursday, 21 May 2015 08:30Arrival of the participants 09:00 – 09:10Opening and welcome 09:10 – 09:30 Meeting objectives and agenda Network management and status overview 09:30 – 11:00 Session 1: Presentations (10 minutes each): Outcomes of the external consultation (WG moderators) CHARM project (I. Chalmers, Highways England) External consultation wrap-up and conclusions 11:00 – 11:30Coffee break 11:30 – 12:30 Session 2: Identification of potential enablers 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch 13:30 – 17:00 Session 2 (continued) Identification of potential enablers Updated network topics description and work plan (D4.2) 17:30City tour organised by ASFINAG 19:00Network dinner
Agenda of P4ITS Meeting #6 Day 2 – Friday, 22 May 2015 09:00 – 11:00 Session 2 (continued) Updated network topics description and work plan (D4.2) 11:00 – 11:30Coffee break 11:30 – 12:30 Session 3: Preparation for the second analysis phase Partnership enlargement towards a sustainable longer-term network Preparation of the final event at the ITS World Congress Update of work plan, next steps and next meetings 12:30 – 13:00 Presentation: C-ITS Status (Alex Frötscher, ATE) Questions & Answers 13:00 End of the meeting
Network management status overview
Associated Partners update UK Highways Agency Highways England New associated partner: ITS Spain New candidate: DG Traffic Spain Other potential Associated Partners? –SYNCRO project: the coordinator (Jean-Christophe Maisonobe, Conseil Général de l’Isère, FR) did not follow-up on initial interest; –V-CON project: the coordinator (Benno Koehorst, Rijkswaterstaat, NL) did not react to invitation; –Others from External Consultation?
Amendment: not needed No changes needed to Annex I Done for LIST and VTT in March via UTRO procedure
Second annual Review Date & place: 21 January 2016 from 10:00 to 13:30 CET at DG CNECT premises in Brussels (B) Any objection with independent experts? NO objections (also by absent partners). Daniel Gaultier: Actually retired; former Director of European programs at SAGEM DS (FR). Expertise in road automation, ADAS and HMI. Reviewer and evaluator of procurement actions. Francesco Fionda: Project Manager at the Regional Public Authority of the Aosta Valley, Italy. Expertise in open innovation, PPI and PCP, support for innovation and technology transfer, cross-border cooperation, Living Labs for intelligent mobility and e-health. Participation to Review: EC project officer, two independent experts, P4ITS coordinator, others? In 2014, the P4ITS Management Team (except ATE) participated to the Review, but WP leaders asked me to carry out alone the 2 nd annual Review, which I am reluctant to do as specific competencies on public procurement, legal aspects and technical ITS aspects lie with the partners. Thus, I need to ask each partner to delegate me to carry out alone the next Review. Do you want to participate in the 2 nd annual Review or to delegate the coordinator, ERTICO (G. Somma) to participate in it alone on behalf of the P4ITS consortium? Physical or remote Review: decided for physical Review in Brussels with 13 votes in favour (9 votes at the meeting plus 4 via email after the meeting) vs. 4 votes in favour of a remote review; Delegate the coordinator: ASFINAG, ATE, FTA, ÉARDA, ITSB, LIGURIA, LIST, OHLC, TOPOS (CEREMA), VL, VTT and – after the meeting – VIGO, VERONA, ITS Sweden (STA), OHLC; Participate with coordinator: NDR, CTAG.
CHARM PCP project, Ian Chalmers, Highways England C-ITS Status, Alex Frötscher, AustriaTech
WG sessions on 21 May (continued from workshop on 20 May)
Working Group participants OrganisationFirst name Family name Working Group 1 "PPI approaches, IPR & legal aspects" Working Group 2 "Major PPI challenges & mitigation plans" Working Group 3 "PPI and (Cooperative) ITS" ASFINAG BernhardJelinekX AustriaTech BiancaKaplX AustriaTech MartinBoehmX CTAG José M.MartínezX ÉARDA MelindaMátraiX ERTICO GiacomoSommaX Finnish Transport Agency KariHiltunenX Highways England IanChalmersX ITS Bretagne ImadFHAILX LIST ChristopheFeltusX North Denmark Region LasseStenderX Regione Liguria CristinaBattagliaX Regione Liguria JacopoRiccardiX Regione Liguria SilviaRissoX TOPOS / CEREMA Jean-PhilippeMéchinX VTT SatuInnamaaX VL JozsefCannaertsX Total557
Next steps
Objectives P4ITS Meeting #6 Meeting #7 Task 4.2 - Identification of potential enablers and discussion topics update (end M18) Based on feedback received, identify PPI enablers remaining realistic in the scale of their potential achievement (e.g. aligning competition laws in all MS is not considered as a realistic enabler) Identify which points could be effectively addressed through a concerted approach and which will have realistically the highest impact, thus leading to update network discussion topics Prepare the work plan of the second analysis phase (WP5) and update meetings planning for 2016. In addition: Prepare the final event at the ITS World Congress (presentation of first recommendations) Prepare P4ITS towards a sustainable longer-term network (new partners, funding opportunities, etc.) –Check other PPI / C-ITS projects, French Ministry Provide the EC with feedback on identified PPI bottlenecks to highlight funding needs for the key areas, where action could be needed to supplement regional and national instruments
WP5: 2 nd analysis phase WP5 objectives (M19 – M24): Trigger in-depth discussion on the updated identified barriers, or new topics identified Prepare draft key recommendations/guidelines Task 5.1 - Analysis of the updated discussion points/enablers The network will hold a meeting (Helsinki, 15-16 Sep 2015) to move forward on the identified enablers. Network partners will have to: –process external feedback and provide a possible answer to realise the enablers; –have a close look at the latest PPI experiences and actual cases –look at the legal context, evolved with the entry into force of the new public procurement directives Task 5.2 - Towards the delivery of recommendations The network will hold a meeting (Genoa, 2-3 Dec 2015) to discuss potential recommendations. Partners should identify items where a consensus and a consolidated approach can be reached, and can have a positive impact for the market deployment of cooperative ITS. Partners should produce a short internal report summarising the rationale behind the production of recommendations, and a draft structure of the recommendations deliverable to be documented into written meetings proceedings, and made publicly available.
Work plan update & next meetings Revision of work plan confirmed as agreed in Meeting #2, i.e. meeting planned in Dec. 2014 is cancelled Next meetings: 1,5 day meeting as follows: –Day 1 will be a full day (9:00-17:00) –Day 2 will be a half day (9:00-14:00) Meeting #7 15-16 September 2015, Helsinki, Finland (hosted by VTT) Meeting #8 2-3 December 2015, Genoa, Italy (hosted by Regione Liguria) Meeting #9 Feb 2016 (date, venue and host to be defined) Meeting #10 May 2016 (date, venue and host to be defined)
Dissemination Article on Cities Today Special edition + ITS WC (thanks to CTAG and Regione Liguria for their inputs) Invitation by Innovation Unit of DG CNECT to present P4ITS at the Workshop on Innovation Procurement on 13/10/2015 between the hours 14:30-17:00 in Brussels. The focus is on how to modernize transport services through a smart combination of Innovation Procurement and ICT. This event is hosted by DG Regio in the frame of the Open Days organised every year and attracts the interest of relevant regional and municipal stakeholders since it tackles issues related to the regional policy. More info on the following link: Other news, events, publications, …? Pls provide inputs for website update Inputs? suggestions? Please send them to
Final Event @ the ITS WC in Bordeaux on Tuesday, 6 October 2015 at 13:30 - 15:00 CET
Recommandations to EC Raise awareness on PPI as procurement approach: –PPI not to be considered strictly as a instrument but rather as an approach –Due to lack of knowledge on PPI, there is a need to create culture of using new procurement tools / approaches and to build new experience on available instruments (through NCPs, funding for training,...) –Strategic awareness need has not been seen and understood yet: innovation procurement has been addressed at lower level (i.e., technical, procedural, but not at decision making level) decision makers are not interested into technical or legal aspects, but about impact and benefits (value for money); EC needs to approach the high level decision makers (see e.g., the Budapest meeting) –Need to monitor and evaluate best practices in PPI and demonstrate PPI benefits –Harmonised procurement is needed to create an European market for interoperable, harmonised ITS products and services Create joint, overall strategy for C-ITS policy –C-ITS strategy on European level (e.g., white book) –Policy as basis for coordinated initiatives from different DGs ( MOVE, CONNECT, Enterprise) related to C-ITS –C-ITS roadmap –The deployment process has already started, it is too late for PPI in day-1 C-ITS, but: PPI approach could be quicker than traditional R&D programs & financing (see table by P4ITS Working Group 3) PPI could be good option for the day-2 C-ITS Funding mechanisms: –Look into making the length of the granting period flexible, to match the innovation time span with practitioners / project needs –Allow integration of PPI in EU / national funding calls (CEF, H2020, etc.) –Allow faster deployment for innovative products / services / solutions –Allow better harmonisation / cooperation with other C-ITS projects
PPI enablers To be elaborated at Meeting #7
Key points for a concerted approach To be elaborated at Meeting #7
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