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Get Noticed With An Interactive Resume Get started by clicking here! Millions of resumes are reviewed every year! How do you get noticed by a future employer?

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Presentation on theme: "Get Noticed With An Interactive Resume Get started by clicking here! Millions of resumes are reviewed every year! How do you get noticed by a future employer?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Get Noticed With An Interactive Resume Get started by clicking here! Millions of resumes are reviewed every year! How do you get noticed by a future employer? How do you stand out and be different? How do you engage your audience? One answer: make your resume interactive. Bob submitted his paper resume for his dream job and never heard back. Nancy emailed her interactive resume and got a call the next day! Moral of the story? (Click to find out)

2 Starting at the End Since the idea of an interactive may not be commonly understood, we will start by showing how you can take a static resume and turn it into an interactive one.

3 From Static to Interactive EXPERIENCE ● Utah State University Instructional Technology Department: Research Assistant. Worked with a team in developing a virtual world using OpenSim 3D server to research online environments for distance education. Principal designer of environment. (2011) (Click to Show / Click to Hide) ● & President. In one year designed, setup these 2 sites. Established over 600 pages of Content. Managed PPC campaigns. Over 25,000 visitors a month. Hired, trained and managed small staff. (2010-Present) (Show/Hide) ● Site Manager. Oversaw a team of programmers and designers. Improved traffic from 1,000 to 15,000 visitors/ month using search engine optimization (SEO), link building, and social networking. Redesigned website & logo for increased profitability. (2006-2011) (Show / Hide) ● Site Manager. Made frequent updates to the site and successfully transferred site to a WordPress platform with a redesign. Trained staff on using admin section. (2009-2011) (Show / Hide) A really good resume does more than just make claims, a good resume backs these claims up with examples or specifics. The trouble is that adding this to a paper resume can make it very cluttered, busy, and really long. With an interactive resume, you allow the reviewer the opportunity to click on elements of your resume to see more specifics they are interested in. (Notice how we used animations in PowerPoint to enable examples to pop up when clicked. This is an example of how you can add more details to your interactive resume)

4 Example of a Formatted Resume Most resumes are broken up into three parts: Click for example

5 Formatting a Resume It is important to arrange your resume so the information is easy to process. – Use headings to section your resume into important parts – Use bullet points to organize the information under the headings – Italics and bolding can be used to help make the text easier to read. – Using capitalization to help readability

6 Bullet Points Help to Organize Information Click here for example

7 Example of Formatted Resume Resumes can look different but each have resume has similar elements Click for example

8 Bolding and Italics A common problem in creating a resume is a lack of space. It is important to be able to fit the information you need to onto one page but still make it easy to read. Click for an example solution? Note: The above example used bold text for the company name, italics for the job title and dates, and then regular text for duties. This way, a lot of information becomes easier to interpret and read.

9 What makes a good interactive resume? Click for detailed information Multimedia Navigation Communication Accessibility

10 The function of navigation is to navigate between different sections in a resume Click for detailed information From Point A to Point B Links

11 Click for Experience Click for Educational &Accomplishment

12 Links means the connections to another locations Click the button on the right to download OpenSim 3D Link Click Example

13 Communication How can I use my interactive resume to communicate with others? An important part of any interactive resume is your contact information. There are several ways you can increase interaction with other people from your interactive resume. Listing your contact information Creating a contact form Public Forum The obvious thing you could do is list your contact information outright in plain site for everyone to see. A contact form does a really good job of protecting your contact info while giving people as easy way to contact you. A public forum is another highly visible to display two way conversations with multiple people. It can be used to many different applications. Click the buttons to find out more about these different options. Visible List Contact Form Public Forum

14 Communication Listing your contact information Adding your contact information in plain sight might seem like the obvious choice but here are some things to consider before you make that decision: Do you what to potentially share your email address or other personal contact information with the whole world? Be aware that there are spam bots that search web pages for email addresses and have the ability to harvest, use, or sell your information to others. Communication

15 Contact Forms A contact form is basically a form for people to fill out that wish to contact you. They enter their contact information into the form and send the message your email without ever knowing any of your contact information. Click here for an example of a contact form Communication

16 Public Forum By adding a some sort of public forum to your interactive resume allows you to have two way communication visible for everyone to see. This can be helpful for in many different ways but might not be appropriate for everybody. Think about some of the reasons about why or why not you would want to display this communication. It would probably make sense to have some sort of control over what people post to your forum. Displaying negative or inappropriate content would probably not be wise. Most public forms have setting that you the administrator can preview postings before they actually appear on the site. Click here for an example of a public forum Communication

17 Let’s apply some of what we have learned about communicating with an interactive resume. 1. What communication tool would you use for visible two way communication? 2. Using which tool would be a good way to communicate without sharing your contact information? 3. True of False: It always a good idea to have your contact information easily visible for everyone to see? Visible List Contact Forum Public Forum Visible List Contact Forum Public Forum TRUE FALSE That’s correct! Oops, try again. Communication

18 How Can Multimedia Help My resume? One of the advantages of an interactive resume is the ability to include multimedia. To modify a common saying: “Multimedia says a thousand words” Tell me how multimedia can be advantageous? (Click here) Multimedia can bridge the gap between saying and showing. It is one thing to claim you can compose beautiful pictures, code webpages, edit video, or design houses but what if you could link your words with examples? Then you would be able to engage your audience and support your claims. Interested? Go to the next page for more information Interested? Go to the next page for more information Interested? Go to the next page for more information Interested? Go to the next page for more information

19 Overview However, we will go over some major multimedia options you might consider using to make your resume interactive. As you review the options for multimedia, think of how you could apply them in your resume for your specific job application. (Click icon to continue) Q: What would be appropriate multimedia to use in my resume? A: This question does not have an easy answer, because it depends on the type of job.

20 Multimedia Video Photo Animation Audio Click on one of the boxes below for more information. Multimedia Menu

21 Photos What makes photos in a resume advantageous? Easy to use Quick to put together Embeddable in many types of documents Most frequently used in portfolios Challenges behind using photos in a resume? Large images will cause your resume to be too large to email Debatable whether you should send a picture of yourself Too few of images might not demonstrate your full skills Example Multimedia


23 Videos What makes videos in a resume advantageous? Provides one file that can include a variety of information (pictures, music, talking points etc.) Ability to upload to video sites (like YouTube for quick referencing and easy access) More captivating than other types of media Ability to email a link or embed in a PowerPoint Challenges behind using videos in a resume? Videos can take a lot of time to edit Will need an easy link or a USB if handing in a paper resume Videos can be large unless they are compressed Too long of a video could be intimidating to the reviewer Making a concise, informative, and engaging video is challenging Video Example Multimedia

24 Audio What makes audio in a resume advantageous? If you were a musician or vocalist, audio is critical Allowing the reviewer to access further demonstrations of your skills might make the difference in being hired Linkable, embeddable, and emailable Challenges behind using audio in a resume? Not as engaging as other media Making sure the use of audio is appropriate Might need to deliver a CD, USB, or an easy to access website to ensure the resume reviewer can access it Click icon for audio example Multimedia

25 Animation What makes animation in a resume advantageous? The ability to tell a story using animation Easy to engage your audience Stand out with cutting edge technology Provide an interactive opportunity by allowing users to click around and interface with the animation Challenges behind using animation in a resume? Making sure the animation will be accessible (i.e. will mobile devices be able to view the animation if its Flash)? Time consuming Difficult to link and embed (compared embedding a photo, or linking a video) Example Multimedia

26 Accessibility Making your resume easily accessible to employers and others improves the chances of being noticed. Having an accessible resume also allows you to quickly send or retrieve it upon demand. Making it public online may bring the employer to you. How Can I Make My Resume Accessible? A PDF File Using Google Docs Word Press Taking Advantage of Social Media

27 Accessibility Google Docs Google Docs PDF Social Media Social Media Word Press Word Press Click on one of the boxes below for more information.

28 PDF What are benefits of using creating a PDF resume? Creates an electronic file that can easily be emailed or stored PDF’s are easy to post online PDF’S retain all the formatting A PDF file attachment is accessible across computer platforms. Your email recipient, whether using a PC (Windows or Linux) or a Mac, will be able to open and read your PDF resume. Viruses can't hide in the text of the PDF file. For that reason, a PDF resume is considered a safer email attachment than those of application software. A PDF file isn't as vulnerable to the same level of plagiary or manipulation or editing as compared to a Word file Accessibility

29 Exporting a PDF in Word To ensure your resume keeps its format, export it to a PDF Click each step to see a corresponding image 1. Click the file tab and select the “Save As” option 2. In the “Save As” dialogue box, select the PDF option and click save

30 Google Docs Why Use Google Docs? Keys words in the resume get picked up by search Engines Easily link to your resume Have access to your resume 24/7 Collaborate with others about your resume Can embed into your own website Accessibility

31 Host Your Resume on Google Docs Step 1: Go to the Google Docs page ( and sign in. Sign up is Free if you don’t already have an Step 2: Once logged in click the upload button.

32 Host Your Resume on Google Docs Step 3: Click on the Browse button to upload your resume after you have selected your resume file. Step 4: Select your conversion options. It is recommend converting the document to the Google Doc format, so you can make edits to your resume on Google Docs. Additionally but converting to the Google Doc format, you will be able to publish your Google Doc to the Web, making it able to be indexed by the Google search engine. This allows employers and recruiters to find you online.

33 Host Your Resume on Google Docs Step 5: While keeping your setting at Private, select your destination folder. Step 6: To upload and convert your file to a Google Docs document click the Start Upload button.

34 Host Your Resume on Google Docs Step 7: Click the link with the title of your resume to view the document. Changes can now be made like they would be in a word processor. Step 8: Now that your resume is complete you can choose your sharing options by clicking the Share button in the upper right corner.

35 Host Your Resume on Google Docs Step 9: Choose your publishing options. Option A: You may elect to Share with a inner circle of colleagues’. Select Sharing Settings options and enter appropriate information for the people you wish to grant access. Option B: Or You may choose to publish to the Web. This will automatically republish whenever you save changes. Your resume is now published online. You can embed your resume into web pages and anyone with a direct link to your resume can view it.

36 Host Your Resume on Google Docs Step 10: To make your resume searchable by Google click on the Share button in the upper right. To change restricted access, click “Change under Permissions. In the “Sharing settings” box select the "Public on the web" option.

37 Word Press What can Word Press can offer? Provides one file that can include a variety of information (pictures, music, talking points etc.) Ability to upload to video sites (like YouTube for quick referencing and easy access) More captivating than other types of media Can easily be updated or accessed from different computers. So you don’t need the original files to update elements why out and about. Accessibility

38 Linking a PDF in WordPress Step 1: Click the 4 th icon next to the Upload/Insert text Step 2: Click “Select Files” Click each step to see a corresponding image Step 3: Put the text for the hyperlink in the title field and click “Insert into Post” Step 4: The title of the previous step becomes a hyperlink to Your resume:

39 Posting your resume to WordPress Step 1- Go to Click on thebutton to create your site Step 2 – Setting up your account Keep in mind that this is the web address you will give out to people who you want to see your resume. What do you want you site URL to be?

40 Step 3 – Username/password and email Fill out the rest of the form Make your username is something you can remember and create a strong password. Enter a valid email You must check your email and validate your account before you can use it Now that your wordpress site is setup let’s look at customizing it

41 Step 4 – Customizing the site The first page you will see is the dashboard. Click here to see the dashboard

42 When customizing your site it will be helpful to have one window opened to your dashboard and another window opened to your site url. That way after you save changes in the dashboard, you can you can view the other window and refresh the page to see the changes. Dashboard  Site URL 

43 When customizing your site it will be helpful to have one window opened to your dashboard and another window opened to your site url. That way after you save changes in the dashboard, you can you can view the other window and refresh the page to see the changes. Click here to swap the screens

44 OK, let’s change the title and add or delete the tagline In the dashboard hover over the settings tab and click on the general in the dashboard menu Type in your title and add or delete the tagline and click the save changes button at the bottom. Click here to see changes 

45 Step 5 – Changing the home page to resume page In the dashboard hover over the appearance tab and select Menus Menu name: Resume Click create menu Theme locations – change Primary Navigation to Resume Pages – Check the about box and click add to menu button Save Menu Click here to see the changes Make the following changes to the menu page

46 Step 6 - Adding your resume In the dashboard hover over pages and click on all pages Change the name from about to Resume or leave blank Copy the text of your resume and paste it into the text box Click to see the results *Hint – pressing thebutton will show another editing menu  Try clicking The button That’s it, you’re done with this section

47 Social Media What go viral? Use all the channels available to you to put yourself in front of recruiters. Using Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn as a means to give updates on your career or connect with other professionals It leaves an impression and can make you more memorable as a candidate. Since companies are screening candidates through social media, make sure your online profiles are either professional facing or locked for outside viewing. Accessibility

48 Creating your own resume Let’s apply some of what we have learned about resumes for yourself. You decide what interactive elements you want to include on your resume. 1. Did you remember to use the proper formatting and bulleting in your resume? 2. What interactive elements will you include? Bullet Points Formatting Multimedia Communication Navigation Bolding & Italics Accessibility

49 Creating your own resume Now that you have had a refresher course on your options for a interactive resume please post it on our wiki page. 1- Create your own resume offline and post it to our wiki. 2- 3- 4-Add text, highlight the text, and then click on file tab. 5-Upload the file. 6- Click save. Be Happy!, You’re Done! :’)


51 Congratulations! You have finished! Thank you! *TitanSquad Start Over

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