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Specialisations: DIRS (Distributed Application Engineering) NPM (Network Planning & Management) Institute of Electronic Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Specialisations: DIRS (Distributed Application Engineering) NPM (Network Planning & Management) Institute of Electronic Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Specialisations: DIRS (Distributed Application Engineering) NPM (Network Planning & Management) Institute of Electronic Systems

2 Communication Networks Basic Wireless Communication Technology Basic Stationary Communication Technology Distributed Systems Network Management Network Planning Network Management Master Thesis 6. sem 7. sem 8. sem 9. sem 10. sem Communication Network Line Distributed Application Engineering Network Planning & Management Specialisations

3 Theme: Network Management. Objective: To provide knowledge of network management methodologies within telecommunication systems in general. To provide understanding of how existing policies influence the efficiency and service profile of telecommunication systems. To enable student to analyse and design functioning management systems for communication purposes. 8. Semester: Distributed Application Engineering & Network Planning and Management

4 Courses: 8. Semester: Distributed Application Engineering & Network Planning and Management

5 Data Collection System The XBC (X Broadband Company) is an imaginary ISP (Internet Service Provider) based in Denmark. Its strategy is to reach a customer base of some 2 million Internet customers. It has been decided to investigate the feasibility of changing from flat-rate charging to volume based charging, where customers pay a fixed subscription fee for the basic subscription and in addition pays for the amount of data transmitted. In order to support volume based accounting it is needed to have a data collection system which can reliably keep track of the volume of data transmitted by each customer. According to the OSS (Operations Support System) architecture recommended by TeleManagement Forum, such data collection system is useful for supporting other features such as performance management an QoS (Quality of Service) assurance. Therefore XBC wants to undertake a feasibility study to determine the system needed to support such data collection and in particular to establish the expected cost such a system would incur to be able to handle the expected number of customers. The feasibility study should also determine if there are any inexpensive spin-offs to be achieved in supporting additional features than the mere volume based accounting. The XBC broadband network is based on access servers from Cisco (or Juniper, Redback … if the group prefers these alternatives). 8. Semester: Projects: examples Distributed Application Engineering & Network Planning and Management

6 Inventory Tracking System The XBC (X Broadband Company) is an imaginary network operator based in Denmark. It is providing DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) services to the Danish population. The DSL services are based on the use of DSLAMs (DSL Access Multiplexer) connected via an ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) network to B-RAS (Broadband Remote Access Servers), providing the access to the XBC IP network. The XBC has a problem with keeping track of the equipment and resources allocated to customers. Therefore XBC want to implement an Inventory Tracking System which can correlate the equipment and resources allocated to customers with the equipment and resources actually deployed in the network. The purpose of such a system is to identify stranded assets and to support a roll-out of network equipment and resources witch is optimal in respect to the growth rate of the customer base. The project should develop a system design and a business case for such a system, i.e. develop the specification needed for management to decide on the actual realisation of the system. 8. Semester: Projects: examples Distributed Application Engineering & Network Planning and Management

7 Traffic and Performance Modeling in GPRS Networks Goal of this project is to investigate traffic models for GPRS networks and subsequently use them in simple performance models for network planning purposes. In cooperation with a local operator actual traffic data should be analysed and this analysis should impact the choice of the traffic models and the parameter estimation. Possible steps: Analysis of GPRS architecture and performance impacting factors; Survey of applications and traffic models for wired IP scenarios Analysis of traffic data from operator network with respect to selected properties Traffic model(s) selection and parameter fitting Application of traffic models in the scope of simple performance models for network planning purposes 8. Semester: Projects: examples Distributed Application Engineering & Network Planning and Management

8 Traffic Engineering with MPLS Goal of this project is to investigate the usability of MPLS traffic engineering in static and dynamic scenarios. Practical experience with the establishment of such paths (set-up delays, etc.) and with corresponding traffic engineering methods should be obtained in a n experimental set-up using the CISCO routers in the IPLab experimental network ( Possible steps: Survey of MPLS traffic engineering approaches; analysis of MPLS configuration possibilities in the experimental network Development of concepts for static and dynamic traffic engineering with MPLS Theoretical/Simulation analysis of the concept Implementation of s sub-part in the experimental network Development and Documentation of a show-case 8. Semester: Projects: examples Distributed Application Engineering & Network Planning and Management

9 Theme: Distributed Systems FP9-4 Hybrid Systems FP9-13Analysis and Design of Fault Tolerant Distributed Real-Time Systems CN9-6Discrete Event Systems CN9-4Traffic analysis 2 10. Semester: Master Tesis 9. Semester: Distributed Application Engineering

10 Theme: Network Planning FP9-13Analysis and Design of Fault Tolerant Distributed Real-Time Systems CN9-1 Network Modelling Tools CN9-2Network Planning Tools CN9-3Geographical Information Systems CN9-4Traffic analysis 2 10. Semester: Master Thesis 9. Semester: Network Planning and Management

11 © Ole Brun Madsen11 Center for TeleInfrastruktur CTIF R&D with Danish companies Research based education Aalborg University International R&D organisations EU/ETSI/IEEE International Industrial projects National Infrastructure Initiatives Research Group 2 Research Group 1 Research Group N CTIF Research organisation CNP, Center for Network Planning National Infrastructure Initiatives

12 © Ole Brun Madsen12 Center for Network Planning, CNP Activities CTIF Research Education Knowledge Center ICT & Society Structures ICT & GIS models SQoS, Topological Routing Planning Models & - methods ICT & Business Structures Other Specialisations Distributed Systems (DIRS) Network Planning & Management (NPM) National Broadband initiatives Operators and Service Providers

13 © Ole Brun Madsen13 Center for Network Planning, CNP Research, Knowledge Center & Broadband initiatives CTIF Regional Broad- band Initiatives: Nordjyllands amt Viborg Amt Ringkøbing Amt Sønderjyllands Amt Fyns Amt

14 © Ole Brun Madsen14 Interregional Initiatives West Denmark Netforum Interregional cooperation in the western part of Denmark involving a series of broadband initiatives, with participation of the public and private sectors, interest groups etc.

15 Structure & Hierarchies X1X1 X2X2 X3X3 X4X4 Y1Y1 Y2Y2 Y3Y3 Y4Y4 A1A1 A2A2 A3A3 A4A4 S1S1 S2S2 S3S3 S4S4 I1I1 I2I2 I3I3 I4I4 Application Network logical links Switching Network logical links Infrastructure Network physical links

16 Modelling i... j j 1 i 2 Routing Example

17 © Ole Brun Madsen17 Planning

18 © Ole Brun Madsen18 Planning Distribution Network and NT's

19 © Ole Brun Madsen19 Planning Ortho photos

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