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 Sowmiya Chocka Narayanan.  Problem Statement  Free listed exhausted!!! Mission Reclamation  Solution proposed  Newell, Simon and Shaw placed the.

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Presentation on theme: " Sowmiya Chocka Narayanan.  Problem Statement  Free listed exhausted!!! Mission Reclamation  Solution proposed  Newell, Simon and Shaw placed the."— Presentation transcript:

1  Sowmiya Chocka Narayanan

2  Problem Statement  Free listed exhausted!!! Mission Reclamation  Solution proposed  Newell, Simon and Shaw placed the responsibility on the user  Keeping track of lists, sub lists, shared lists make it painful  Reference Counting  Too much of bookkeeping involved  Haunting Circular lists  Invoking a special procedure to mark and collect  Additional storage for handling branch points or higher frequency of retracing the list  Sign reversal of whole words  Handling multiple word lists

3 Step 1: Step 2:

4 Step 3: Step 4:

5 Test Bench Storage Requirement HighlightLowlightSpeed WISP list Routine 68 words, 2 index registers and accumulator Can trace any list structure with any no. of branch points Bigger routine1.85 sec Wilkes Routine 35 words, 2 temporary locations Lesser storage Could get lost in a circular list 2.75 sec Branch point stored Routine 34 words, 48 words for branch points Parts of List structure traversed only once No. of branch points less than 49.448 sec

6  Portability is best achieved by writing the garbage collector in a higher level language  Trace phase can be written in high level language  With support for extra low level operations like setting an element minus, setting branch point flag, testing sign etc.  The sweep phase is machine dependent

7  Case 1  Each list element has n consecutive registers  Handled similar to list with single register  New Free list element occurs at every nth location in free store

8  Case 2:  Head of first register contains register count  Follows same Mark phase as case1, returns a single free list element consisting of largest discarded register block  Addresses the problem with negative data word

9 Threaded List System Split List System

10  What we saw so far..  Are the experiments mentioned thorough and sufficient?  What about the pause time aspect of the system?

11  [1] Newell, A. Information Processing Language V Manual. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1961.  [2] John McCarthy, Recursive functions of symbolic expressions and their computation by machine, Part I, Communications of the ACM, v.3 n.4, p.184-195, April 1960  [3] Daniel G. Bobrow, Daniel L. Murphy, Structure of a LISP system using two-level storage, Communications of the ACM, v.10 n.3, p.155-159, March 1967  [4] M. V. Wilkes, Lists and why they are useful, Proceedings of the 1964 19th ACM national conference, p.61.1-61.5, January 1964

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