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Presentation on theme: "INTERNET AND HOW TO USE IT SAFELY By: Josh Cooper."— Presentation transcript:


2  Internet and its invaluable benefits.  The internet brings so much information at the fingertips of any individual with any access to it literally covering any topic.  It can be an incredible tool in the classroom at home or anywhere one might find himself.  It can be used for communicating, teaching as well as news.

3 INTERNET DANGERS  Identity theft  Inappropriate material  Cyber bullying  Hacking  Online predators  Stalkers

4 THE FOUR R’ S  RECOGNIZE techniques used by online predators to deceive.  REFUSE requests for personal information.  RESPOND assertively if you are ever in an uncomfortable situation online. Exit the program, log off or turn off the computer, tell a trusted adult, or call the police.  REPORT to a trusted adult any suspicious or dangerous contact that makes you feel uncomfortable

5 HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF, YOUR STUDENT, AND YOUR HOME.  Always keep your child's computer in an open area. Never allow a computer with Internet access in your child's bedroom.  Communicate. There is no better tool to bridge the Digital Divide.  Become a part of your child's online experience.  Respect your child's privacy.  Regularly review your computer files.  Teach your child the responsible use of online resources.  Talk to your child about online dangers. Let them know you are there to help them get out of a bad situation.  Educate yourself on the ins and outs of the Internet.  Talk to other parents about your experiences. It will help everyone.  Let your child know responsible adults do not pursue relationships with minors

6  Quick reminders  Anything you put on the internet is never completely private  Also anything online is never completely deleted.  Personal information should never be given over the internet.  Not only are inappropriate websites bad for you personally but often contain viruses.

7  Email  Be careful signing up for just anything online with your email.  You will quickly find your inbox full of spam and potential viruses.  If you receive email and are not sure of it then delete it without opening.

8 CLASSROOM GUIDELINES  A student will never be aloud on a computer without a teachers permission  A teacher must be in the room for the computers to be used.  The computers are to be used as tools for learning and should only be used to access the approved websites.  If a student does not follow these guidelines then their computer privileges will be revoked for an appropriate period of time.  It is often said out of sight out of mind but this is not true it is very hard to forget the things we put in our mind.  Make sure the things your feeding your mind are only helping you to grown and become a better person and not taking you in the wrong direction.

9 WORKS CITED    Online_Safety_Rules.pdf Online_Safety_Rules.pdf

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