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Social Networking Technologies for Learning May 5, 2011 Reading Revolution.

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1 Social Networking Technologies for Learning May 5, 2011 Reading Revolution

2 Social Networking & Literacy New technologies are bringing revolutionary transformations in reading, writing, communicating, and knowledge production. It represents a fourth revolution following language, writing, and print. Warschauer, 2008

3 Social Networking: Changing Literacy Practices Work 62% of adults cell phones and text message to complete job related tasks. MMORPG’s Business Leadership Resources are distributed Highly-competitive Highly-collaborative Civic Engagement Obama Facebook YouTube Debates Record number of registered voters under 30 turn out to vote in the primaries. Power to the Millennial!

4 Digital Literacies Design web pages people want to visit. Know rules for participation in electronic communities. Effectively and appropriately insert oneself into an electronic community. The ability to follow the flow of stories and information across multiple modalities.

5 In an Out of School Literacy Practices School based literacy practices Decoding and encoding page bound print A solitary act of cognition. Assessed by a standardized test. Out of school literacy practices Read and write multimodal texts Collaborative Performance assessment - Using texts and technologies to communicate effectively to get something done in the world.

6 Social Networking & Youth 96% of 9-17 year olds report using social networking technologies. 70% use at least 9 hours a week. Reading and writing more than anytime history. Changes the way young people: Communicate Socialize …and how they approach learning

7 Social Networking & Schools 80 – 90 % of schools against any type of social networking technology like email, posting to discussion boards, blogging, & text messaging. Frivolous and the equivalent of unproductive classroom talk. Digital ways of writing “dumb down kids” Academic writing needs to proceed digital ways of writing

8 Texting and Literacy Txt Msg N School Literacy: Does Texting and Knowledge of Text Abbreviations Adversely Affect Children's Literacy Attainment? (2008) Children who are avid text messages tend to have better performance on a measures of verbal reasoning ability, spelling attainment and general writing attainment.

9 September 7 - 9:26 am hi September 7 - 4:19 pm hey September 7- 3:41pm hi March 30 4:28pm hey wat r u doing? ask ur mom and dad if you can come to my B-DAY! April 15 10:43 am HEY WHAT DID U DO @ UR GRANDMAS

10 May 5 - 9:50 am Hey Girl, How is Texas? I want to go to Texas really bad! Is Texas hot during the winter? I have never been to Texas. What is your school like? Ours hasn’t changed much. We got a kid name Tyler. For our concert our songs are ‘Tiger Tiger, Talk To The Animals,” The Goat, “ Music of Life,” and “Three Creature Feature.” LOVE Shauna (P.S. I MISS U A LOT!)

11 The Problem Children do not always learn these literacies on their own. Some do not have access. Millennial Myth Many tend to use social media in narrow and repetitive ways. The digital divide may be widening

12 The purpose of schooling To ensure that all students benefit from learning in ways that allow them to participate fully in public, community and economic life (New London Group, 1996).

13 The Question How can social network sites promote the development of digital literacies and the academic literacies school purport to value?

14 Why youth ♥ Social Network Sties Yes! This is my biological Mom!

15 Motivation & Literacy A strong connections exists between identity construction and motivation to engage in literacy learning. Motivation is key in raising literacy achievement!!


17 Politics







24 Edmodo


26 Collaborative Story Writing

27 Edmodo and Attitudes Toward Writing Because it makes me feel more confident of my writing. I really like when people tell me how good i did on a project. I think it inspired me to write these stories with my friends and family. I thought it was a fun activity. Both of them were using what they thought would make real story, two minds making something interesting. I like typing on Edmodo better because I personally think that typing is more fun than writtng on paper.

28 Teacher of the Year Keep your head up high and stay in charge! Always remember to have everything you need! Never give up, no matter how frustrating it gets! Stay calm when a student forgets something. Remember to speak in a calm voice! Never be shy to mess up. Be random and mix it up a little bit. Remember subjects are not just facts.

29 Pre-service Teacher Thoughts I was nervous about doing the Magazine cover because I felt like my status was at the will of these ten year olds, but I was happy to read the TONS of responses I received. I was flattered actually. I had no idea that there were such great websites available for teachers and ways to incorporate technology into the classroom. I learned that fifth graders are a lot smarter than I thought!

30 Benefits Students become closer and more inclusive as a group. Provide students with opportunities to build digital literacies who lack access at home. Improve motivation to engage in literacy building activities. Bridge out of school literacy practices with academic literacy practices in ways that improve both skill sets.

31 Best Practices in Adolescent Literacy Instruction for the 21 st Century Provide a clear purpose for writing. Provide an authentic audience for writing. Provide opportunities for self-expression. Provide opportunities to draw on funds of knowledge. Provide opportunities for collaborative writing. Provide opportunities for multimodal expression.

32 My beliefs Not the equivalent of unproductive classroom talk. These web pages count as legitimate text for learning. Students are learning how to texts and technologies to communicate effectively. The are learning to read and write in ways that schools claim to value. They are learning skills valued that will help them become productive citizens and achievement personal fulfillment in their lives outside of school.

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