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1 County strategies to support pupil engagement in anti bullying: HABI Hertfordshire Anti-Bullying Initiative Karin Hutchinson Anti-bullying Adviser 01438.

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Presentation on theme: "1 County strategies to support pupil engagement in anti bullying: HABI Hertfordshire Anti-Bullying Initiative Karin Hutchinson Anti-bullying Adviser 01438."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 County strategies to support pupil engagement in anti bullying: HABI Hertfordshire Anti-Bullying Initiative Karin Hutchinson Anti-bullying Adviser 01438 844044

2 2 HABI is about… …the active engagement of young people in the prevention and resolution of bullying in schools across Hertfordshire

3 3 The HABI Project threads: Peer support - Training and resources to assist schools in establishing age appropriate programmes A Peer Supporters’ website – in development HABI Your Say – a consultation process with young people in participating schools Cybermentors Programme Anti-bullying Accreditation programme requiring peer support initiatives

4 4 Peer support training HABI lead staff planning meeting and provision of comprehensive support materials HABI 1.5 hour briefing session for all staff HABI 3 hour training session for Primary pupils

5 5 Befriending/Buddying (particularly ideal for younger pupils) An opportunity for pupils to use their friendship skills to help those who are in need of support

6 6 Befriending- skills building effective communication empathising co-operating and sharing understanding dilemmas and difficulties resolving conflicts making appropriate responses managing relationships including themselves being responsible and showing initiative

7 7 Mediation for KS2 and above A structured process in which a third party assists voluntary participants in resolving their dispute. It is giving peace a chance - It’s not: about deciding who is right and wrong apportioning blame about offering advice about focusing on the past

8 8 The mediation process Allows disputants: To define the problem from their point of view To identify and express their feelings To hear the feelings and needs of the other person To acknowledge each other’s point of view To create their own solutions to the problem To agree a course of action Source: Let’s mediate, Stacey and Robinson,2002

9 9 Basic mediation skills Speaking and listening Affirming Co-operating Being patient Empathising Developing emotional intelligence Facilitating others to solve their own problems and find their own solutions

10 10 Mentoring for KS3 & 4 Older pupils are trained to support younger ones Particularly helpful to aid transition and ensure additional support for vulnerable pupils Mentors provide information and assist mentees to build life skills in ways that are familiar and acceptable

11 11 Developing your Peer support programme DVD material to prompt further thought and development to use extracts with young people

12 12 Peer Support Website is to be Channel Mogo will shortly have resources to support –peer mediators –peer mentors in developing their skills Notification through the heads bulletin and through accreditation network

13 13 HABI Your Say Survey sent to school at the beginning of term Staff share the survey with pupils Pupils collect data (processes vary) Collated school data is sent back by Tuesday of half term holiday Report returned to school reflecting the feedback from all schools

14 14 HABI Your Say 1 st report: Transition 2 nd report: Appearance focused bullying Your Say pupil conference June 29 th 2010 Autumn 2010: Cyberbullying Spring 2011: Homophobia

15 15 Cybermentors 1 st tranche of year 7 & 8 cybermentors trained Available to give presentations in local schools Further funding will be sought

16 16 Forthcoming CPD Conferences “Bullying - the vulnerability of sexuality and identity” The percentage of sexualised bullying cases recorded by Hertfordshire schools doubled in 2008-09. Focuses on the developing vulnerability of young people 9-18, related to shifts in their sexual identity through adolescence and explores the role of the school in safeguarding. The course will address: sextings and internet identities, emotional health and self image, sexualised bullying, homophobia, youth culture and sexuality, and the impact of drugs and alcohol. “Primary Anti-homophobic Bullying Course” Addressing the equalities duties related to sexuality and the need to safeguard all pupils in their developing identities To be scheduled

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