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Strength & Conditioning Program 2010 BKE KINGS Ice Hockey Strength & Conditioning 2010 Coach Bolton 917-612-3991 c

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1 Strength & Conditioning Program 2010 BKE KINGS Ice Hockey Strength & Conditioning 2010 Coach Bolton 917-612-3991 c


3 Strength & Conditioning Program 2010 INTRODUCTION Players must be in good health and free of injury or medical condition before undertaking any aspects of this program Players must be in good health and free of injury or medical condition before undertaking any aspects of this program Train in a safe and supervised environment using proper equipment Train in a safe and supervised environment using proper equipment No exercises should be attempted unless you fully understand the proper technique and purpose of the exercise No exercises should be attempted unless you fully understand the proper technique and purpose of the exercise A typical session should be completed in 45 minutes or less! A typical session should be completed in 45 minutes or less! Stretch Stretch Stretch! Stretch Stretch Stretch! – Never Stretch Cold Muscle! Special thanks to Coach Hymovitz & Coach Chase for their consultation and access. Special thanks to Coach Hymovitz & Coach Chase for their consultation and access.

4 Strength & Conditioning Program 2010 THE WORKOUT Perform a minimum of 2-3 warm up sets Perform a minimum of 2-3 warm up sets – Good indication you are warmed up is sweat Jumping Jacks Jumping Jacks High Knees High Knees Push Ups Push Ups Squat Thrust Squat Thrust Arm Circles (feel the burn) Arm Circles (feel the burn) Tempo is important, think 3:1:2 Tempo is important, think 3:1:2 Bench Press: lower bar to chest in 3 seconds, hold bar in “contracted” position for 1 second, raise bar to start position in 2 second count Bench Press: lower bar to chest in 3 seconds, hold bar in “contracted” position for 1 second, raise bar to start position in 2 second count Take your time, form is critical with all we do when we train Take your time, form is critical with all we do when we train Training load should challenge you to perform the number of repetitions in the program. Use trial and error- (we will discuss more in session) Training load should challenge you to perform the number of repetitions in the program. Use trial and error- (we will discuss more in session)

5 Strength & Conditioning Program 2010 Body Part Combinations Back & Biceps Back & Biceps Chest & Triceps Chest & Triceps Shoulders & Legs Shoulders & Legs The program will focus on muscle confusion and invigoration, not heavy lifting. The program will focus on muscle confusion and invigoration, not heavy lifting.

6 Strength & Conditioning Program 2010 Back & Biceps Back Back – Lawn Mower Starts – Lat Pull Downs – Chin ups – Rows Biceps Biceps – Straight Bar Curls (reverse too) – Dumbbell Curls – Concentration Curls – Half~Curls

7 Strength & Conditioning Program 2010 Chest and Triceps Chest Chest – Bench Press – Dumbbell Flies – Dumbbell Presses – Push Ups Triceps Triceps – Cable Extensions – Overhead Dumbbells – Dips (Chair or Posted)

8 Strength & Conditioning Program 2010 Shoulders & Legs Shoulders Shoulders – Presses – Shrugs – Front and Side Dumbbell Extensions Legs Legs – Seated Presses – Extensions – Squats – Biking*

9 Strength & Conditioning Program 2010 Core Training Crunches Crunches Stabilize on Side Foot and Elbow Stabilize on Side Foot and Elbow Lower Abdominal Crunch Lower Abdominal Crunch Total Abdominal Crunch Total Abdominal Crunch Full Sit Ups Full Sit Ups Alternate Leg Crunch Alternate Leg Crunch Weight Exchange Weight Exchange

10 Strength & Conditioning Program 2010 Program in 3’s Typical Week Typical Week – 3 days of weights – 3 days of endurance and speed – 1 day rest During Dry-Land Conditioning Expect During Dry-Land Conditioning Expect – 3 Body Tests Bench Press Reps Bench Press Reps – A set weight will be benched as many times as possible Sit Up Test Sit Up Test – Max number in 1 minute Endurance: Timed Run’s Endurance: Timed Run’s

11 Strength & Conditioning Program 2010 Work Out Patterns This program is simplified and should be thought of much like a game of hockey, in “periods” of 3~ This program is simplified and should be thought of much like a game of hockey, in “periods” of 3~ – Example: Chest: Chest: – Do 3 sets (after 2 sets of some form of warm up) – 2 sets of 25 pushups – 15 minutes of jump rope – gradually increasing weight attempting more reps early and max 8-10 reps in last set – Typical Set First Set Bench 175 lbs, 12x, using 3:1:2 method First Set Bench 175 lbs, 12x, using 3:1:2 method Second set 190 lbs, 10x using 3:1:1 Second set 190 lbs, 10x using 3:1:1 Last set 200 lbs, 8x, 3:1:2 Last set 200 lbs, 8x, 3:1:2 Focus on form and challenging the muscle set Focus on form and challenging the muscle set

12 Strength & Conditioning Program 2010 The KISS Plan A Typical Week – Monday Chest & Triceps Chest & Triceps Warm up Warm up 3 set of 8-10 reps of 3 different exercises per body part 3 set of 8-10 reps of 3 different exercises per body part Abdominals and Core Abdominals and Core – Tuesday Cardio Endurance Training Cardio Endurance Training Abdominals and Core Abdominals and Core – Wednesday Back & Biceps Back & Biceps Warm up Warm up 3 set of 8-10 reps of 3 different exercises per body part 3 set of 8-10 reps of 3 different exercises per body part Abdominals and Core Abdominals and Core – Thursday Cardio Endurance Training Cardio Endurance Training Abdominals and Core Abdominals and Core – Friday Shoulders & Legs Shoulders & Legs Warm up Warm up 3 set of 8-10 reps of 3 different exercises per body part 3 set of 8-10 reps of 3 different exercises per body part Abdominals and Core Abdominals and Core – Saturday Cardio Endurance Training Cardio Endurance Training Abdominals and Core Abdominals and Core – Sunday- REST REST *****End every workout with a SLOW STRETCH- NEVER STRETCH COLD MUSCLE!!**********

13 Strength & Conditioning Program 2010 Keep Focused Fore-Check, Back-Check, Pay Check! Fore-Check, Back-Check, Pay Check! Don’t Ever Get Out Worked! Don’t Ever Get Out Worked! Win the Little Battles and We Win the War! Win the Little Battles and We Win the War! Play the Game with Passion! Play the Game with Passion! Be calculated in all that you attempt, THINK LIKE A CHESS PLAYER…A few moves down the road! Be calculated in all that you attempt, THINK LIKE A CHESS PLAYER…A few moves down the road!

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