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Coupled Model Data Assimilation: Building an idealised coupled system Polly Smith, Amos Lawless, Alison Fowler* School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences,

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Presentation on theme: "Coupled Model Data Assimilation: Building an idealised coupled system Polly Smith, Amos Lawless, Alison Fowler* School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coupled Model Data Assimilation: Building an idealised coupled system Polly Smith, Amos Lawless, Alison Fowler* School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Reading, UK * funded by NERC

2 Outline Objectives Tasks & progress Issues Next steps/ targets for next 6 months

3 Objective To use an idealised system to gain a greater theoretical understanding of the coupled atmosphere-ocean data assimilation problem: explore different approaches to coupled 4D-Var data assimilation using a single-column, coupled atmosphere-ocean model help guide the design/ implementation of coupled DA methods within full 3D operational scale systems strong-constraint incremental 4D-Var

4 Building the idealised system Task 1: develop an idealised, single-column, coupled atmosphere-ocean model with a strong-constraint incremental 4D-Var assimilation scheme. For this we need a model that is simple and quick to run is able to represent realistic atmosphere-ocean coupling Atmosphere: ECMWF single column model (SCM) Ocean: single column KPP (K-Profile Parameterisation) mixed-layer ocean model

5 SCM: based on the IFS code includes a full set of physical parameterisations we will use a stripped down version - adiabatic component (+ vertical diffusion?) also want option to use full physics in later experiments KPP model: developed at UoR already within the SCM code but never been used currently only works when full SCM physics scheme is switched on coupling through surface fluxes and SST

6 Progress so far  Successfully compiled and ran the SCM test-case provided by ECMWF.  Simplified the SCM code to remove physical parameterisations.  Tested the simplified atmospheric model using real data.  Coupled the KPP ocean code to the full-physics SCM and successfully ran a test case for the coupled atmosphere-ocean model.  Produced draft documentation for the models.

7 Issues Lack of documentation Choice of suitable test-case(s), creation of input file Prescription of model forcing ocean: surface fluxes of heat, moisture & momentum, compute using bulk formulae of Large & Yeager atmosphere: vertical velocity, geostrophic u & v winds, horizontal advection tendencies. Relaxation

8 SCM test-case: with (top) & without physics (bottom) temperature humidity u-wind v-wind

9 Relaxation of winds: u-wind with relaxation without relaxation

10 Issues Lack of documentation Choice of suitable test-case(s), creation of input file Prescription of model forcing ocean: surface fluxes of heat, moisture & momentum, compute using bulk formulae of Large & Yeager atmosphere: vertical velocity, geostrophic u & v winds, horizontal advection tendencies. Relaxation

11 ERA interim data: temperature actual SCM without forcing SCM with forcing

12 ERA interim data: humidity actual (log) SCM without forcing SCM with forcing

13 ERA interim data: u-wind actual SCM without forcing SCM with forcing

14 ERA interim data: v-wind actual SCM without forcing SCM with forcing

15 Coupled model: full physics


17 Coupled model: radiation, cloud & convection off


19 Next steps Initial results with simple coupled atmosphere-ocean model expected by end of January 2013. Development of prototype 4D-Var system - tangent linear and adjoint models preliminary results by April/May 2013. Exploration of different coupling strategies being implemented in the ECMWF system - identical twin experiments

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