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Intel SFT CR Sept 2011 Release 9/28/2011 1. Minimize Command Line Params intelsftconfig.ini can now be used instead of the command line or used in conjunction.

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Presentation on theme: "Intel SFT CR Sept 2011 Release 9/28/2011 1. Minimize Command Line Params intelsftconfig.ini can now be used instead of the command line or used in conjunction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intel SFT CR Sept 2011 Release 9/28/2011 1

2 Minimize Command Line Params intelsftconfig.ini can now be used instead of the command line or used in conjunction with the command line –Must use UPPERCASE in the config.ini file –Property names do not use the “--" prefix –Can overwrite by using a different value in the command line –Only thing that cannot be set in the config.ini file is a path to a custom configuration file. Example 2 The above parameters can be set in config.ini file and removed from the command line Now the command can be

3 Minimize Command Line Params Additionally, gzip and tar programs can be removed from the command line and configuration files “which” is used to determine the paths to these files automatically in the script It is recommend to first confirm manually that which does return the desired program If needed, add --gzip/--tar to the command line or GZIP/TAR in the intelsftconfig.ini file to bypass this auto-discovery using “which” 3

4 Syslog support for UNIX Feature to use the system’s system logs (syslog) instead of custom log files. Enabled through configuration in intelsftconfig.ini file Syslog available only on UNIX, not available for Windows users Example: 4

5 Script State Tracking Feature to track the state of a script execution Enabled through configuration in the configuration files –SESSIONSTATE = perl The scripts will execute the configured PERL script passing it 1.The state of the script 2.The name of the calling script 3.Additional helpful data that may exist for the state A custom PERL script can be developed and configured in the SESSIONSTATE configuration property to meet their system needs The demonstration script that will be provided out of the box will create a log file and append to that log file 5

6 Script State Tracking Demo 6 File Upload Success File Download Success To use the demo script, add the following lines to your configuration files SESSIONSTATE = perl --sessionStateLog=sessionstate.log

7 Logging Files Extracted Feature to log the file paths and names of all files extracted onto Destination systems Enabled through configuration in intelsftconfig.ini will create a file for every replic_*.tar file extracted successfully in a configurable path. Log file name is using the pattern. _.log Sample log file contents: 7

8 SSH Public Key For Windows Users Window’s PERL script users will now be able to generate public/private key pairs using PUTTY and configure their scripts with them. Avoids the need to manage passwords and change them in July 2012. Once updated to the Sept 2011 release, users can generate their private/public key with instructions we will provide them Our team will configure a new username using their Public Key The user can then configure their intelsftconfig.ini files to use their Public Key and new username and point to the key auth host name 8 BeforeAfter


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