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Effective Character Education Universal Peace Federation’s Discovering the Real Me curriculum (DTRM)

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1 Effective Character Education Universal Peace Federation’s Discovering the Real Me curriculum (DTRM)

2 Character Education Sounds Great But does it work?

3 According to Character Education Partnerships, successful programs share common characteristics:

4 Successful Character Education Programs A.Incorporate social and emotional learning B.Identify themselves as character education programs C.Integrate into the school’s curriculum D.Stress professional development E.Employ interactive teaching/learning strategies

5 A. DTRM Promotes Social and Emotional Learning Promotes self-awareness through reflection exercises and sympathetic characters Teaches social, communication, relationship, and conflict resolution skills Promotes self-discipline, self-control, goal- setting, and emotional awareness Teaches problem-solving and decision- making

6 B. DTRM Identifies Itself as a Character Education Program Clearly states goals as the formation of virtues and promoting moral development within a positive life goals framework

7 C. DTRM Fits into the Academic Curriculum Since it is story-based, it fits easily into the academic day May be used in language arts May be used in social studies May be used in health

8 D. DTRM Stresses Professional Development—Teacher Trainings, Teachers’ Manuals, Follow-Up Trainings

9 E. DTRM Uses a Mixture of Instruction Methods Discussion groups Class meetings Debates, votes Role-play Journal writing Direct teaching

10 Criteria from the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning:

11 Successful programs begin at an early age and continue throughout high school. Include teaching children to cope with themselves (self-discipline, self- understanding), develop good social and familial relationships, and to be creative and productive citizens. Criteria

12 Discovering the Real Me Begins at grade 1 and continues through high school The title of DTRM reveals that it is a journey toward discovery of the best self. Stories cover family and friends, community and civics.

13 Provide at least 7 or 8 lessons over the school year) Educate students to 1) deal with themselves, 2) with others and family members, and 3) to use their creativity to make a positive contribution to society Criteria

14 Discovering the Real Me Provides enough lessons for every week of the school year (35 in all) Speaks to three life goals of (1) developing a mature character, (2) loving relationships and family, and (3) making a contribution. These are similar to the above criteria.

15 Further Criteria A.Promote self-awareness B.Social awareness C.Self-improvement D.Relationship skills E.Responsible decision-making

16 A. DTRM Lessons on Self-Awareness “Who Am I?” (Book 9) “My Inner World” (Book 7) “Finding My Real Value” (Book 6) “What Kind of Person Will I Be?” (Book 9) “Being You” (Book 12)

17 B. DTRM Lessons on Social Awareness “Learning to Cooperate” (Book 5) “Getting Along with Others” (Book 6) “I Belong to a Community” (Book 8) “The Individual, Family, and Society” (Book 12)

18 C. DTRM Lessons on Self-Improvement “Don’t Give Up” (Book 5) “Grades Do Count” (Book 5) “Honesty” (Book 9) “Freedom and Responsibility” (Book 9) “Self-Control” (Book 9) “A Motto for Life” (Book 12)

19 D. DTRM Lessons on Relationship Skills “Respect in Relationships” (Book 10) “Friendship” (Book 10) “How We Relate” (Book 10) “Communication Skills” (Book 10) “Resolving Conflict and Forgiveness” (Book 10) “Broken Relationships” (Book 10) “Taking the Lead in Understanding Each Other” (Book 11) “Relationship Skills” (Book 11) “Preparation for Marriage” (Book 10) “Commitment and Loyalty” (Book 12)

20 E. DTRM Lessons on Decision-Making “Leading Your Life Responsibly” (Book 11) “Should You Have Sex Before Marriage?” (Book 11) “Choose Your Destiny” (Book 12) “Peer Pressure” (Joey’s Dare, Book 7) “Going Nowhere Fast” (Book 7) “Family or Friends?” (Book 8)

21 Benefits of Effective Character Education Fewer discipline problems Lower drop-out rates Higher school attendance Enhanced academic performance Greater teacher vitality

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