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Mercury Avery Messer Mrs. Erb 3 rd Grade. Mercury Distance from the sun: 58 million km Rotation (1 day): About 59 Earth days Revolution (1 year): About.

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1 Mercury Avery Messer Mrs. Erb 3 rd Grade

2 Mercury Distance from the sun: 58 million km Rotation (1 day): About 59 Earth days Revolution (1 year): About 88 Earth days

3 Mercury Planet diameter: 4,879 km Gas or rock planet? a rock planet How many moons and/or rings? Mercury has no moons or rings.

4 Mercury Atmosphere: A thin atmosphere Temperature: 279 F

5 Mercury Interesting Facts 1. Messenger, a spacecraft, will fly by Mercury twice in 2008. 2. Mercury does not always look round to people on Earth. 3. It is the smallest planet in the solar system.

6 Bibliography Mercury, Dana Rau Mercury, Elaine Landau Our Solar System, Seymour Simon

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