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Animal Mosaics SWBAT: rip small pieces of magazine pages to create a mosaic, using a variety of shades and tints of color to show their knowledge of value.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Mosaics SWBAT: rip small pieces of magazine pages to create a mosaic, using a variety of shades and tints of color to show their knowledge of value."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Mosaics SWBAT: rip small pieces of magazine pages to create a mosaic, using a variety of shades and tints of color to show their knowledge of value.

2 25 points20 points10 points0 pointsScore Neatness, good craftsmanship Pieces are glued flat hardly any white background is showing Pieces are mostly glued flat and a little white background is showing Pieces are not glued neatly a lot of white background is showing Gluing is unfinished and background is mostly white Originality, composition Animal fits neatly in picture, and interesting colors and textures are used Animal fits somewhat neatly, colors and textures are just okay Animal is somewhat recognizable, but mixes in with the background Animal is not recognizable and totally blends in with the background Magazine pieces Magazine pieces are small, no larger than the tip of your index finger, and are ripped neatly Magazine pieces are medium, and are ripped somewhat neatly Magazine pieces are large and not ripped very neatly There is no evidence neatness with ripped magazine pieces Effort, attitude Student made his or her best effort with this project Student made a good effort, but not their best Student made little effort, and did not use time wisely Student made no effort, and project is unfinished Total score Rubric for Magazine Mosaic
















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