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 Characters  Literary terms  Quotes (6 total)  Themes  Plot.

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Presentation on theme: " Characters  Literary terms  Quotes (6 total)  Themes  Plot."— Presentation transcript:

1  Characters  Literary terms  Quotes (6 total)  Themes  Plot

2  Juliet  Apothecary  Friar Laurence  Friar John  Romeo  Paris

3 Five Act Structure: Purpose of Act V  The unraveling of complicated events; tragedy=senseless deaths and comedy= a ceremony (usually a wedding). The audience/characters will learn something  Primary Setting:  Verona, Italy  Time Period:  16 th Century

4 Literary Terms:  Foreshadowing  Refers to hints in the text about what will occur later in the plot.  Examples:  Romeo is having such a great day, he says nothing could ruin his mood. (irony)  Romeo says he will join Juliet in death soon.  Friar Lawrence’s letter doesn’t get sent.  Lady Capulet expresses sorrow hinting towards her death.

5 Literary Terms:  Dramatic Irony  When a character/audience member knows information characters in the play are unaware of.  Examples:  Balthasar tells Romeo about Juliet’s death.  Romeo doesn’t notice the crimson in Juliet’s cheeks showing she is not pale and dead.

6 Literary Terms:  Soliloquy: (three components)  1.a character is alone on stage  2.reveals inner thoughts and feelings  3.done in a lengthy speech  Example:  Romeo in Act V: ii  He is saddened by Juliet’s death and remembers an apothecary who is poor and has mortal drugs he may be willing to sell for the right price.

7 Act V Quotes (6 total) “Well, Juliet, I will lie with thee tonight…/I do remember an apothecary.” Romeo Act V: i “Such mortal drugs, I have; but Mantua’s law/ Is death to any he that utters them.” Apothecary Act V: I

8 Act V Quotes (cont.): “My poverty, but not my will, consent.” Apothecary Act V: I “Suspecting that we bother were in a house/ Where the infectious pestilence did reign,/ Seal’d up the doors and would not let us forth…” Friar John Act V: ii

9 Act V Quotes (cont.): “Yea, noise? Then I’ll be brief. O happy dagger!” Juliet Act V: iii “For never was a story of more woe/ Than this of Juliet and her Romeo” Prince Escalus Act V: iii

10 Revenge: -Love: -Love at first sight -Taking risks/chances to encourage love -Friar Lawrence -True love vs. infatuation

11 Definition of Fate: The universe, ordered world intervenes in the lives of people to create a destiny for them that they have no control (freewill) over. Examples of Fate: -Balthasar happened to see the “burial” of Juliet and intervenes by giving “false” inforamtion to Romeo. -Romeo remembers an apothecary who was poor and would be willing to sell poisons illegally. -Friar John was wrongly quarantined and detained making him unable to deliver the news to Romeo. -Romeo not recognizing the signs of life in Juliet before he kills himself.

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