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Public Service Announcement.  What is a PSA?  What is the purpose?  What are some causes/groups that might have PSA’s?  Now let’s watch some examples…

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Presentation on theme: "Public Service Announcement.  What is a PSA?  What is the purpose?  What are some causes/groups that might have PSA’s?  Now let’s watch some examples…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Service Announcement

2  What is a PSA?  What is the purpose?  What are some causes/groups that might have PSA’s?  Now let’s watch some examples…

3  Campaigns Campaigns  to-study-public-service- announcements-psas to-study-public-service- announcements-psas

4 ◦ are short (usually 90 seconds or less) ◦ present one single issue ◦ inform the viewer of key, relevant facts ◦ have a clear call to action (usually indicated through text on screen)

5 ◦ might or might not include people ◦ might or might not use music ◦ sometimes use voice-overs ◦ sometimes use special effects (like black and white) ◦ might use transitions/editing to enhance the video ◦ aim to leave a lasting impact

6  Have some type of appeal like:  Appeal to pity  Appeal to fear  Ethical appeal  Emotional appeal

7 Storyboard*10 pts (due by Friday/end of class) Research/Facts20 pts Resource page10 pts Call to Action10 pts Appropriate images20 pts Persuasive text/effective appeal20 pts Mechanics *example on next slide 10 (2 pts per error up to 10)


9  Visit  to choose your charity  OR choose a topic like “don’t text and drive” or “don’t drop out of high school” as a topic and begin to research!  DUE BY END OF CLASS on Tuesday 1/13!!

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