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Transitional 1st Grade Skills Checklist – Reading 1st Quarter

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1 Transitional 1st Grade Skills Checklist – Reading 1st Quarter
X – I can do this consistently Left Blank – Still in Progress Skills Comments I print upper and lowercase letters. I identify all upper and lowercase letters. I write the letters of the sounds I hear. I practice using syllables, sounds, and words. I practice and follow procedures when speaking and listening to others. In conversation, I respond to text by using complete sentences. I ask questions to address things I do not understand. I use complete sentences, making sure that I include punctuation and capitalization, and use sentences that make sense. I illustrate my work to show detail. I use the correct punctuation at the end of my sentences. I identify beginning, middle, and ending sounds in a consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC), concentrating on beginning sounds this 9 weeks. I practice word families and tell how they are different. I count syllables in a word. I spell the word the way it sounds. I practice blending sounds together to make a word. (ex. c-at, b-an) When writing, I use capitalization, punctuation, and spelling to include invented and phonetic spelling. I identify and make new rhyming words. I talk and write in complete sentences. I use the correct verb tense when writing and talking. I use more details when writing and speaking. I use key details to identify the character, setting, and plot (story elements) of a story. I change the beginning sound of a word to make a new word.

2 Transitional 1st Grade Skills Checklist - Mathematics 1st Quarter
X – I can do this consistently Left Blank – Still in Progress Transitional 1st Grade Skills Checklist - Mathematics 1st Quarter Skills Comments I can write to 25. I can identify the days of the week and the months of the year. I can make simple patterns. I can match the number/word/object. (Ex. 3/three/***) I can identify more than or less than. I can explain if a number/object is more than or less than. I can read and create a graph. I can count numbers 0 – 110, in and out of sequence. I can recognize fact families.

3 Transitional 1st Grade Skills Checklist - Reading 2nd Quarter
X – I can do this consistently Left Blank – Still in Progress Skills Comments I use key details to identify the character, setting, and plot (story elements) of a story. I use complete sentences, making sure that I include punctuation and capitalization, and use sentences that make sense. I practice and follow procedures when speaking and listening to others. I use the pictures and details in the story to answer questions about the story. I participate in classroom discussion. I ask questions to address things I do not understand. I spell the word the way it sounds. I share how the story makes me feel. I group words based on their shared similarities. I change the beginning and/or ending sounds of a word to make a new word. I sound out words. I illustrate my work to show detail. In conversation, I respond to text by using complete sentences. I sort words by specific characteristics. I use what I know and apply it to my everyday life. When writing, I use capitalization, punctuation, and spelling to include invented and phonetic spelling. I capitalize dates and names of people. I use the correct punctuation at the end of my sentences. I identify whether the vowel is long or short in a word. I identify beginning, middle, and ending sounds in a consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC),concentrating on beginning and ending sounds this 9 weeks. I use the correct verb tense when writing and talking. I look at the similarities and differences of characters in stories.

4 Transitional 1st Grade Skills Checklist - Mathematics 2nd Quarter
X – I can do this consistently Left Blank – Still in Progress Skills Comments I can write numbers to 50. I can make complex patterns. I can count numbers 0 – 110, in and out of sequence. I can read and create a graph. I can count to ten using ordinal numbers. I can name the shapes and find their likenesses and differences. I can take objects away and find the differences. Lawton Public Schools

5 Transitional 1st Grade Skills Checklist – Reading 3rd Quarter
X – I can do this consistently Left Blank – Still in Progress Skills Comments I use key details to identify the character, setting, and plot (story elements) of a story. I use complete sentences, making sure that I include punctuation and capitalization, and use sentences that make sense. I identify beginning, middle, and ending sounds in the consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC), concentrating on beginning, middle, and ending sounds this 9 weeks. I illustrate my work to show detail. I capitalize dates and names of people. I use the correct punctuation at the end of my sentences. I change the beginning, middle, and/or ending sounds of a word to make a new word. I practice and follow procedures when speaking and listening to others. I use what I know to sound out words. I participate in classroom discussion. I ask and answer questions about what I read. I read story to find information. I use the correct verb tense when writing and talking. I sound out single-syllable words to include blends. I ask questions to address things I do not understand. When writing, I use capitalization, punctuation, and spelling to include invented and phonetic spelling. I identify author’s purpose. I identify homonyms. (Same word with different meanings) I compare and contrast two different stories about the same thing. In conversation, I respond to text by using complete sentences. I identify the main idea and retell the story. I tell what words mean in the stories I read.

6 Transitional 1st Grade Skills Checklist - Mathematics 3rd Quarter
X – I can do this consistently Left Blank – Still in Progress Skills Comments I can write numbers to 75. I can count forward from any number to 110. I can make a complex pattern. I can recognize symbols that represent greater than, less than, and equal to. I can recognize fact families. I know my addition and subtraction facts to 8. I can use manipulatives to add and subtract to 15. I can make fact families. I can identify and count two-digit numbers using tens and ones. I can solve simple one-step word problems. I can look at and record data using more and less. Lawton Public Schools

7 Transitional 1st Grade Skills Checklist- Mathematics 4th Quarter
X – I can do this consistently Left Blank – Still in Progress Skills Comments I use key details to identify the character, setting, and plot (story elements) of a st I use complete sentences, making sure that I include punctuation and capitalization, and use sentences that make sense. I participate in classroom discussion. I capitalize dates and names of people. I use correct punctuation at the end of my sentences. I identify author’s purpose. I ask questions to address things I do not understand. I use nouns (person, place, thing, animal) and verbs (action words) when speaking and writing. I identify beginning, middle, and ending sounds in the consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC), concentrating on beginning, middle, and ending sounds this 9 weeks. I use adjectives (describing words) to tell about the story. I use /s/ and /es/ to show more than one. I use digraphs (wh, ph, th, ch, sh) when reading. I change the beginning, middle, and/or ending sounds of a word to make a new word. I illustrate my work to show detail.- I practice and follow procedures when speaking and listening to others. I use action words (verbs) and describing words (adjectives) to show opposites. (ex. up/down; stop/go) I use the correct verb tense when writing and talking. When writing, I use capitalization, punctuation, and spelling to include invented and phonetic spelling. I be able to recognize synonyms and tell the slight differences in meaning. In conversation, I respond to text by using complete sentences. I use key details to identify the character, setting, and plot (story elements) of a story. I use complete sentences, making sure that I include punctuation and capitalization, and use sentences that make sense.

8 Transitional 1st Grade Skills Checklist - Mathematics 4th Quarter
X – I can do this consistently Left Blank – Still in Progress Skills Comments I can read and write numbers to 110. I can make a growing pattern. I know my addition and subtraction facts to 8. I can look at and record data using more and less. I can recognize and identify the values of the penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar. I can tell time using a clock. I can measure objects. I can add and subtract to 15 using manipulatives. Lawton Public Schools

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