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Taking and Organizing Research Notes. Formative Assessment Poll lls/MTg3MjMxODU1NQ.

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Presentation on theme: "Taking and Organizing Research Notes. Formative Assessment Poll lls/MTg3MjMxODU1NQ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking and Organizing Research Notes

2 Formative Assessment Poll lls/MTg3MjMxODU1NQ

3 Learning Targets I can organize information for my paper. I can summarize information in my own words. I can transfer information from my source to a note-taking tool.

4 Cornell Notes Who has heard of Cornell notes? Can anyone explain them?

5 Cornell Notes Demonstration

6 Partner Work Skim the section titled Description and background of vocational information. Question 1: Why was this information included in this section? Skim the section titled Challenges to Vocational Education Question 2: How did the writer change the information into her own words?

7 Partner Work Question 3: Why do you think the writer chose these topics for his/her section? Question 4: Why do you think the author left the section called Future of local vocational education blank?

8 Note-Taking and Summarizing Understanding the process

9 Download Directions School Web Site Graduation Project Web Page Graduation Project Collaborative Lessons Research Note Taking Form

10 Work Time! Use the form to take notes on one of your sources.

11 Formative Assessment Thumbs up 1.I can take notes and organize information. 2.I can take notes but have trouble organizing them. 3.I can organize information but need help summarizing in my own words. 4.I do not know how to begin this process.

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