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First Grade Orientation September 5, 2013 Mrs. Chuki Sykes 281-237-4500

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1 First Grade Orientation September 5, 2013 Mrs. Chuki Sykes 281-237-4500 chukiksykes@katyis

2 Classroom Norms  Learning takes place with minimal worksheets and maximum small group and one-on-one instruction  ID Badges must be worn daily. On the second day it is not worn, students will receive a conduct mark  Every Friday, students’ special schedule will change

3 Classroom behavior  Behavior will be documented every day on students’ conduct cards  Good behavior is expected and praised  Behavior is marked on our classroom DOJO  Students with all smiley faces may go to the Treasure Chest on Friday

4 CHAMPS Expectations  Before each activity, expectations are shared with the class  We use CHAMPS to set expectations  CHAMPS expectations are school-wide  Voice levels are monitored  In the hallway, the voice level is always 0 *** Demonstration***

5 Reading and Writing Workshop  Reading and Writing is taught using a Workshop format  This format consists of a teacher mini lesson, student discussion, and student practice  I will confer with students individually about their Reading and Writing.

6 Word Study  Word Study is our spelling program where students make words.  This program is not about memorizing words  Word Study focuses on word families ***Demonstration***

7 Lunch Time  Our lunch is from 12:48- 1:18pm  We eat our snack around 11:05am every day  Please make sure you send dry snacks and only water to drink  When eating lunch with your child, please sit with them at the parent table  To pay lunch in advance, you may pay online at

8 Dress Code  Name tags must be worn to school and during school every day  If name tag is lost, you will need send your child with $3 for a replacement  Shorts must be long enough that finger tips touch  Leggings can be worn if shirt covers student appropriately

9 Purple take Home Folder  Please check your child’s purple folder daily  Inside folder:  Conduct card  Homework  Newsletter  Important papers  Student conduct card will need to be checked and signed every day

10 Blue Tuesday Folder  Every Tuesday, graders papers will be sent home to be reviewed  The folder should be signed after reviewing  If the folder is not sent, this means assessments were not given or were not written

11 Homework  Students will read their Take Home Reader everyday  Students will write their book on their Reading log  Students will complete one Math or ELA page for homework every night  All homework pages are due every Friday  Take Home Reader will be due every Friday  If homework is not returned by Friday your child will receive a conduct mark.

12 Newsletter  The Newsletter will be placed inside the Take Home Folder monthly  The Newsletter includes:  Reminders  What we will be learning  Word Study spelling patterns

13 Birthdays  Birthdays are very important at this age  All treats for the class must be delivered by 10:30am  Please let me know when you will be sending treats  I will verify that another birthday will be celebrated  The school suggests individual store bought cupcakes  No drinks or treat bags are allowed

14 Thank you Parents  You are your child’s first teacher  You are my best resource as a teacher  We must continue to work together to benefit your child’s educational success  THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU HAV E DONE & ALL THAT YOU WILL DO THIS SCHOOL YEAR!!

15 Questions and Answers  Individual student conferences will be scheduled very soon; however, I would love to know if you have any questions or concerns about the information you just received.

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