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Impact, Interest, Context the latest evolutions of Web of Science Herciu Iulian September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact, Interest, Context the latest evolutions of Web of Science Herciu Iulian September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact, Interest, Context the latest evolutions of Web of Science Herciu Iulian September 2015

2 Martin A. Schwartz, Yale School of Medicine [People don’t]…understand how hard it is to do research. And how very, very hard it is to do important research. ……What makes it difficult is that research is immersion in the unknown. We just don't know what we're doing. We can't be sure whether we're asking the right question or doing the right experiment until we get the answer or the result. Admittedly, science is made harder by competition for grants and space in top journals. But apart from all of that, doing significant research is intrinsically hard and changing departmental, institutional or national policies will not succeed in lessening its intrinsic difficulty.

3 THE BUSINESS OF SCIENCE SCIENCE DRIVERS Increased collaboration between academia, government and industry Academic research facilities seeking business oriented efficiencies Increasing growth in Asia ADVANCES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Commercial Flash drives First self-contained artificial heart Mars Exploration Rovers Autonomous automobiles ADVANCES IN INFORMATION PROCESSING Pervasive search technologies Semantic technologies Web 2.0 Broadband proliferation “The Cloud”

4 Context –R&D spending % din GDP Source:

5 AGENDA I.Croatia and other countries – citation footprint and efficiency. II.Citations – Connections and strategies

6 WOS all documents 2010-2014

7 Normalized Citation Impact OECD domains – all documents

8 % of All Documents Cited 2010-2014

9 % of Documents Cited 2010-2014 – articles only

10 Highly Cited Papers - % from All Documents HCP – articles in top 1% in ESI subject categories.

11 CROATIA 10 years evolution Essential Science Indicators

12 Overview All Documents vs Only articles

13 Overview All Documents vs Only articles OPEN ACCESS

14 Citations connections and strategies

15 Web of Science Citation Connection 24,700 Journals 52,000 Books 8.2+ Million Conferences 51.8+ Million Patents 3.8+ Mion Data studies & Data Sets 24,700 Journals 52,000 Books 8.2+ Million Conferences 51.8+ Million Patents 3.8+ Mion Data studies & Data Sets Journals Data Citation Index Web of Science Core Collection BIOSIS Citation Index Current Contents Connect Derwent Innovation Index Zoological Record Medline Regional Citation Indexes: Scielo, Chinese, Korean, Russian more to come. Regional Citation Indexes: Scielo, Chinese, Korean, Russian more to come. Inspec Food Science and Technology Abstract CABI: CAB Abstracts and Global Health 90+ Million unique records 1+ Billion Citation links 90+ Million unique records 1+ Billion Citation links

16 THE DATA CITATION INDEX Unique Content 170 international repositories, fully indexing all items within each repository. Regional Distribution of Repositories Discipline Breakdown of Repositories

17 Web of Science Expansion Chinese Science Citation Database Available from January 2013 SciELO Citation Index Available from January 2014 KCI Korean Journal Database Available this month Russian Citation Database NEXT Emerging Sources Citation Index NEXT -5000 journals over the next 2 years Cover to Cover indexing. -Keep the core criteria for selection (Peer Review, Publishing Practices, High Interest to a scholarly community) -2500 European Journals. -10 additional editorial staff for selection and consulting with National agencies, funding bodies and Bibliometric partners. -Data/Metrics exposed in InCites (ability to filter). -No Journal Impact Factor (and citations not counted for JIF calculation).

18 INTRODUCING USAGE MEASUREMENTS Why usage counts? Citation activity can lag behind the publication of an article New items may not have been around long enough to accumulate citation activity. Many disciplines show little or no citation activity within a year of publication Items in traditionally slow to cite disciplines: Math, Civil Engineering, Nursing, Economics, etc Items in traditionally low citation disciplines: Romance languages, Rhetoric, Architectural History, etc. What do we count? Usage on the platform can show interest in a publication or a topic prior to, or in the absence of, citation activity. Counts of reasonable, intentional user actions that indicate user interest in an item on the WoS platform. –Click through from records to full-text: Full Record, or Results Summary list –Exports to bibliographic management tools, or into formats for later import into bibliographic management tools Exports from Full Record, Results Summary, Marked List Not Counted: Bots and Batches –E.g., Batch operations that could indicate analysis of large sets of data (exports to InCites, etc.) and API’s

19 ENDNOTE ONLINE MANUSCRIPT MATCHER New Journal Matching Feature suggests top candidates for manuscript submission. Sophisticated algorithm utilizes the following for journal recommendations: Title Abstract References (Optional) Leverages meticulously indexed data from thousands of journals indexed within the Web of Science MANUSCRIPT MATCHER PRODUCT DETAILS:

20 METRICS DEVELOPMENT Journal Impact Factor Percentile –Allows for meaningful comparison of journals in different categories % Articles in Citable Items –Calculates the proportion of articles in the total number of citable items for any given year Normalized Eigenfactor –Improved usability for understanding journal influence Before After Innovations in Journal Evaluation webinar:

21 The New Journal and Highly Cited Data Designing it keeping in mind your voices “ JCR / Web of Science integration is not exactly successful ” View of Mount Scopus Integration with Web of Science Core Collections both behind the scenes and through the user interface

22 Access to indicators and contextualization from the article level

23 Analyze relations between journals

24 Compare journals from the same field

25 Check other indicators

26 Find top papers in your field and correlations. Limit the right hand column of results to: Highly Cited Papers = (top 1% in each subject/year) Hot papers = (top 0.1% of papers published in last 2 years, based on citation activity in most recent 2 months per subject) Top papers = Both Highly Cited Papers and Hot Papers Highly Cited and Hot Papers are useful tools to identify excellence and hot research. The table and map are updated instantaneously.

27 Find emerging research fronts. U Miami Highly Cited in Clinical Medicine Research Fronts are clusters of highly cited papers that are connected to each other through common citing papers. They are an indication of leading edge research domains and are useful for identifying trends. The Research Front titles are derived from keywords of the papers in the cluster

28 Research fronts A B C are highly cited and influential papers that have left a mark in their field Co-citing papers reveal the uptake of data, techniques and concepts revealed in the Core Papers The name of the Research Fronts comes from a summarization of the titles of the citing papers Top Five Research Fronts in Clinical Medicine Clusters of papers belonging to the 1% most highly cited papers that are frequently cited together; A Research Front is formed. Research Fronts consist of a group of highly cited Core Papers and a set of Citing Papers that frequently cite the Core Papers Research fronts are drivers of innovation and scientific discovery in their fields B C A

29 Bibliometrics Best Practices Trust the data (selection, quality) before you trust the metrics Understand each metrics, the question(s) they answer and their limits Use multiple metrics for a balanced view Complete the analysis with human judgement (metrics are just one piece of the puzzle)

30 Impact, Interest, Context the latest evolutions of Web of Science Herciu Iulian Marko Zovko

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