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FAST FOOD AND SOCIETY ALEXIS CRUMP. WHY I BECAME INTERESTED The topic of fast food is a topic that everyone can relate to, we pass by them everyday. Many.

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Presentation on theme: "FAST FOOD AND SOCIETY ALEXIS CRUMP. WHY I BECAME INTERESTED The topic of fast food is a topic that everyone can relate to, we pass by them everyday. Many."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHY I BECAME INTERESTED The topic of fast food is a topic that everyone can relate to, we pass by them everyday. Many students and parents don’t realize the long lasting effects of eating the fat, greasy food. By researching I would be able to get the information out so that the consumer will make better decisions for their physical and mental health.

3 MY PAPER Research Topic Summary Fast food is becoming a more popular choice then homemade, healthy meals and is causing society to be more prone to diseases. The history of fast food has changed and has taken a toll on the people, both mental and physical, like depression and liver disease, because society is encouraging it especially to adolescents to keep the economy up. This is making more and more children unhealthy and overweight, because unhealthy foods are characterized by cute cartoons and images, and its harder for them to lose the weight later in age. Driving Question How is fast food restaurants related to society? What can be concluded about society and fast food restaurants? Thesis The fast food industry started out as an experiment and is now taking over society at an unstoppable pace to meet the unhealthy want of society; therefore, affecting the health, mental and physical, of the people and reflecting in the economy.

4 MY PAPER CONT. Key Facts  The average American now consumes about three hamburgers and four orders of French fries every week. That's 90 grams of fat and 2,520 calories. The average person needs about 2,000 calories for a whole day  Childhood is likely to be carried over into adulthood, over weight children will be more predisposed to obesity-related chronic illness. These include cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke, gall stones, gout and sleep apnea.  Recent scientific studies have shown that high-calorie foods rich in fats, refined sugar and salt could reconfigure the hormones in the body in such a way that they make you crave for such foods and always leave you asking for more.  McDonalds saw its U.S. sales increase 5 percent in 2008 compared to the previous year during the recession.

5 MY PAPER CONT. What I’ve Learned  From my research I have learned that society is conforming to economic ideas about fast food. Economically fast food is great, but it is putting the citizens at a higher risk for obesity and obesity related illnesses. Because society isn’t speaking up it fast food is still being characterized and is targeting children and teens because it is convenient and taste good. The ending result is the 50 percent increase in childhood obesity since 1960.

6 PRODUCT I made two pamphlets, one for children and one for adults that explained to children and their parents why certain foods on fast food menus are worse for you than others. I then gave examples of what to eat on the menu instead, that included the kids menu and the main menu.

7 PRODUCT CONT. How  To construct my two brochures I first did research in both books and using the internet. I then found templates online and filled in the information from there after formatting the brochure. When  When my brochures were done I ran into a problem because the nutritionist I was going to donate them to no longer worked at the clinic. In the end I found a couple peers that were trying to get fit wanted to start with healthier eating habits, but didn’t want to give up fast food and I gave them both of the brochures.

8 PRODUCT CONT. Mentor  I did not have a mentor and I could have used a mentor to help me get the product out to other people. Other then that, I stayed on top of my deadlines for the most part and I work better by myself. What I’ve Learned  I have learned how to make better decisions with my food choices, but more importantly I’ve learned communication and work place skills that I can take with me to college and into my career.

9 CONNECTION Fast food is unhealthy and many people don’t know how bad their decisions are. The brochures will be a handy assistant in making better decisions.

10 SUCCESSES & CHALLENGES Successes  Finding teens that really need the brochure  Completing the product and paper Challenges  Formatting the brochures  Making sure the facts were accurate to today  Finding out the nutritionist no longer worked at the Childrens Clinic

11 WHAT’S NEXT ? I would like to continue educating people about the effects of fast food, but not professionally. I plan on continuing my education after graduating from Craven Early College and getting a business administration degree or becoming a social worker. What I Took From This Project  I learned how to manage a huge project, school work, and a social life in and out of school at the same time and it will be helpful as I continue my education.

12 WORKS CITED "Fast Food Effects On Health." Web. 22 Mar. 2012.. "Fast Food Nation." PBS. PBS, 4 Apr. 2001. Web. 22 Mar. 2012.. Holecek, Andrea. "Fast Food Restaurants Get Boost from Poor Economy." 14 Feb. 2009. Web. 22 Mar. 2012.. "Weight Can Damage Self-Esteem." Kids Growth. Web. 22 Mar. 2012..

13 Education Exempt from Copyright: This presentation has been prepared under the fair use exemption of the US Copyright Law and is restricted from further use.

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