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Table of Contents Chapter 6.8 (Sensitivity Analysis with Solver Table) Continuing the Wyndor Case Study Changes in One Objective Function Coefficient Simultaneous.

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Presentation on theme: "Table of Contents Chapter 6.8 (Sensitivity Analysis with Solver Table) Continuing the Wyndor Case Study Changes in One Objective Function Coefficient Simultaneous."— Presentation transcript:

1 Table of Contents Chapter 6.8 (Sensitivity Analysis with Solver Table) Continuing the Wyndor Case Study Changes in One Objective Function Coefficient Simultaneous Changes in Objective Function Coefficients Single Changes in a Constraint Simultaneous Changes in the Constraints

2 5-2 Wyndor (Before What-If Analysis)

3 5-3 Using the Spreadsheet to do Sensitivity Analysis The profit per door has been revised from $300 to $200. No change occurs in the optimal solution.

4 5-4 Using the Spreadsheet to do Sensitivity Analysis The profit per door has been revised from $300 to $500. No change occurs in the optimal solution.

5 5-5 Using the Spreadsheet to do Sensitivity Analysis The profit per door has been revised from $300 to $1,000. The optimal solution changes.

6 5-6 Using Solver Table to do Sensitivity Analysis

7 5-7 Using Solver Table to do Sensitivity Analysis

8 5-8 Using the Sensitivity Report to Find the Allowable Range The solution Allowable range (Solution stays the same)

9 5-9 Graphical Insight into the Allowable Range The two dashed lines that pass through the solid constraint boundary lines are the objective function lines when P D (the unit profit for doors) is at an endpoint of its allowable range, 0 ≤ P D ≤ 750.

10 5-10 Using the Spreadsheet to do Sensitivity Analysis The profit per door has been revised from $300 to $450. The profit per window has been revised from $500 to $400. No change occurs in the optimal solution.

11 5-11 Using the Spreadsheet to do Sensitivity Analysis The profit per door has been revised from $300 to $600. The profit per window has been revised from $500 to $300. The optimal solution changes.

12 5-12 Using Solver Table to do Sensitivity Analysis

13 5-13 Using Solver Table to do Sensitivity Analysis

14 5-14 Using Solver Table to do Sensitivity Analysis

15 5-15 Using the Spreadsheet to do Sensitivity Analysis The hours available in plant 2 have been increased from 12 to 13. The total profit increases by $150 per week.

16 5-16 Using the Spreadsheet to do Sensitivity Analysis The hours available in plant 2 have been further increased from 13 to 18. The total profit increases by $750 per week ($150 per hour added in plant 2).

17 5-17 Using the Spreadsheet to do Sensitivity Analysis The hours available in plant 2 have been further increased from 18 to 20. The total profit does not increase any further.

18 5-18 Using Solver Table to do Sensitivity Analysis

19 5-19 Usage of the resource (Left-hand-side of constraint) Allowable range (Shadow price is valid) Increase in objective function value per unit increase in right-hand-side (RHS) ∆Z = (shadow price)(∆RHS) Using the Sensitivity Report

20 5-20 Graphical Interpretation of the Allowable Range

21 5-21 Using the Spreadsheet to do Sensitivity Analysis One available hour in plant 3 has been shifted to plant 2. The total profit increases by $50 per week.

22 5-22 Using Solver Table to do Sensitivity Analysis

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