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Home Base IIS Schoolnet Classrooms Introduction Trainer Name.

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2 Home Base IIS Schoolnet Classrooms Introduction Trainer Name

3 Learning Goals At the end of this workshop, you will be familiar with the following: Logging in and basic navigation of Home Base Tracking the instructional progress of classes and students by standard and using diagnostic assessment data from multiple sources to analyze students achievement Locating available instructional materials Creating lesson plans and scheduling on a planner Strategies for turnaround training

4 Logging into Home Base Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4

5 PowerTeacher – Taking Attendance Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 5

6 Attendance for Single Day Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 6

7 Attendance Multi-day View Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7

8 Seating Chart Attendance Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 8

9 PowerTeacher – Opening the IIS Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 9

10 Student Data on the Home Page -Reflects current students -Select desired class -View roster and recent test results

11 What information is available about each student?

12 Try It Out Practice Find a student Create a PDF of the profile If available, compare classroom grade and test scores for a subject Check for Understanding What are two ways to get to a student profile? What kinds of data are available?

13 Teacher Dashboard

14 Which standards are difficult? Use Standards Mastery Reports

15 Which items are difficult for students? Use Benchmark Item Analysis

16 Skills Analysis View percent correct by skill at any level of the standards hierarchy View for one test or click Year-To-Date

17 Standards Mastery: Standardized Test Report

18 Discussion

19 Try It Out Practice Access each type of report - Change view by options Discussion How can report data impact instruction? What is the purpose of each report? What kinds of questions could each report answer?

20 Student List and Printing

21 Group Students for Differentiation Create student groups based on assessment results or other criteria and view the data in a spreadsheet

22 Student Analysis Spreadsheet How are my students performing across multiple data points?

23 Try It Out Practice Batch print profiles View a spreadsheet Sort a column


25 What materials are available to support instruction?

26 Standards Search Search for standards that contain a keyword Locate all materials aligned to a standard Schedule standards on the lesson planner Be sure to search appropriate level of the standards hierarchy

27 My Materials A combination of the materials that you created and those you saved from a materials search

28 Try it Out Practice Locate a lesson and a resource and save to My Materials Check for understanding What are two ways a material gets into My Materials? What materials are available for the subjects you teach?

29 Create a Resource/Lesson You can only use one format for each lesson

30 Attach Resources to a Lesson Attach support materials to lessons Use the same resource for multiple lessons

31 Recommend Submit for approval Edit and copy View related materials Build an express test Save locally or print Schedule to your lesson planner Lesson Plan: Available Actions

32 Try It Out Practice Create a resource (for students) Create a lesson with the above resource attached Edit a lesson

33 Submit for Approval Share materials with other teachers

34 Approval Process Designated administrators can approve materials or request revisions. Approved materials are available to other teachers.

35 Schedule on the Lesson Planner Drag and drop functionality Viewable by principal Personal and section views available

36 Rename Sections

37 Try It Out Practice Schedule a lesson and event on your planner Rename sections if helpful/time Add a note to one day Check for Understanding Who can see your planner? Who can add to your planner?

38 Assign Resources to Students Any resource tagged for students that has content can be assigned to a section Only teachers can assign resources

39 Key Performance Indicators

40 Practice Scenarios Which students have perfect attendance so far this year? On what standard/skill is your class doing the best? The worst? Do you see improvement from one test to the next? What instructional materials are available to help students with the skills they are having trouble mastering? Which benchmark question did your students do collectively better or worse than the district as a whole? Which students are in an LEP (or ELL/ESL) program? Which students perform well in math, but not reading? Looking at the data, do you think that benchmark scores are good predictors of standardized test results?

41 Next Steps Wrap Up Classrooms - Lunch

42 Assessment Admin is used to build tests and monitor the collection of results Reporting on the actual student responses is done in the Classrooms and School & District Data modules 42 What is Assessment Admin?

43 Performance data available online for analysis 5 Create tests and test scoring key Print answer sheets and booklets, or usernames Tests administered to students Results scanned or collected online 12 3 4 43 Testing Administration Overview


45 Create Test Content (items) ITEM CENTRAL TEST CENTRAL Create items Set up test Create items within test Add items to Item Central Select items from Item Central Select items from Item Central Create items separately or as part of a test 45

46 Locate Items, Passages, and Rubrics Filter by subject, grade, standard and more

47 Create Items – Multiple Types Available Multiple choice True/false Gridded Open response (can attach a rubric – if time) Inline response* Matching* Any item type may be attached to a passage

48 Insert Images Do not paste in image – must insert as a file For peak online test performance, use sizes below 250KB Resize images before adding Supported file formats: png, jpg, or gif Not suggested for passages of text Be sure to preview the item

49 Equation Editor Open the Equation Editor from the text editor Link to additional equations and syntax to change font size

50 Math Manipulatives Interactive manipulatives for online testing (ruler, protractor, compass) 50

51 51 Item Visibility Options

52 Try It: Create Items Create one item of each type Discuss pros and cons of each

53 Create a Passage for Multiple Items

54 Rubric for Open Response Items Single or multidimensional rubrics 54

55 Submit and Approval Process Any user can submit an item, passage or rubric to be shared Users who are permissioned to do so can approve content at their default institution Once approved, content is no longer editable by the submitter


57 Two Kinds of Tests Benchmark Results appear in School & District Data and Classrooms Tests created at the district or school level for the purpose of institution-wide data collection Only highest level category used for KPI calculations Classroom Results only appear in Classrooms Tests created for the purpose of classroom use Can be teacher-created or selected from a pool of pre- made tests My Classroom or Common Classroom categories available

58 Ways to Create a Test Express test Manual test

59 Express Test Method Select the standards to include and the number of items for each 59

60 Manual Method Add your own questions or use existing items 60

61 Try It Out: Create a Test - Create a test with the items you created - Add additional items from the item bank - Modify the score group or item numbering Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00 61

62 Where is My Test? Two Dashboard Versions

63 Test Schedule Dates

64 Online Test Options

65 Share Assessments with Gradebook Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00 65

66 Assign Test


68 Ways to Administer a Test Online (including iPad) Student Response Systems (clickers)* Paper Other (bulk upload results)

69 Printing Options available on test detail page Discuss who will print: - Test booklet - Answer sheets - Answer key - Scoring instructions 69

70 Proctor Dashboard: Monitor an Online Test Graphic representation of the portion of the class that is complete Links to individual student score, answer sheets and PDF test booklet

71 Student Online Test Experience Make sure computers are ready for testing Student logs in and enters online passcode 71

72 Student Online Test Experience Explain test taking strategies to students 72

73 Scoring Options Updating Scanned Results with Open-Ended Score: Teachers grade student responses to open-ended items in Assessment Admin Online Scoring only (no-scanner approach): Teachers enter student scores directly in Assessment Admin – for schools with no scanners or for oral tests Damaged scan sheets: Authorized individuals search for students by ID or name and manually enter student scores Upload File: Upload a spreadsheet of responses

74 Scanning: ScanIt Application

75 Where are the Results? Classroom and School & District Data 75

76 Available support materials - PowerSource documents and Distance Learning available they were already provided access. - Additional Home Base questions – NCDPI PD leads -have been through Certification training and can help with implementation - PowerSchool info provided by NC WISE coordinator - Home Base IIS training materials available within Home Base IIS – Search under materials for Home Base IIS - All LEAs will receive training logins for turnaround training Mid July 76

77 Next Steps Wrap up Questions and answers Evaluation -

78 Don’t Forget!! Navigate to the survey and tell us what you think!

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