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Operational Excellence in Effort Reporting Vision Statement: Implement a compliant, streamlined, electronic effort reporting process by June 2012 that.

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Presentation on theme: "Operational Excellence in Effort Reporting Vision Statement: Implement a compliant, streamlined, electronic effort reporting process by June 2012 that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operational Excellence in Effort Reporting Vision Statement: Implement a compliant, streamlined, electronic effort reporting process by June 2012 that reduces administrative burden. Conference Call: February 1, 2012

2 2 Agenda Topic Campus feedback: Introduction to ecrtAnne Connolly, Campus Team Project update: Committed effortDonna Kiley Project communicationLiz Piga Training discussionCarolyn Mattiske 2

3 Campus Feedback: Introduction to ecrt 3 3  Access to ecrt introduction environment available through Wednesday, February 8  Not meant to be testing  Better understand ecrt  Provide feedback  Think about how it will work for campus users  Feedback from campus team members

4 4 Committed Effort 4  Central Office  Currently testing new Committed Effort form in the Oracle development environment  Currently testing Committed Effort upload process (Excel spreadsheets provided by campuses)in Oracle development environment  Next Steps  The New Committed Effort form will be in the Oracle production environment on or about February 27, 2012

5 5 Committed Effort Implementation Plan 5 Campus  Provide central office spreadsheets with committed effort information by Friday, February 17, 2012  A spreadsheet with the remaining information from original data provided to campuses  And/or  A spreadsheet with information on new awards using template provided to campuses  For the week of February 20-24, 2012: Keep a record of new federal and federal flow through committed effort information for entry into Oracle on or about February 27, 2012 Central Office  Upload Committed Effort information (spreadsheets provided by campus) into Oracle production environment on or about February 24, 2012

6 6 Committed Effort 6  New Committed Effort form in Oracle production environment on or about February 27, 2012  Campuses will now enter information directly in the Oracle Committed Effort form  Central Office will provide documentation and guidance Committed Effort information will be added to Discoverer on or about March 26, 2012  Reports will be developed with committed effort information entered on the Oracle Committed Effort form for monitoring awards requiring committed effort  Committed Effort information will be used for the User Acceptance Testing Phase.

7 7 Communication Training Tools Communications/Training Discussion

8 Project Communication: High-Level 8 8  Project newsletters  Published on the RF’s public web site in the Sponsored Programs News section  New feature: Effort reporting button that goes to an archive of all issuesarchive  Published in the “Communication Toolkit” section of the Operational Excellence in Effort Reporting project web page  Monthly status updates on the RF’s strategic projects public web pageRF’s strategic projects public web page  Meetings  SPFG meetings  UCRC meetings  Vice presidents for research, operations manager meetings

9 Project Communication: PIs 9 9 Principal investigators (PIs)  Communication goals  Awareness of project and ecrt  Understanding of effort reporting policies and procedures  RF will provide template communication tools that the campus may customize  E-mails  Documentation, e.g., quick reference guides

10 Project Communications: Administrators 10 Administrators (Pre-award, post award, human resources staff)  Communication goals:  Awareness of project and ecrt  Understand impact of effort reporting project on campus processes  Communication methods:  E-mails  Documentation, e.g., Guide for Administrators, user help documents  Effort reporting information on campus web pages  Training  Campus feedback

11 In Preparation for Training 11 Campus System Testing User Acceptance Testing Administrator/PI End User Training

12 PI Training Plan Goals 12  Easily accessible  On-demand  Variety of resources/tools  Videos  Guide, both web version and PDF  E-mail communications

13 Sample Training Resources 13 Links:  Duke University’s ECRT video (~9 minutes)ECRT video  Florida International University ECRT videoECRT video  Purdue University’s COEUS Training VideosTraining Videos  Purdue University’s PI User GuideUser Guide

14 Things to Consider… 14  In developing the best training solution for your PIs please think about the following:  Timing  Content  Method

15 Summary  Minutes from this meeting will be posted on the Operational Excellence in Effort Reporting Web pageOperational Excellence in Effort Reporting Web page  Direct questions to: Anne Connolly Project Manager (518) 434-7240 15(#) 15

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