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Towards higher resolution, global-ocean, tracer simulations

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1 Towards higher resolution, global-ocean, tracer simulations
Doctoral Thesis: Zouhair Lachkar Contributors: J.-C. Dutay, P. Delecluse, J. C. Orr LSCE/IPSL, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement CEA-CNRS-UVSQ Gif-sur-Yvette, France

2 Background: Anthropogenic CO2 (1990): Coarse-resolution ocean models (OCMIP-2) Large differences Generally underpredict storage Eddy resolving global model (1/10°) 1st to give adequate Southern Extratropical CFC-11 inventory model data range of OCMIP models What horizontal resolution is needed to capture large-scale distributions? Sasai et al., (2004, GRL)

3 Ocean spatiotemporal scales governing surface variability
Chelton et al. (2001). Satellite altimetry and earth sciences, Chap. on Satellite altimetry, 57–64. Academic Press, NY.

4 Thesis work of Zouhair Lachkar:
Part 1 Evaluate: eddy-induced changes in simulated tracer distributions (model vs. model) any improvement due to explicitly including eddies (model vs. data)? Understand how eddies affect transient tracer uptake & storage Part 2 Explore role of mesoscale eddies in AAIW ventilation (with CFC-11 as a diagnostic tool) Part 3 Study role of eddies & temporal variability of meridional transport of heat, CFC-11, and anthropogenic CO2

5 Approach 2 versions of same model ORCA-LIM (Madec et al., 1998; Barnier et al., 2006) (ORCA 05, ½° cos   ½°) mean res.  33 km (ORCA 2, 2° cos   2°) mean res.  130 km eddying non-eddying Eddy Kinetic Energy Eddy Kinetic Energy Tracers Atmospheric levels (normalized) Tracer Air-sea equilibration time CFC-11  1 month CO2  1 yr Bomb C14  10 yr 14C CFC-11 3 transient tracers: - CFC-11 - Anthropogenic CO2 - Bomb 14C CO2 Broecker and Peng, 1974 1950 Year 2000

6 Increasing resolution reduces CFC-11 uptake & storage
non-eddying eddying data Inventory Cumulative flux Eddy-induced changes (model vs. model) Global Atlantic Pacific Indian South of 20°s flux - 22% -33,6% -9,8% -23,5% -28% inv - 22% -22,8% -10,8% -36,6% -31% Global inventory (106 mol) – (model vs. data) non-eddying eddying Sasai et al (2004) GLODAP (data) 648 506 510 540 Decrease of global uptake by 22% (28% in SO) Largest flux decrease  Atlantic (>33%) Largest inventory decrease  Indian (> 36%) Eddying model generally agrees with data

7 Unlike explictlyGM alone brings little improvement, but not enough…
CFC-11 inventory non-eddying non-eddying non-eddying + GM eddying eddying + GM  non-eddying + GM  eddying + GM CFC-11 Zonal Integral (Mmol degree-1)

8 Increased resolution reduces CO2 uptake & storage
non-eddying eddying data Cumulative flux Inventory Eddy-induced changes (model vs. model) Global Atlantic Pacific Indian South of 20°s Global inventory (PgC) flux - 18% -21,3% -12,5% -23,8% -25% inv - 18% -17,9% -14,3% -24,8% -26% Global inventory (Pg C) – 1994 (model vs. data) non-eddying eddying Sabine et al (2004) GLODAP 120 98 106 Decrease of total uptake by 18% (25% in SO) Largest air-sea flux decrease  Indian (>23%) Largest inventory decrease  Indian (>24%) Eddying model agrees with data

9 How do eddies affect Southern Ocean uptake?
Mixed Layer Thermocline 60°S 40°S + = Eulerian mean circulation Eddy induced flow Residual mean circulation 30 Sv -10 Sv 20 Sv Eddy-induced slow-down of the SO upper meridional circulation 4-year trajectories of set of particles launched at z=250 m, y=60°S, 110°E<x<120°E depth (m) Zonal mean CFC-11 saturation in the Atlantic 0 m non-eddying strong upwelling rapid northward transport 100 m 250 m non-eddying eddying 0 m eddying weak upwelling slow northward transport 100 m 250 m

10 Effect of increasing horizontal resolution section I9S – CFC-11
Including mesoscale eddies: reduces excessive penetration of CFC-11 in Southern Ocean  yields a better agreement with data

11 Isopycnal meridional streamfunction
How do eddies affect AAIW ventilation? LCDWAAIW UCDWAAIW SAMW AAIW UCDW LCDW NADW Maximum of mixed layer depth eddying Isopycnal meridional streamfunction non-eddying 30 Sv CFC-11 inventory ( layer) non-eddying eddying data Including eddies leads to: - increase of UCDWAAIW: +5 Sv - decrease of LCDWAAIW (ML): -15 Sv - reduction of excessive intermediate ocean ventilation (AAIW, - 42%)

12 Mesoscale eddies: Decrease southern extratropical uptake (improve data-model agreement) CFC-11: %; Anthro. CO2: -25%; Bomb C-14: negligible Increase residence time of tracer-rich waters at the surface Increase surface water saturation of rapid equilibrating tracers (CFC-11, anthropogenic CO2) Reduce upwelling (LCDWAAIW) Decrease formation & ventilation of AAIW modify distribution of AAIW source regions (from circumpolar distribution along ACC to localized in the Pacific Ocean) decrease vertical penetration of CFC-11 and CO2 (improve data-model agreement) Need better parameterization or explicit representation of mesoscale eddies to properly simulate southern extratropical uptake & storage of CFC-11 & anthropogenic CO2

13 Future work: towards eddy-resolving transient tracer simulations
EGU 2006 General Assembly Future work: towards eddy-resolving transient tracer simulations ORCA2 (2° cos   2°) mean res.  130 km ORCA05 (½° cos   ½°) mean res.  33 km ORCA025 (¼° cos   ¼°) mean res.  17km Surface current speed (5-day mean, Jan 1-5) CFC-11 Inventory (1965)  From European-led DRAKKAR project on high-resolution ocean modelling


15 Global 14C distribution is insensitive to horizontal resolution
non-eddying eddying data Cumulative flux Inventory Eddy-induced changes (model vs. model) Global Atlantic Pacific Indian South of 20°s flux - 4,6% -4,7% -4% -6,1% -8% inv - 4,6% -5,7% -1,8% -7,3% -7% Global inventory (1028 atoms 14C) – 1994 (model vs. data) non-eddying eddying GLODAP Broeker et al 1995 3,07 2,94 3,13 3,29 Small decrease of uptake & inventory (<5%) Good agreement with observation


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