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M. Iliescu Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Rome, Italy on behalf of the SIDDHARTA collaboration From Phi to Psi Novosibirsk, 2011 Kaonic atoms study.

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1 M. Iliescu Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Rome, Italy on behalf of the SIDDHARTA collaboration From Phi to Psi Novosibirsk, 2011 Kaonic atoms study with SIDDHARTA

2 SIDDHARTA collaboration LNF- INFN, Frascati, Italy SMI - ÖAW, Vienna, Austria IFIN – HH, Bucharest, Romania Politecnico, Milano, Italy MPE, Garching, Germany PNSensors, Munich, Germany RIKEN, Japan Univ. Tokyo, Japan Victoria Univ., Canada SIlicon Drift Detector for Hadronic Atom Research by Timing Applications EU Fundings: JRA10 – FP6 - I3HP Network WP9 – LEANNIS – FP7- I3HP2

3 Hadronic atoms __ Objects of type (K X), (    X) with X = p, d, 3 He, 4 He,.. or      K Bound electromagnetically, binding well known Strong interaction  modify binding  decay of object in some cases: small perturbation  energy shift and width can be related to T-matrix elements at threshold (Deser 1 type formulas) compare to results from low energy scattering experiments 2 Low energy phenomena in strong interaction are hardly described in terms of quarks and gluons; instead, effective theories are used (they have some degrees of freedom to accomodate experimental data) ‏ 1 Deser relation in some cases not sufficient to compare to high precision experimental data 2 Problems: extrapolation to E=0 and quality of old experimental data

4 QCD predictions Chiral perturbation theory was successful in describing systems like  H, but encountered serius difficulties in KH. Main reason is the presence of the  (1405) resonance only 25 MeV below threshold. scattering data Effective field theory atomic X ray data energy, width of resonances There are non-perturbative coupled channel techniques which are able to generate the  (1405) dynamically as a Kbar N quasibound state and as a resonance in the  channel

5 Kaonic hydrogen – Deser formula __ With a 0, a 1 standing for the I=0,1 S-wave KN complex scattering lengths in the isospin limit (m d = m u ),  being the reduced mass of the K - p system, and neglecting isospin-breaking corrections, the relation reads: … a linear combination of the isospin scattering lengths a 0 and a 1 to disentangle them, also the kaonic deuterium scattering length is needed 2 Meißner,Raha,Rusetsky, 2004 ‘‘By using the non-relativistic effective Lagrangian approach a complete expression for the isospin-breaking corrections can be obtained; in leading order parameter-free modified Deser-type relations exist and can be used to extract scattering lenghts from kaonic atom data“ 2

6 Kaonic deuterium For the determination of the isospin dependent scattering lengths a 0 and a 1 the hadronic shift and width of kaonic hydrogen and kaonic deuterium are necessary ! Elaborate procedures needed to connect the observables with the underlaying physics parameters. “To summarize, one may expect that the combined analysis of the forthcoming high-precision data from DEAR/SIDDHARTA collaboration on kaonic hydrogen and deuterium will enable one to perform a stringent test of the framework used to describe low–energy kaon deuteron scattering, as well as to extract the values of a0 and a1 with a reasonable accuracy. However, in order to do so, much theoretical work related to the systematic calculation of higher-order corrections within the non-relativistic EFT is still to be carried out.” (from: Kaon-nucleon scattering lengths from kaonic deuterium, Meißner, Raha, Rusetsky, 2006, arXiv:nucl-th/0603029) ‏ larger than leading term

7 Summary of physics framework and motivation Exotic (kaonic) atoms – probes for strong interaction  hadronic shift ε 1s and width Γ 1s directly observable  experimental study of low energy QCD. Testing chiral symmetry breaking in strangeness systems Kaonic hydrogen  Kp simplest exotic atom with strangeness  kaonic hydrogen‘‘puzzle“ solved – but: more precise experimental data important  kaonic deuterium never measured before Information on  (1405) sub-threshold resonance  responsible for negative real part of scattering amplitude at threshold  important for the search for the controversial ‘‘deeply bound kaonic states” present / upcoming experiments (KEK,GSI,DAFNE,J-PARC) ‏ Determination of the isospin dependent KN scattering lengths  no extrapolation to zero energy

8 AIMS OF SIDDHARTA Improve the previous measurements of the Kaonic hydrogen shift and width. First observation of the Kaonic deuterium K lines. Precise measurement of the Kaonic He 4 L  transition. First observation and precise measurement of the Kaonic He 3 L  transition.

9 Experimental data are available for: K - p cross section for elastic and inelastic processes. Branching ratios for K - p absorption at rest. π Σ invariant mass distribution below K - p threshold, wich exhibits the Λ (1405) resonance. 1s level shift and width of K - p atom determined through Xray measurements. (SIDDHARTA) ‏ Kaon-nucleon interaction at low energies

10 Scattering data vs X-ray measurements Analyises on scattering data have been usually made by using a K-matrix formulation with the assumption that its elements are smooth functions of energy, allowing extrapolation down to threshold and below Scattering data lead to a negative shift, wich means that strong interaction is repulsive and shifts the EM level to a less bound energy. Scattering data -> ε <0 Old X-ray measurements -> ε >0 “Kaonic Hydrogen puzzle”

11 Kaonic Hydrogen Puzzle KpX at KEK results [6], [6] M.Iwasaki et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 78 (1997) 3067 T.M.Ito et al., Phys. Rev. A58 (1998) 2366. Solved !! KeK results

12 DEAR results [2002-2005] Confirming the results found at KeK. No deuterium measurements due to the very high background collisionNon collision (KeK) ‏

13 Previous X-ray measurements summary Repulsive type Attractive DEAR

14 Nucleus n=25 n=2n=1 e-e- Auger e - K - cascade Kaonic atom formation

15 Nucleus n=25 n=2n=1 Strong interaction X-RAY K - Kaonic atom formation

16 Why it takes so long? “A measurement of the energy-level shifts and widths for the atomic levels of kaonic hydrogen (and deuterium) would give a valuable check on analyses of the NK amplitudes, since the energy of the K p atom lies roughly midway between those for the two sets of data.” Dalitz 1981 -yield strongly reduced by the Stark mixing (monocromatic pure kaon beam, high density gaseous target) ‏ -large area, fast, high resolution X-ray detectors are required -X-ray background is huge, either on extracted beams, due to pion contamination and on colliders, due to cm range placement of the target with respect to the interaction point, in a region were large EM showers are induced by the particles lost from the beam.

17 New X-ray detectors (SDD Silicon Drift Detectors) ‏  timing capability  trigger for background suppression  excellent energy resolution (140 eV at 6.0 KeV) ‏  high efficiency, large solid angle.  good performance in accelerator environment Scint SDDs Triple coincidence: SDD X * Scint K * Scint K SIDDHARTA experimental method  e-e- Goal: measure the shift and broadening of the X ray transition of light kaonic atoms. The ground state is affected by the strong interaction of the kaon and the nucleus. Delivers input for effective theories in low energy QCD. Scint e+e+ K-K- K+K+ SDDs X 17 E (2-1) (EM) = 6.480 keV 1s level shifted and broadened 144 cm 2

18 DA  NE UPGRADE, 2008

19 19 Φ production cross section ~ 3000 nb (loss-corrected) ‏ Integr. luminosity 2009 ~ 6 pb -1 per day 1) (~ 10 7 K ± ) ‏ (increased by crabbed waist scheme) ‏ Peak luminosity ~ 3 × 10 32 cm -2 s -1 = 450 Hz K ± 1) we can not use kaons produced during injections. DA  NE SIDDHARTA is set up here electron-positron collider, energy at phi resonance phi produced nearly at rest. (boost: 55 mrad crossing angle → 28 MeV/c) ‏ charged kaons from phi decay: E k = 16 MeV degrade to < 4MeV to stop in gas target during DEAR data taking (2002) ‏ currents ~ 1200/800 ~ 1 pb -1 per day, peak ~ 3×10 31 cm -2 s -1

20 - Monochomatic Kaon beam from  decay at rest => facilitates stopping the kaons in a small volume => allows to produce the exotic atoms before kaon decay and enhace the detection efficiency for rare events -Minimum beam-related hadronic background (  decays in 49% back-to-back charged and 31% neutral kaons) ‏ -High luminosity -  is polarized, so the kaon flux emitted mostly on transverse plane to machine beam pipe (sine 2 distribution)=> easy to capture a high fraction on a limited solid angle Why at DA Φ NE?

21 DAFNE background SYNCRONOUS: It’s associated to K production, or  decays. It can be considered a hadronic background. ASYNCRONOUS: It’s dued to final products of electromagnetic cascade produced in the accelerator and to other materials activated by electrons lost from the beam. Moreover it also contains Touschek effect (same bunch particles’ interactions) ‏ The main contribute comes from the asyncronous background, wich can be reduced by shielding, trigger and use of fast detectors: SDD (Silicon Drift Detector) ‏

22 1 bar Target Low density gas Hydrogen Deuterium Helium4, Helium3

23 e-e- e+e+  K-K- K+K+

24 SIDDHARTA SETUP (used for calibration) ‏ (two scintillators timed by the DAFNE RF) ‏

25 ---- MESON 2010, 12/06/2010, A. Romero ---- 25

26 Kaon trigger Beam pipe

27 ---- MESON 2010, 12/06/2010, A. Romero ---- 27 Target (filled with Hydrogen, helium or deuterium) ‏ SDD’s

28 ---- MESON 2010, 12/06/2010, A. Romero ---- 28 144 SDD’s 1cm x 1cm

29 Trigger 1 ns 2.8 ns MIP’s Kaons Rejection factor >10 4 Self trigger MIP’s Drift time Kaons are detected by TOF. Two scintillators in coincidense with the collission.

30 Resolution at 6.4 KeV (FWHM) ~ 140 eV Calibration runs Ti K  Ti K  Cu K  Cu K  Every 10 normal runs, a calibration run is done using a X-ray tube which activates the Ti and Cu foils, in order to check the setup stability. (data with Fe source) ‏

31 Physics Letters B 681 (2009) 310-314 Kaonic He4. First results

32 X ray energy (keV) ‏ Counts / 40eV KHe (3-2) ‏ Fit of Kaonic Helium 4. New data KC (6-5) ‏ KHe (4-2) ‏ transition events (3-2) 6.464 1047 ± 37 (4-2) 8.722 154 ± 21 (5-2) 9.767 91.8 ± 19 (6-2) 10.333 82.4 ± 25 higher < 11.63 131 ± 41 Ti K  KHe used for gas stop optimization + physics interest 1 ) ‏ data from setup 2 (no Fe55 source) ‏ 1 ) compare KEK E570 KHe L lines in liquid He, consistent result, first measurement in gas KHe (5-2) ‏ KN (5-4) ‏ 32 KHe L high KC (5-4) ‏ KHe (6-2) ‏ KO (6-5) ‏ KO (7-6) ‏ Shift compatible with zero

33 X ray energy (keV) ‏ Counts / 40 eV KHe (3-2) ‏ Fit of Kaonic Helium 3 KC (6-5) ‏ KHe (4-2) ‏ KC (5-4) ‏ transition events (3-2) 6.224 1209 ± 40 (4-2) 8.399 220 ± 22 (5-2) 9.406 90.0 ± 18 (6-2) 9.953 65.8 ± 24 higher < 11.4 397 ± 40 Ti K  KHe3 (never measured before)‏ Published in PLB 697(2011)199 KHe (5-2) ‏ 33 KHe L high KHe (6-2) ‏ KO (6-5) ‏ KN (5-4) ‏ KO (7-6) ‏

34 Kaonic hydrogen data

35 Kaonic hydrogen and kaonic deuterium

36 Kaonic hydrogen fit energy (keV) ‏ from the kaonic hydrogen spectrum the Kd specturm was subtracted to get rid of the kaonic background lines KO, KN. 290 pb -1 KH For the signal 8 voigtians with given gauss resolution and free identical lorentz width are used for (2-1),.. (9-1) ‏ The position pattern is fixed by the QED values. The intensities of (2-1),(3-1) and (4-1) ‏ are free, those of the higher transitions are coupled according to theoretical expectatuions (cascade calculation, Koike‘s values) ‏ KH (2-1) ‏ KH (3-1) ‏ KH (4-1),.. (9-1) ‏ Note: K high yield pattern In the final analysis the backgound is determined from fitting the KD data and then include the pattren in the KH fit. ε1s = -283 ± 36(stat) ± 6(syst) eV Γ1s = 541 ± 89(stat) ± 22(syst) eV Physics Letters B 27935 (2011)‏

37 X-ray measurements summary Repulsive type Attractive DEAR SIDDHARTA

38 Future plans (SIDDHARTA 2) ‏ SIDDHARTA upgrade (from 2012) for : Kaonic deuterium precision measurement Other kaonic atoms (light and heavy) (Si,Pb …) ‏ Charged kaon mass precision measurement. Feasibility study for Sigmonium atoms. Kaonic Helium transitions to the 1s level. -larger target -better shielding and trigger system -new anticoincidence detectors overall further background reduction ~30x

39 Conclusions SIDDHARTA has performed accurate measurements of kaonic atoms. K - p shift ~ -283 eV, width ~541 eV, best precision to date SIDDHARTA2 plans solving kaonic atoms campaign (2012). K - d exploratory measurement, small signal, 2  DAFNE represents an unique opportunity to study in a complete way the kaon-nucleon/nuclei physics at low energy.

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