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Management report Zofia Stott Jon Styles Assimila Limited.

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Presentation on theme: "Management report Zofia Stott Jon Styles Assimila Limited."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management report Zofia Stott Jon Styles Assimila Limited

2 Agenda am 1030Welcome and introductions  Pascal Lecomte 1040Management overview  Zofia Stott/Jon Styles 1050Progress on Coupled Model Data Assimilation project  Overview and introduction Keith Haines  Task 3: Evaluating observation strategies Chris Old  Task 1: Building an idealised coupled system, Amos Lawless/Polly Smith  Task 2 and 4: Progress with CERA development, Patrick Laloyaux, Eric de Boisseson  Plans over next 6 months 1200Progress on Interfacing EO Data with Atmosphere and Land Models project  Task 5: OSSE tool development and demonstration Liang Feng  Task 6 and 7: Progress to date and next steps on high resolution forward and inverse modelling for CO2/CH4 and CO:CO2 ratios Liang Feng/Martyn Chipperfield 1230LUNCH

3 Agenda pm 1330Outreach activities: progress and discussion (across all 3 projects) Bethan Harris  The web site  Plans for code and tools  Plans for workshops (Tris Quaife/Nancy Nichols/Mel Sandells) 1400 Progress on Interfacing EO Data with Atmosphere and Land Models project  Task 2: Process model development Tris Quaife  Task 3: EOLDAS baseline Phil Lewis  Plans over the next 6 months Phil Lewis 1430Progress on Advanced Data Assimilation project  Overview and introduction Peter Jan van Leeuwen  WP 1: Data-assimilation methods for nonlinear non-Gaussian and multi-scale problems Peter Jan van Leeuwen  WP2: Quantifying and representing uncertainty in models and observations at multiple scales, Stefano Migliorini, Ross Bannister, Nancy Nichols  WP3: Snow products – plans over the next 6 months Mel Sandells 1530TEA 1600Review of deliverables AOB, Review of actions and next steps Date of next meeting

4 Overview KO 27 March 2012 PM1 11 December 2012 All three projects continue to make good progress – Work packages remain relevant, achievable within resources available Deviations since KO relate – Delay in PM1 by 3 months – Projects broadly on track on with revised schedule (end date June 2014) – Coupled model project: WP4.1 of CERA development is behind schedule as additional effort/time spent on WP4.2: SST constraint – Interfacing EO project: WP3.1 EO-LDAS V1 software development has remained behind schedule

5 Deliverables – Coupled Model D5.1 (Task 2) – Implementation of baseline coupled system CERA-S, User documentation D6 (Task 3) – A current reanalysis assessment report D8.2 (Task 4) – Methodology to constrain the SST implemented in the CERA-S system Delayed D8.1 (Task 4) – Report on sensitivities to the ocean data assimilation cycle

6 Deliverables – Advanced Methods D1/4/5 (draft) (Task 1, 2) – Assessment report of assimilation methods – Assessment report on measures of representivity – Integrated report on relative influence of errors in data assimilation D2/3 (draft) (Task 2) – Assessment report on background and model errors

7 Deliverables – Interfacing EO TN1 (Task 2 – Land) – Technical note on vegetation processes TN2 (Task 2 – Land) – Technical note on vegetation structure D5 (Task 5 – Atmosphere) – OSSE tool documentation Delayed (Task 3 – Land) – EOLDAS tool documentation V1

8 Deliverables - Roadmap Integrated roadmap V2 Related promotional material, tools and code




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