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Current Status of SPICA Focal Plane Instruments October 19, 2009 Hideo Matsuhara (ISAS/JAXA) & FPI team.

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Presentation on theme: "Current Status of SPICA Focal Plane Instruments October 19, 2009 Hideo Matsuhara (ISAS/JAXA) & FPI team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current Status of SPICA Focal Plane Instruments October 19, 2009 Hideo Matsuhara (ISAS/JAXA) & FPI team

2 MIRACLE (Mid-InfRAred Camera w/o LEns) MIRACLE is a mid-IR instrument with imaging and low-resolution spectroscopy consisting of two channels: Filter-wheel : imaging band (R~5) & spectroscopy with grism/prism (R~100) 2K x 2K

3 MIRACLE Optics Telescope Focus Fore-optics collimator Fore-optics camera Re-imaging focus Final image Rear-optics collimator Rear-optics camera

4 MIRMES (MIR Medium-Resolution Spectrometer) Wavelengths: 16-38  m, 2 channels (Si:As x 1, Si:Sb x 1) Image slicer, Spectral resolution 700-1000 ARM-SARM-L Wavelength coverage 10.32  m - 19.35  m19.22  m - 36.04  m Spectral resolution (R= /  ~1500~900 pixel scale0.37”0.72” slit width1.11” (3 pixel)3.6” (5 pixel) FOV size12.95” x 5.55”25.2” x 18.0” (35pixel x 3 pixel x 5rows) (35pixel x 5 pixel x 5rows)

5 MIRHES (MIR High-Resolution Spectrometer) Short(S)-modeLong(L)-mode Wavelength coverage 4 – 8  m12 – 18  m Spectral resolution (R= /  30,00020,000 – 30,000 Slit width0.72”1.20” Slit length3.5”6.0” Dispersion element ZeSe immersion grating KRS5 immersion grating Cross disperserReflectivereflective MIRHES S-mode

6 MIRACLE/MIRMES/MIRHES: Current Progress MIRACLE Optics design mostly fixed: Short-wave ch. Detector format is now 2K x 2K (Raytheon IBC) Mid-IR filter (long-wave ch.) development is underway SHI will design : Structure Moving mechanism (Filter Wheel, slit changer) Pointing control : Slit-mapping is under consideration, which will relax the absolute pointing requirement MIRMES Spectrometer concept has been fixed, Optical design underway Beam splitter is a key issue MIRHES R&D of Immersing grating for long-wave ch.

7 SCI : SPICA Coronagraph Insturment A mid-IR coronagraph instrument with both imaging & low-res. spectroscopic capability. Major goal : direct imaging & spectroscopy at 3.5-27  m Coronagraph method Binary-shaped pupil mask (baseline) Contrast > 10 -6 Field of View: 1.0 x 1.0 arcmin 2 Spectral resolution : 20-200 Current status : Draft optical, structure design finished improved Tip-tilt design


9 SAFARI SPICA Far-infrared Instrument Leaded by SAFARI consortium in Europe Imaging Fourier-transform spectrometer covering 35-210  m FOV : 2 x 2 arcmin 2 Wavelength resolution 2000 at 100  m is maximum

10 SAFARI Design @Phase-A1 conclusion Current cold mass : 38.8kg (22% margin to 50kg allocation)

11 BLISS (Background-Limited Infrared-Submm Spectrograph) Proposed by US AO for conceptual study released by NASA (due 2 nd Nov.) Wavelength: 38-430  m, Spectral resolution R=700 Grating spectrometer, 5 channel, 4200 bolometers at 50mK

12 FPC (Focal-Plane Finding Camera) Korean-leading instrument, with participation of NAOJ FPC-G : guidance sensor for the Attitude control System to stabilize the attitude with an accuracy of 0.05” FPC-S: science camera for 2.5-5  m imaging


14 14 Cold stage heat generation Assumption: Baseline : No parallel mode Any observations will be executed by using single FPI, excluding FPC-G Current Status <15mW @ 4.5K for any observation mode Exceeds 5mW@1.7K (baseline allocation for 1.7K stage) but less than 10mW5mW@1.7K

15 15 Heat load (max/average) @4.5K stage (09/08/31) T

16 16 Heat load (max/average) @1.7K stage (09/08/31)

17 FPI Mass (@ESA CV) FPI Weight (kg) comment MIRACLE 60.0 with 20% margin MIRMES MIRHES SCI30.0 FPC10.0 SAFARI50.0 BLISS30.0(optional FPI) IOB, FPI cover50.0with 20% margin Total200excluding BLISS

18 FOV allocation

19 Pick Off Mirrors

20 FPI footprint on IOB

21 Folding Mirror Module If the pick-off mirror for each FPI belongs to the cold hardware volume of the FPI, assembling of the whole FPIs on IOB is really difficult We decide to consider a common pick-off module (PoM) separated from each FPI, but mechanically I/F to IOB PoM is a subsystem of IOBA There may need a hole in the center of PoM, for the optical test of STA? May be an issue for SCI’s pick-off location Important alignment issue for MIRACLE,MIRHES, SCI They request “co-focus” : stringent accuracy requirements in their back-focus location How can we achieve this?

22 ICS-FPI ICS (interface control specification) document should be prepared for SRR I/F with STA (mechanical/optical), CRYO (thermal), BM (bus module: electrical), AOCS (pointing control I/F) MIRACLE, MIRMES, MIRHES & SCI will be put in ICS-FPI Dedicated ICS for SAFARI, BLISS, FPC Following issues should be prepared by 5 th Nov. (or so) Operation mode Observing mode Warm electronics power/heat in each operating mode (observation/standby) ``Urgently” required info.: Cold Weight, Volume, outer shape … necessary for the design of whole FPI assembly


24 Japanese-lead instruments MIRACLE Instrument Proposal / Concept study report will be released by Jan. 2010 (may be delayed) Refereeing / Reviewing in Jan-March 2010 (may be delayed) by a Japanese Selection committee Decision of the Selection will be authorized by JAXA MIRMES, MIRHES, SCI Instrument Proposal / Concept study report will be released by Apr. 2010 Refereeing / Reviewing in Apr-July 2010 by a Japanese Selection committee Decision of the Selection will be authorized by JAXA

25 Oversea-based instruments SAFARI Leaded by European SAFARI consortium Result of Concept study will be reviewed by ESA Also JAXA’s review expected before SDR BLISS Leaded by US under NASA AO Participation critically depends on the Decadal Survey report Selection will be decided by discussion between JAXA and NASA FPC Leaded by Korean consortium (w/ participation of NAOJ) FPC-G (mandatory), FPC-S (optional) Review & selection of the specifications will be decided by discussion between JAXA and Korean consortium

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