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Presentation on theme: "A WEBQUEST FOR 3 RD GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS/SOCIAL STUDIES DESIGNED BY KATIE SCHRIEFER Flat Stanley Adventures."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction In social studies we have talked about the differences in communities and life between the 1600s and now. It is time to bring literature and language arts into the mix. Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown is book about the adventures of a boy who is flat. He goes around his community doing different activities and hanging out with his family. I would like you to read the book, retell the story, and then write a letter to me about the adventures you had with your own flat Stanley and your family. The BIG question I have is where will you go with Flat Stanley and what will you do?

3 Task What are you going to have to do? Read the book and journal Make a graphic organizer (the questions in your journals will help ) Make Stanley Go on an adventure! Write a letter E-mail me your journals, graphic organizer, and letter Your task is to communicate to me how well you comprehend a story and what you do for fun in your community. This is a chance for me to get to know you and what you like to do!

4 Process As we read the book you will need a journal to record answers or observations that you have of the book and e-mail all three of them to me at the end of the lesson. When you see the word STOP you should be at the end of a chapter or major event in the book and answer the questions given.

5 Here We Go! Time to start the book. This book has many different covers, but the story is the same. Why? The author of the book never changes, but an author does not draw the pictures. The person who draws the pictures is called an illustrator.

6 Process Another difference that each book has, is that some of the books have chapters and others do not. I will break the book into chapters, give the page numbers, and the story changes to clue you in when to start reading and stop reading. Click on the to learn about the parts of a book and explore different activities! Make sure to keep up with the journal and look for the word STOP !

7 Chapter 0ne Chapter 1-The Big Bulletin Board page 1-37. Students without chapters read until Mr. Dart is introduced or you start reading about the museum and thieves. STOP! First journal entry: What characters are introduced? How did Stanley become flat? Write one event that happened.

8 Chapter Two Chapter 2- The Museum Thieves page 38-39. Readers without chapters please read from where you stopped to when Stanley is being congratulated and famous for his incredible idea. STOP! Write in your journal: What was Stanley’s incredible idea? Where did this chapter take place? How do you think the book is going to end?

9 Chapter 3 Please read from chapter three to the end of the book. Readers without chapters read from when you stopped to the end of the book. STOP! Final journal entry: Why was Stanley sad? What was Arthur’s idea? Did you like the book?

10 Afterwards You are done with step one!! You read the book. Here are some key words for your next step: Main characters: people who appear most often in the story Setting: where the story takes place Problem: What’s the conflict of the story? Events: What actions happened between the problem and the solution? Solution: The idea or event that solved the problem Conclusion: What happened at the end of the story

11 Put it together! Go ahead and click on the links below. There are three different graphic organizers that you can choose from. A graphic organizer helps you list what the book was about and summarizes the key points. Please fill it out and send it with your journals.

12 Letter time Now that you have done the work for the story, it is time to go on your own adventure… Please click on the link to review how to write a letter.

13 Stan the man To write a letter about the adventures you had with Stanley you first need to make one. Click on the star to color your own…if you want to draw him yourself go for it! Click on the smiley face below to read the letter I wrote you.

14 You’re ready Hangout with Stanley for a weekend. When the weekend comes to an end, write me a letter and e-mail it to me. You may draw pictures, take pictures with your camera, or just write a letter. I would love for your family to be involved, have them write the letter with you or play with you and Stanley. I have written ideas on the next slide..if you are stuck.

15 Ideas You and your man Stan can: Go to the park The movies Play games Watch television Eat dinner Ride your pet…you can do ANYTHING! *Be careful not to step or sit on him. When Stanley hungout with me, he almost was sat on!*

16 You’re done! Once you have e-mailed the letter, graphic organizer, and journals to me you are done!! I cannot wait to read about your adventures!

17 Evaluation Total Points=25 Excelle nt Satisfa ctory Incom plete Journal One Journal one is complet ed fully. It has been e- mailed to me, students uses complet e sentenc es: steals from the question, correct capitaliz ation, punctua tion, and answers all the question s. Gives details Journal one is complet ed. It has been e- mailed to me, there are answers to the all the question s with some complet e answer mistake s; not stealing from the question, capitaliz ation, and punctua tion. Journal one is not complet e. It was not e- mailed to me or the answers to do relate to the informa tion of the book. Journal Two Journal two is complet ed fully. It has been e- mailed to me, students uses complet e sentenc es: steals from the question, correct capitaliz ation, punctua tion, and answers all the question s. Gives details Journal two is complet ed. It has been e- mailed to me, there are answers to the all the question s with some complet e answer mistake s; not stealing from the question, capitaliz ation, and punctua tion. Journal three is not complet e. It was not e- mailed to me or the answers to do relate to the informa tion of the book. Journal Three Journal three is complet ed fully. It has been e- mailed to me, students uses complet e sentenc es: steals from the question, correct capitaliz ation, punctua tion, and answers all the question s. Gives details Journal three is complet ed. It has been e- mailed to me, there are answers to the all the question s with some complet e answer mistake s; not stealing from the question, capitaliz ation, and punctua tion. Journal three is not complet e. It was not e- mailed to me or the answers to do relate to the informa tion of the book. Graphic Organiz er The student has chosen one of the graphic organize r and sent it to me. Complet ed it with notes and the right informa tion in each category. Has no spelling and punctua tion mistake s The student has chosen one of the graphic organize rs and sent it to me. Has the chart filled out with the informa tion needed with a few mistake s. The student did not send me the graphic organize r or did not complet e the charts complet ely. There is informa tion missing. LetterThe student has sent me their letter. Has all the parts of a letter header, greeting, body, closing, and signatur e. Wrote down the adventu res they had with Stanley. The student has sent me their letter. Only has 2-3 parts of a letter. Wrote me the adventu res they had with Stanley. The student has not sent me their letter or only have 0-1 parts of a letter. Did not talk about their adventu res with Stanley. Excellent=5Satisfactory=3Incomplete=1 Journal One Journal one is completed fully. It has been e-mailed to me, students uses complete sentences: steals from the question, correct capitalization, punctuation, and answers all the questions. Gives details Journal one is completed. It has been e-mailed to me, there are answers to the all the questions with some complete answer mistakes; not stealing from the question, capitalization, and punctuation. Journal one is not complete. It was not e- mailed to me or the answers to do relate to the information of the book. Journal Two Journal two is completed fully. It has been e-mailed to me, students uses complete sentences: steals from the question, correct capitalization, punctuation, and answers all the questions. Gives details Journal two is completed. It has been e-mailed to me, there are answers to the all the questions with some complete answer mistakes; not stealing from the question, capitalization, and punctuation. Journal two is not complete. It was not e- mailed to me or the answers to do relate to the information of the book. Journal Three Journal three is completed fully. It has been e-mailed to me, students uses complete sentences: steals from the question, correct capitalization, punctuation, and answers all the questions. Gives details Journal three is completed. It has been e- mailed to me, there are answers to the all the questions with some complete answer mistakes; not stealing from the question, capitalization, and punctuation. Journal three is not complete. It was not e- mailed to me or the answers to do relate to the information of the book. Graphic Organizer The student has chosen one of the graphic organizers and sent it to me. Completed it with notes and the right information in each category. Has no spelling and punctuation mistakes The student has chosen one of the graphic organizers and sent it to me. Has the chart filled out with the information needed with a few mistakes. The student did not send me the graphic organizer or did not complete the charts completely. There is information missing. LetterThe student has sent me their letter. Has all the parts of a letter header, greeting, body, closing, and signature. Wrote down the adventures they had with Stanley. Included a pictures or photos. The student has sent me their letter. Only has 2-3 parts of a letter. Wrote me the adventures they had with Stanley. The student did not send me their letter or only have 0-1 parts of a letter. Did not talk about their adventures with Stanley.

18 Conclusion FANTASTIC JOB!! What have we learned/reviewed: 1. How to write a letter. 2. How to retell a story through a graphic organizer. What was the point? 1. To link what we have already discussed (communities) to a piece of literature that had examples of places in the community. 2. To go out into your community and share what you do with your family and friends.

19 References I want to say thank you for the websites that have provided the images, activities, and documents that are used in this lesson. Thanks to: * for the picture of Flat Stanley * for the different book covers ** for the information on parts of a book ** for the video that explains how to write a letter ** for the template of Flat Stanley *Clip art- for the lightbulb


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