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9/26 Warm-Up Define the term SYMBOL in your own words and give an example. *Look up at the ceiling for inspiration DO NOT TOUCH THE MAGAZINES!!!!!!!

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Presentation on theme: "9/26 Warm-Up Define the term SYMBOL in your own words and give an example. *Look up at the ceiling for inspiration DO NOT TOUCH THE MAGAZINES!!!!!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 9/26 Warm-Up Define the term SYMBOL in your own words and give an example. *Look up at the ceiling for inspiration DO NOT TOUCH THE MAGAZINES!!!!!!!

2 I wonder…

3 ROMAN MOSAICS & Symbolism Use guided notes worksheets.

4 Unit & Project Objectives: (Also located on your project sheet) The students will… –Explore Roman culture, mosaics, and symbolism –Create a mosaic that resembles themselves.

5 Definition of SYMBOLISM Symbolism – is the use of an image to stand for an idea. Common symbols: –Ying yang –Earth –Flag –Peace sign –Raven –$ –Logo –Smiley face

6 EXAMPLES of SYMBOLS Dove - Peace & FaithFox – play, action, stealth Eagle – strength, growth Butterfly – beauty, delicacy, elegance Cultural symbols, zodiac signs, flowers, insects, etc.

7 SYMBOLISM Brainstorm: Create a list of symbols that are important to you or represent you. Questions to ask yourself: –What makes me happy? –What are some of my favorite items (food, objects, etc.) –What are my hobbies and interests that represent my personality? –What symbols represent my culture, heritage, or values? CREATE A “ME” page in your sketchbook. Draw and cut out symbols that represent you. Add color and fill the space. BE CREATIVE! * On the back, Write a brief description of why you chose each symbol and how it represents you. ACTIVITY!

8 Pair & Share Share your “ME” page with a partner. –What do you have in common? –How are you different?

9 Mosaics What is/was their purpose? Decoration (scenes of everyday life, history, personalized designs) Where are/were they displayed? Floors of Roman buildings, walls, ceilings, etc. Homes, tile backdrops

10 THINK ABOUT IT! Question: How might symbolism be related to ROMAN art (specifically Roman mosaics)? Answer: Images of symbols were often the subjects of Roman mosaics.Images of symbols were often the subjects of Roman mosaics

11 I learned…

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