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Virtual Business Sports

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1 Virtual Business Sports

2 The promotion of a company in association with a property
Sponsorship The promotion of a company in association with a property

3 Why Sponsor Sports Teams?
Companies sponsor sports teams as a form of advertising.

4 How are sponsors promoted?
Usually through signage at or around the stadium or venue. They may also be recognized in other team promotions

5 Types of Stadium Sponsorships
Naming rights Scoreboard signage Ticket booth signage Field signage *Sponsorships range in cost depending on size and exposure of the signage

6 Local & National Sponsorships
Small signage may appeal to smaller local businesses, while stadium naming rights may appeal to a large national corporation

7 Negotiations Teams will negotiate acceptable offers for sponsorships with local and national companies

8 Contract Terms Legal specifics of an agreement between two parties including payments and length of the contract

9 Sponsorships Terms Sponsor: Organizations, firms, or individuals that give teams money in exchange for advertising rights on stadium signage and naming rights Signage: Collective use of signs, symbols, or designs in designated areas of a stadium or venue Naming Rights: Exclusive right of a sponsor to have its name and logo on a stadium or venue Negotiation: The act of discussing an issue between two or more parties with competing interests in order to reach an agreement.

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