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Presented by Courtney L. Hayes.  I donated money to our team  I helped set up for the Relay for Life night  I bagged candy for the winners of the teams’

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Courtney L. Hayes.  I donated money to our team  I helped set up for the Relay for Life night  I bagged candy for the winners of the teams’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Courtney L. Hayes

2  I donated money to our team  I helped set up for the Relay for Life night  I bagged candy for the winners of the teams’ activities


4  We picked up pinecones from their yard and grinded them up to make their flower beds look nice  We also mowed their grass after all of the pinecones were picked up

5  We did the same with the same with their yard  We also washed their two cars and their truck





10  states  Service learning is the services volunteered by individuals or an organization to benefit a community or its institutions.

11  Work service learning is helping out our community any way we can  One can do service learning many different ways  Helping the elderly  Helping the less fortunate  Donating

12  The Good  I grew closer to a few of the elderly couples in our neighborhood and had a fun doing it  The Bad  Picking up trash was a dirty job We ended up covered in mud

13  I learned  Community service can be done anywhere  Even though one is meaning to benefit others by doing it, everyone that is involved will be benefitted

14  Yes  I plan to go on a mission trip during the summer  I also plan to continue to help the elderly couples I have mentioned

15  THE END

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