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Published byMargery Shelton Modified over 9 years ago
1 Theory, Practice & Methodology of Relational Database Design and Programming Copyright © Ellis Cohen 2002-2008 Security and Data-Tier Implementations These slides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. For more information on how you may use them, please see
2 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Overview of Lecture Application-Based Security Authentication & Encryption Data-Tier Implementations Data-Tier Implementation of Query Operations Parameterized Queries Using Package Variables Parameterized Queries Using Cursors Parameterized Queries Using REF Cursors Secure Data-Tier Implementations
3 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Application-Based Security
4 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Application Implementation Users typically access the operations of a DB application through –User Interfaces (often but not always web-based) –Service Interfaces (often, but not always web services) The application code then accesses the database (directly or through views or stored procedures), not the user directly.
5 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 UI's and Web Services Database Server Web Browser Web or Application Server Presentation Tier Data TierMiddle Tier UI Management Web Service Interface Web Service Client Distributed Application Environment SOAP User (Interactive Client) DB Application APIAPI
6 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Circumventing Access Control Operations Implement Access Control by: –Access-limited queries/views/modifications –Explicit or trigger-based access checks in operations GREAT! But what prevents an arbitrary user or client from simply accessing the Emps table directly or even from disabling a trigger?
7 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Application-Based Security A new schema is created for each new database application (e.g. EmpDB for the Employee DB application) When the application starts up (i.e. the middle-tier code), it connects to the database using the application schema name (e.g. EmpDB) and a private password or security credentials. Only the application (and not an arbitrary user inside the firewall) can access the application's tables and other data, because arbitrary users don't know the password or can’t obtain the necessary credentials. (Although the DBA does, and that can still cause problems!) It is solely up to the application to enforce security By authenticating users (perhaps with help of DB code like AuthPkg) By performing the correct access checks
8 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Limitations of Application-Based Security Too easy for application-level errors or password-breaches to compromise all the application data If an intruder can hijack the middle-tier application, they have complete access to EmpDB. They can –Delete all the data –Subtly sabotage the data –Make the data inconsistent –(Possibly) Change the data tier code –(Possibly) Add back-door access
9 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Securing Application-Based Systems Some ways of securing application- based systems: Mutual Authentication Message Encryption Data Encryption Carefully review code for SQL injection exploits ( SQLInjectionWhitePaper.pdf) Secure Data-Tier Implementation
10 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Authentication & Encryption
11 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Principal Who wants to access a database? A user An application etc … Principal: The entity in a computer system whose identity can be authenticated and to which privileges are granted
12 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Authentication in a Single Machine Environment Authentication Verifying the identity of a principal making a request How does the database know who is making a request? –Determined at connection time –Remains associated with the connection How does the database know who is establishing a connection –Provide a userid and password to the DB when making a connection –Ask the operating system to identify the (userid of the) principal making the connection [Single signon]
13 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Corporate Network Security Suppose user is on one machine database on another Problem Secure (mutual) authentication Secure identification of user to database Secure identification of database to user Secure communication between two machines: Use encryption With potentially malicious individuals Eavesdrop on communication line Remove/modify/insert/replay packets
14 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Primitive Network Attacks From Stallings, Network & Internetwork Security
15 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Security Attacks Passive Attacks (sniffing/snooping/ eavesdropping/monitoring): –Obtain message contents (esp sensitive data, particularly passwords) –Monitor traffic flows –Deduce secrets (especially "keys") Active Attacks –Masquerade of one entity as some other (spoofing) –Replay previous messages (once or many times) –Modify messages in transit –Denial of service (flooding) –Viruses/Worms
16 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Symmetric/Private Key Encryption kdj%$$KU:78v2n]=kva w@b^vfeyu8Tj;p].\~4v $&9ikmunp;p, This is extremely secret information Plain text Encrypted text Same key Security depends on the secrecy of the key not the secrecy of the algorithm This is extremely secret information Plain text encrypt decrypt k k
17 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Symmetric Key-Based Confidentiality For A to communicate with a service B They both share a private key kAB that can be used both to encrypt and decrypt data A uses the key to encrypt data -- [data]kAB A sends [data]kAB to B Eavesdroppers who don't know the key see "random" bits; packets they insert will (once decryption is attempted) be identified as fake B uses kAB to decrypt [data]kAB and gets back the data If a key is used too heavily, it can be compromised If A and B continue to use kAB, it can be deduced by an eavesdropper
18 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Session Keys If a key is used too heavily, it can be compromised An eavesdropper can deduce a secret key if it sees a long enough sequence of encrypted messages For A to communicate with a service B They both share a private key kAB When A starts a session with B, B creates a one-time private session key, kS, and returns [kS]kAB to A A uses kAB to decrypt the message and get kS, and A & B subsequently use kS to encypt their messages for the rest of the session
19 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Simple Password-Based Authentication Assumption: Database's key, kDB, is securely embedded on each user's local host Sample Simplified Protocol: User process –creates a one-time private session key, kS –Sends [userid, passwd, kS]kDB to database server Database server –uses kDB to obtain userid, passwd, kS –checks userid and passwd Database server and user process use kS for secure encrypted communication –Problem: kDB can be too easily compromised which then completely compromises system
20 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Simple Key-Based Security Assumption: Every user has registered their private key with the database server User process –Send the user's name to the database server Database service –Gets the name and looks up the user's registered key, kUser –Creates a one-time private session key, kS –Sends [name, kS]kUser back to user process User process –Extracts name & checks if it is its own name (Guarantees response came from DB server & that decryption was successful) –Extracts kS Database server and user process use kS for secure encrypted communication
21 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Corporate Network Authentication Approaches Database Password Approach: maintains set of userids & passwords Operating System Approach: uses network login identity (single signon) Authentication Service Approach (e.g. Kerberos): Each user and server register a single private key with Kerberos Kerberos mutually authenticates users and services using their registered private keys, and creates a session key for their communication Avoids having each service handle key registration, means that a user only needs one key, rather than one key for each service
22 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Data & Code Encryption Databases can encrypt data (tables or columns) and code (stored DB operations) using private keys to further protect data
23 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Public Networks & Public Keys Registering passwords or private keys across public network is not scalable or secure In a public key system, a party has a pair of keys, K (public) and K' (private): –You can't decrypt [data]K just by knowing K. You need to know K' [[data]K]K' => data –Also goes the other way! [[data]K']K => data
24 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Public Key Pairs Public and private keys are always generated as a matched pair Keys are mathematically related but it is computationally infeasible to deduce a private key from its public key Private keys are kept secret - often by being stored in a tamper-resistant chip K K' K (Public) K' (Private)
25 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Secure Mutual Authentication Database Server advertises its public key, DK A user's public key is UK. User sends the following to the DB server –[UK, nonce]DK (a nonce is a random value, different for every initial request) Database server –Uses DK' to extract UK & nonce –Uses UK to identify user (or user could have also sent a name on first contact w server) –creates private session key, kS –sends [nonce, kS]UK to user process User process –uses UK' to extract nonce and kS –checks nonce (prevents masquerading) Database service and user process use kS for secure encrypted communication
26 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Data-Tier Implementations
27 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Data-Tier Implementation The code that actually accesses a DB application's tables is ALL implemented in the data tier as –views & cursors –stored DB operations (procedures, functions & packages) The actual user operation code in the middle tier is largely limited to –figuring out which views, cursors & DB operations to use –formatting results –controlling UI navigation
28 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Goals & Advantages of Data-Tier Implementation Information Hiding Hides the details of the database implementation the actual tables & attributes used what constraints are enforced & how And just makes available a collection of views, and procedures, functions, & cursors (typically organized into packages) which enable user operations to be implemented easily and remain unchanged even if the underlying DB representation and the business rules changes Security In conjunction with database privileges & roles, enables implementation to be highly secure
29 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Separation of Responsibility Data-tier All access to actual tables All decisions about what constraints to enforce and how Middle-tier All display of ordinary & error output NOTE: Output should NEVER be displayed from code stored in the data-tier
30 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 User Action Code Using Middle-Tier Implementation BEGIN CheckManage( :empno ); UPDATE Emps SET sal = :sal WHERE empno = :empno; pl( 'Salary Changed' ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN doerr(); END; In a middle-tier implementation, the middle-tier code directly accesses underlying tables In a middle-tier implementation, decisions about what access constraints to enforce and how to enforce them are exposed in the middle-tier code ChangeSal( :empno, :sal )
31 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 User Action Code Using Data-Tier Implementation PROCEDURE ChangeSal ( anEmpno int, aSal number ) IS BEGIN CheckManage( anEmpno ); UPDATE Emps SET sal = aSal WHERE empno = anEmpno; END; BEGIN EmpPkg.ChangeSal( :empno, :sal ); pl( 'Salary Changed' ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN doerr(); END; Data-Tier code in Package EmpPkg Middle-tier does not enforce constraints or access underlying tables Just displays ordinary & error output Stored procedure in the data-tier handles all constraint enforcement and access to underlying tables Middle-Tier Code ChangeSal( :empno, :sal )
32 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Alternate Data-Tier Implementation PROCEDURE ChangeSal ( anEmpno int, aSal number ) IS BEGIN UPDATE Emps SET sal = :sal WHERE empno = :empno AND mgr = AuthPkg.GetUser; CheckResults( 'You are not the employee's manager' ); END; BEGIN EmpPkg.ChangeSal( :empno, :sal ); pl( 'Salary Changed' ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN doerr(); END; Data-Tier code in Package EmpPkg ChangeSal( :empno, :sal ) Middle-Tier Code Exact implementation of ChangeSal is hidden
33 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Data-Tier Login Implementation DECLARE theRole: varchar(30); BEGIN EmpPkg.Login( :userid, :pwd, theRole ); pl( 'Logged in with role ' || theRole ); END; Login( :empno, :pwd ) PROCEDURE Login ( aUserid int, aPwd varchar, theRole OUT varchar ) IS BEGIN AuthPkg.Login( aUserid, aPwd, theRole ); END; Just calls EmpPkg.Login, hiding the fact that EmpPkg uses AuthPkg to authenticate users Data-Tier code in Package EmpPkg
34 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Data-Tier Subsystem Design AuthPkg (private) Data-Tier Middle-Tier Login EmpPkg Login
35 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Data-Tier Implementation of User Query Operations
36 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 User Query Code Using Middle-Tier Implementation In a middle-tier implementation, the middle-tier code directly accesses underlying tables In a middle-tier implementation, decisions about what access constraints to enforce and how to enforce them are exposed in the middle-tier code SELECT empno, ename, sal FROM Emps WHERE empno = AuthPkg.GetUser OR mgr = AuthPkg.GetUser; ShowSals
37 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 User Query Code Using Data-Tier Implementation CREATE VIEW EmpMgrView IS SELECT * FROM Emps WHERE empno = AuthPkg.GetUser OR mgr = AuthPkg.GetUser; SELECT empno, ename, sal FROM EmpMgrView ShowSals Middle-tier does not enforce constraints or access underlying tables. Just displays output Middle-Tier Code Use access-limiting views. Views defined in the data-tier handle all constraint enforcement and access to underlying tables Data-Tier code
38 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Parameterized Queries Using Package Variables
39 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Data-Tier View for Query SELECT job FROM JobDeptView WHERE dname = :dname ShowJobsByDept( :dname ) CREATE VIEW JobDeptView AS SELECT DISTINCT dname, job FROM Emps NATURAL JOIN Depts WHERE AuthPkg.GetUser IS NOT NULL; Typical data-tier implementation using access-limiting view of an operation which shows the distinct jobs within a specified department, but only works for users who are logged in Suppose we want to do more information hiding, and hide the way that departments are mapped to jobs
40 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Use Parameterized Views SELECT job FROM JobsByDeptView( :dname ) ShowJobsByDept( :dname ) CREATE VIEW JobsByDeptView PARAMETERS( aDname varchar ) SELECT DISTINCT dname, job FROM Emps NATURAL JOIN Depts WHERE dname = aDname AND AuthPkg.GetUser IS NOT NULL; Cool idea, but doesn't exist in SQL. Great idea. Not implemented!
41 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Define a View Parameter Package CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY ViewPkg AS -- holds the view parameter theDName Emps.dname%TYPE; -- sets the view parameter PROCEDURE SetDName( aDName varchar ) IS BEGIN theDName := aDName; END; -- gets the view parameter FUNCTION GetDName RETURN varchar IS BEGIN RETURN theDName; END; END ViewPkg; Could include this in EmpPkg instead
42 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Use Parameter Package EXECUTE ViewPkg.SetDName( :dname ); SELECT job FROM JobsByDeptView; ShowJobsByDept( :dname ) CREATE VIEW JobsByDeptView SELECT DISTINCT dname, job FROM Emps NATURAL JOIN Depts WHERE dname = ViewPkg.getDName AND AuthPkg.GetUser IS NOT NULL; This approach can also be used to pass parameter values to triggers. Use this technique very cautiously, since it can negate the advantage of having triggers be operation-independent
43 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 With Explicit Display ShowJobsByDept( :dname ) DECLARE knt int := 0; BEGIN ViewPkg.SetDName( :dname ); FOR rec IN (SELECT * FROM JobsByDeptView) LOOP pl( rec.job ); knt := knt + 1; END LOOP; condraise( knt = 0, -20063, 'No jobs to be displayed' ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN plerr(); END;
44 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Parameterized Queries Using Cursors
45 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Oracle Packaged Cursors A cursor is a mechanism for stepping through the result set of a SELECT statement Query For Loops can be used to iterate through cursors Oracle allows cursors to be –defined in packages –parameterized
46 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Using Packaged Cursors BEGIN FOR rec IN EmpPkg.JobsByDeptCursor( :dname ) LOOP pl( rec.job ); END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN plerr(); END; ShowJobsByDept( :dname ) CURSOR JobsByDeptCursor( aDname varchar ) IS SELECT DISTINCT job FROM Emps NATURAL JOIN Depts WHERE dname = aDname AND AuthPkg.GetUser IS NOT NULL; Data-Tier code in Package EmpPkg
47 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Cursors and Data-Tier Implementations Packaged cursors are very useful in data-tier implementations. They allow constraint enforcement and parameterized access to tables to be placed in the data-tier with all display of result sets and errors to be done in the middle tier
48 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Parameterized Queries Using REF Cursors
49 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Oracle Ref Cursors An Oracle Ref Cursor is a reference to a cursor that can be returned from a function Even better, SQL*Plus supports REFCURSOR variables Even better, printing a refcursor displays the result set in exactly the same way as SQL*Plus displays the result of a SELECT
50 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Using Ref Cursors EXECUTE :rc := EmpPkg.GetJobsByDeptCursor( :dname ) print :rc ShowJobsByDept( :dname ) FUNCTION GetJobsByDeptCursor( aDname varchar ) RETURN SYS_REFCURSOR IS rc SYS_REFCURSOR; BEGIN OPEN rc FOR SELECT DISTINCT dname, job FROM Emps NATURAL JOIN Depts WHERE dname = aDname AND AuthPkg.GetUser IS NOT NULL; RETURN rc; END; Data-Tier code in Package EmpPkg This has the same effect as simply issuing the SELECT command Assumes rc was defined as variable rc REFCURSOR Suppose we wanted an error message if the current user is not logged in?
51 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Raising Exceptions BEGIN :rc := EmpPkg.GetJobsByDeptCursor( :dname ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN plerr(); END; print :rc ShowJobsByDept( :dname ) FUNCTION GetJobsByDeptCursor( aDname varchar ) RETURN SYS_REFCURSOR IS rc SYS_REFCURSOR; BEGIN AuthPkg.CheckUser(); OPEN rc FOR SELECT DISTINCT dname, job FROM Emps NATURAL JOIN Depts WHERE dname = aDname; RETURN rc; END; Data-Tier code in Package EmpPkg Almost. If an exception is raised, rc will be left undefined, and trying to print it will result in an error message
52 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Exceptional Ref Cursor Display BEGIN :rc := EmpPkg.GetJobsByDeptCursor( :dname ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN :rc := emptycursor(); plerr(); END; / print :rc FUNCTION emptycursor RETURN SYS_REFCURSOR IS rc SYS_REFCURSOR; BEGIN OPEN rc FOR SELECT '' AS " " FROM DUAL WHERE 1 = 2; RETURN rc; END; Already defined In UtilSys
53 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Secure Data-Tier Implementations
54 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Application Implementation Approaches Middle-Tier Implementation –Operation code is primarily in the middle-tier Data-Tier Implementation –All enforcement & table access moved to data-tier. Display-related code left in the middle-tier. Secure Data-Tier Implementation –Data-tier implementation based on the notion of a security domain
55 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Database Users & Schemas Each database user (e.g. SCOTT or EmpDB) has their own schema: the set of database objects, e.g. tables, views, packages, etc. that they own If you have connected to the database as a different user OtherUser, then you can try to access EmpDB's Emps table by writing EmpDB.Emps EmpDB> SELECT * FROM Emps OtherUser> SELECT * FROM EmpDB.Emps Indicates that we are in SQL*Plus connected as OtherUser
56 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Schema as a Security Domain The owner of a schema can control Which objects (tables, views, procedures, packages, etc.) another schema can see What other schemas can do with them by explicitly GRANT-ing them to other schemas (details described later) A schema acts as a security domain – a locus for controlling access to a group of objects
57 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Gateway Security Domains In a gateway security domain, other users never have unconstrained access to the objects managed by the domain (i.e. those created in the schema) In particular, the owner of the schema can ensure that the objects holding application data and code cannot be accessed directly, but only through a special collection of a) gateway views & cursors b) gateway operations (procedures & functions) defined in the domain with limited access explicitly granted to other users/clients
58 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Gateway Views Limit Access User/Client User cannot access the table directly Security Domain (EmpDB) A gateway view can provide limited access to the contents of a table (or even another internal view) Gateway View or Cursor
59 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Gateway Operations Limit Access User/Client User cannot access the table directly A gateway stored DB operations (i.e. procedure or function) straddles security domains. They can be called from outside the domain, but then execute inside the domain Gateway Operation Security Domain (EmpDB)
60 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Secure Data-Tier Application In a secure data-tier implementation The application's data and stored procedures are defined in the data-tier implementation schema (e.g. EmpDB) The middle-tier connects to the database through a different middle-tier implementation schema (e.g. EmpApp) The middle-tier schema (e.g. EmpApp) is not granted direct access to the tables defined by the data-tier schema (e.g. EmpDB), but only granted limited access to gateway operations, views and cursors EmpDB> GRANT EXECUTE ON EmpPkg TO EmpApp EmpDB> GRANT SELECT ON EmpMgrView TO EmpApp …
61 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Secure Data-Tier Identity Database authenticates the application connecting as EmpApp The application can only access the EmpDB views/ops visible to EmpApp These views/ops use the user's application identity (7782) to control access Application authenticates the user logging in as 7782 (with the help of EmpDB's AuthPkg, which then "knows" that the user is 7782!) EmpApp Web Browser DB App on Web/App Server EmpDB curusr 7782 App User 7782
62 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Secure Data-Tier Querying CREATE VIEW EmpMgrView IS SELECT * FROM Emps WHERE empno = AuthPkg.GetUser OR mgr = AuthPkg.GetUser GRANT SELECT ON EmpMgrView TO EmpApp SELECT empno, ename, sal FROM EmpDB.EmpMgrView ShowSals Middle-Tier Code executed when connected as EmpApp View defined in EmpDB
63 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Secure Data-Tier Implementation PROCEDURE ChangeSal ( anEmpno int, aSal number ) IS BEGIN CheckManage( anEmpno ); UPDATE Emps SET sal = aSal WHERE empno = anEmpno; END; BEGIN EmpDB.EmpPkg.ChangeSal( :empno, :sal ); pl( 'Salary Changed' ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN doerr(); END; Data-Tier code in Package EmpPkg in EmpDB, to which EmpApp has been granted access Middle-Tier Code executed when connected as EmpApp ChangeSal( :empno, :sal )
64 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Alternate Secure Data-Tier Implementation PROCEDURE ChangeSal ( anEmpno int, aSal number ) IS BEGIN UPDATE Emps SET sal = :sal WHERE empno = :empno AND mgr = AuthPkg.GetUser; CheckResults( 'You are not the employee's manager' ); END; BEGIN EmpDB.EmpPkg.ChangeSal( :empno, :sal ); pl( 'Salary Changed' ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN doerr(); END; Data-Tier code in Package EmpPkg in EmpDB Middle-Tier Code executed when connected as EmpAppc ChangeSal( :empno, :sal )
65 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Secure Data-Tier Login DECLARE theRole: varchar(30); BEGIN EmpDB.EmpPkg.Login( :userid, :pwd, theRole ); pl( 'Logged in with role ' || theRole ); END; Login( :empno, :pwd ) PROCEDURE Login ( aUserid int, aPwd varchar, theRole OUT varchar ) IS BEGIN AuthPkg.Login( aUserid, aPwd, theRole ); END; Data-Tier code in Package EmpPkg in EmpDB Middle-Tier Code executed when connected as EmpApp
66 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Data-Tier Subsystem Design AuthPkg (private) Data-Tier Middle-Tier Login EmpPkg Login Connected as Schema EmpApp In Schema EmpDB
67 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Insecure vs Secure Data-Tier Identity Presentation Tier Data TierMiddle Tier EmpApp Web Browser DB App on Web/App Server EmpDB curusr 7782 App User 7782 EmpDB curusr 7782 Web Browser DB App on Web/App Server App User 7782
68 © Ellis Cohen 2001-2008 Comparing Security A Secure Data-Tier Implementation provides a higher degree of security. Consider the impact if the application is hijacked or the application's connection to the database is compromised Non-Secure Implementation The intruder has complete access to the entire EmpDB schema Secure Data-Tier Implementation The intruder can only masquerade as the users who are currently connected to the application (or for whom the hijacker can steal userids and passwords), and can only compromise EmpDB to the extent those users would be able to. Compromises cannot damage internal consistency of the database, or modify stored procedures, views or triggers.
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