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Pilot Project IEC Materials for Child Friendly City Endah Sri Rejeki INDONESIA.

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2 Pilot Project IEC Materials for Child Friendly City Endah Sri Rejeki INDONESIA

3 Outline of Presentation: Background Stakeholders Matrix Problem Tree Objective Tree Alternative Analysis LFA Matrix Monitoring and Evaluation

4 BACKGROUND Social problems of child in Indonesia have notably increased Ministry of Woman Empowerment and Child Protection has developed Child Friendly City (CFC) since 2006 CFC is considered as solution to provide a better space for children However, after 4 years implementation only few cities and districts implement CFC Society in general does not know about the policy

5 Children’s views about how a child friendly city or district looks like are also mostly not yet heard in the process of developing the CFC Mechanism is not yet well established The issue of the child’s participation is less popular among the authorities and communities in general This pilot project proposes IEC material about children’s opinions on a place which is child friendly

6 Stakeholder Matrix StakeholdersBeneficiary Decision Maker Community Leader Potential Opponent Funding Agency Implementing Agency Central GovernmentXXX Provincial government XX City government XX Sub-district government XX Government of Kelurahan Pejompongan XX Related government at central levelX Children in cities and districts + familiesX Community members XX School + Teachers X Religious leadersXXX Children’s group in Kelurahan Pejompongan XXX Care ProvidersXX

7 Problem Tree Development plan does not fit with children needs Mechanism to integrate children’s views in development is not yet well established Children’s voices are not taken into account by the decision makers Children less confident in providing their voices Increased social problems of the child in community Children participation is not considered as important aspect in development by the authorities Community, parents and teachers less support child participation in daily activities Authorities, in specific, and community, in general, have less awareness on the importance of child participation issue Authorities and community have less knowledge about child participation issue

8 Objective Analysis City plan development fit with the children needs Mechanism to integrate children’s views in development is better developed Children’s voices are taken into account by the decision makers Children develop confidence and strengthen self-esteem, identity and sense of pride Decreased social problems of the child in community Children participation is considered as important aspect in development by the authorities Community, parents and teachers support child participation in daily activities Authorities, in specific, and community, in general, aware on the importance of child participation issue Authorities and community gain more knowledge about child participation issue

9 Alternatives Analysis Mechanism to integrate children’s views in development is better developed Children develop confidence and strengthen self-esteem, identity and sense of pride Children participation is considered as important aspect in development by the government Community, parents and teachers support child participation in daily activities Authorities, in specific, and community, in general, aware on the importance of child participation issue Authorities and community gain more knowledge about child participation issue City plan development fit with the children needs Children’s voices are taken into account by the decision makers Decreased social problems of the child in community Develop IEC Materials Develop Child’s confidence and self-esteem Develop mechanism

10 Narrative SummaryVerifiable IndicatorsSources of VerificationImportant Assumptions Overall Goal City plan development fit with the children’s needs By year 5, the CFC development in city of Central Jakarta fit with children’s need Report from local authorities of Kelurahans, sub districts and yearly community survey The pilot project is replicated to the other Kelurahan in Central Jakarta Project Purpose Children’s voices are taken into account by decision makers The local government in the project area consider children’s views on child friendly place in developing CFC program Record of local government (Kelurahan Pejompongan) in involving children’s group in meetings of CFC development in their area 1.Less resistance of authorities and community on child participation 2.Local government in project area continue to use material as references and involve children’s group in the process of CFC development Outputs 1.Authorities, in specific, and community, in general, aware on the importance of child participation issue 2.Children develop confidence and strengthen self-esteem, identity and sense of pride Number of booklets about children’s view on child friendly place received by the local authorities (at province, city, sub-district, and kelurahan level) 20 children join the activities on drawing, making poems, pictures, and taking photos Record of local government s on booklets they receive Attendance records of children in kelurahan Pejompongan in the activities 1. Budget to print the IEC materials is covered by national budget 2. Number of children in Kelurahan Pejompongan are available to do the activities PROJECT LOGICAL FRAMEWORK

11 Narrative Summary Verifiable Indicators Sources of Verification Important Assumptions Activities: 1.Organize a meeting with local government of kelurahan Pejompongan 2. Organize a meeting with children to discuss the design of activities and the timeline 3.Organize activity on drawing, making poems and pictures 4.Organize activity on taking photos in spots they like and don’t like, and making the reasons 5.Design and distribute IEC material on children’s views about child friendly city in kelurahan Pejompongan to local authorities (province, city, sub-district, and kelurahan) Inputs Budget: National budget Experts 5 experts from Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection and CBOs Staffs 5 staffs are available to help Policy on CFC Empowerment and Child Protection and CBOs Children in Kelurahan Pejompongan who will participate in the activities can be identified Pre-conditions The local government is willing

12 MONITORING AND EVALUATION MonitoringEvaluation Who?Project PersonnelExternal When? Ongoing, during the duration of the project Mid term Project Completion Years after project completion Why? Check indicators and assumptions Make changes Update plans as necessary Identify lessons to be learned to use for future projects Provide accountability Link to Logframe Inputs Activities Outputs Project Purpose Overall Goal

13 Monitoring Questions Specific questions of monitoring: Is the local authority of Kelurahan Pejompongan willing to consider children’s opinion on child friendly place as its concern in developing CFC? Are the children, in Kelurahan Pejompongan who will participate in the activities, identified? Are the children in Kelurahan Pejompongan available to do the activities? How many children participate in the activities?

14 Specific questions of monitoring (continue..): Is IEC material on children’s opinion about child friendly place available? Is the IEC material on children’s opinion about child friendly place able to raise awareness of the local government of Kelurahan Pejompongan on the importance of child’s participation in development process? Do the activities (drawing picture, making poems, and taking photos) that are printed into IEC materials make the children of Kelurahan Pejompongan feel more confident, and strengthen self-esteem, identity and sense of pride?

15 Generic Monitoring Questions: Overall effectiveness and management Is the project providing benefit as planned? Is the project well managed? Is the project still relevant and feasible? Is the project consistent with current priorities? Is the project still relevant to the target group? Are the project objectives being achieved? Are the results being delivered? Are the results of good quality? Does the target group find the result relevant?

16 Generic Monitoring Questions (continue…): Is the project well managed? Are the inputs being provided on time and within budget? Are the activities being implemented on time? Is verification information being collected and made available? Are plans and budgets being updated? Is the project sustainable? How will the project be financially sustainable in the future? Are the technique being used available in the future? Are skills being transferred, and is the institution being strengthened? What is the plan for funding after financial assistance ends? What is the plan for management after technical assistance ends?

17 Evaluation Questions Specific questions for evaluation: Is budget allocation to print the IEC material covered by national budget? Are children in Kelurahan Pejompongan available to do the activities? Is the IEC material on children’s opinion about child friendly place able to raise awareness of the local government of Kelurahan Pejompongan on the importance of child’s participation in development process? Do the activities (drawing picture, making poems, and taking photos) that are printed into IEC materials make the children of Kelurahan Pejompongan more confident, and strengthen self- esteem, identity and sense of pride?

18 Specific questions for evaluation (continue…): Is there any resistance of authorities and communities on child participation issue? Does the local government of Kelurahan Pejompongan continue to use IEC material as references on developing CFC and involving children in the process of development? Are children’s voices being heard in the process of development? Is the pilot project replicated to the other Kelurahan in Central Jakarta and at the provincial level? Does the city plan development of Central Jakarta fit with the children’s needs?

19 Generic Evaluation Questions Relevance Was the project appropriate for addressing the identified problems? Efficiency Were the results achieved at a reasonable cost? Effectiveness Did the result contribute to achieving the project purpose? Did the target group benefit? Impact What was the project’s effect to the overall goal? Sustainability Will the benefit continue after the project period?


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