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История родного города В рамках УМК M. З. Биболетовой «Английский с удовольствием» для 8 класса Учитель английского языка Лебедева Светлана Викторовна.

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Presentation on theme: "История родного города В рамках УМК M. З. Биболетовой «Английский с удовольствием» для 8 класса Учитель английского языка Лебедева Светлана Викторовна."— Presentation transcript:

1 История родного города В рамках УМК M. З. Биболетовой «Английский с удовольствием» для 8 класса Учитель английского языка Лебедева Светлана Викторовна МОУ СОШ № 2 г. Еманжелинска

2 The Foundation of Our Town It appeared 75 years ago. It is difficult to call its childhood light-hearted, happy and easy. But this fact had no influences on its character. On the contrary it help Emanzhelinsk to become a fighter and a worker, to learn to solve its problems by own forces. In the young years it went through many troubles, including the war. But there were also light slices in its life, filled with youth fervour and optimism. It grew and became very beautiful. So a small grey bird turned into a magic black swan. There was always a lot of troubles in its life. Went through the years of depressions and conquered despair it was able to stand up again. Creative, hospitable, good, hardworking and loving – these words about you, Emangelinsk.

3 Our town was founded in 1770 as a Cossack village called after the Yamanzelga stream (the name of which means “bad river”). The word can be explained the following way: “yaman” is the tatar and bashkir name for “bad” and “zelga” is the dialect tatar name for bashkir “yelga”, which means “river”. Since 1866 the village has been called Emanzhelinskaya stanitsa in the list of settlements. Emanzhelinsk lies at the lake Bolshoy Sarykul.

4 The Miners‘ Town In 1930 geologists found on the bank of Bolshoy Sarykul brown coal. In 1931 was founded a settlement of miners. The miners began to extract coal.

5 The First Miners Who worked in mines? Most of them were settlers from Rostov, Stavropol, Astrakhan, the Ukraine. They were peasants. They were forced to leave their native towns and villages and to move to Emanzhelinsk. Here began their new biography. In Emanzhelinsk they became miners.

6 The First Mines In summer 1939 began to work the mine № 19, then the mine № 18.

7 The conditions of the work in the mine were very difficult. Men and women worked 10-12 hours. They used pickaxes and shoves as tools.

8 The first miners and their families lived in barracks. In a mine worked the whole families.

9 In the 1930-31 period due to the exploration of a coalfield there appeared a workers village, which was transformed into the city of Emanzhelinsk on September 25, 1951.

10 In 1934 was built a club and a first school.

11 The Years of the Great Patriotic War In November 1941 began to work a coal-mine « Baturinskaya». In summer 1942 were evacuated mechanical plants from Rostov and Donbass in Emanzhelinsk. In miners worked women, youths and young girls.

12 During the Great Patriotic War thousands of our townspeople were in the army. They took part in the battles of Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad, the Kursk bulge, in the liberation of the Caucasus, the Ukraine, Belarus. Many of them fell in the fight against fascism. In memory of heroes was erected this monument.

13 Emanzhelinsk Today Nowadays Emangelinsk consists of three parts. There are Emangelinsk as a centre and two settlements, named Krasnogorsk and Sauralsk. The population of the town is nearly 56 thousand citizens, including about 17 thousand of pensioners and 16 thousand of children.

14 Economy In 2007 industry comprised 35,7%, agriculture - 48,1%, building - 1,6%, transport and communications - 3,4%, trade and public catering - 0,8% in the structure of production. The key industrial branches are agriculture, machine building and metal processing, flour threshing, grain and mixed fodder industries, fuel and energy industry.

15 In May 1959 was built a sewing factory. The sewing factory production is of the great importance.

16 There is a printing- house in our town, where newspapers, booklets, magazines are printed.

17 In general more than 24 factories are situated in Emangelinsk, among them is a large-scale bakery, producing different kinds of very tasty bread, buns and selling its production in such cities as Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Troitsk.

18 Emanzhelinsk is a fast growing town. There are a lot of schools, colleges, kindergartens, 3 hospitals, where work numerals teachers, doctors. There are two parks. The streets of the town are not very wide, but they are clean and lined with trees and flowers.

19 The culture plays the great role for the citizens of Emangelinsk. People are aware that their lives have no meaning without culture and art. That is why 3 palaces of art and 3 schools of art were built, which give people a very important chance to develop and improve their creative abilities. A School of Art

20 We should not forget about a sport life, which is also highly developed in our town. Recently an enormous sport centre was built. People can play basketball, football, tennis. Everybody can also visit a swimming-pool and relax there. It was opened in March 2005.

21 In September 2008 was opened a new school. It is a modern three- storied building. There are classrooms, laboratories, workshops, a very big and beautiful assembly hall, a library, a gym, a school canteen.

22 The opening of a new school visited the governor of the Chelyabinsk region P. I. Sumin.

23 In 2007 was opened a monument to the miners of our town.

24 This chapel is built in a park.

25 On the first of October 2005 was opened a monument to the victims of political repressions.

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