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Leo Zhu CSAIL MIT Joint work with Chen, Yuille, Freeman and Torralba 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Leo Zhu CSAIL MIT Joint work with Chen, Yuille, Freeman and Torralba 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leo Zhu CSAIL MIT Joint work with Chen, Yuille, Freeman and Torralba 1

2  How to deal with image complexity  A general framework for different vision tasks  Rich representation and tractable computation 2 Pattern Theory. Grenander 94 Compositionality. Geman 02, 06 Stochastic Grammar. Zhu and Mumford 06

3  Representation Recursive Compositional Models (RCMs)  Inference Recursive Optimization  Learning Supervised Parameter Estimation Unsupervised Recursive Dictionary Learning  RCM-1: Deformable Object  RCM-2: Articulated Object  RCM-3: Scene (Entire Image) 3

4  Flat MRF Nodes: object parts Edges: spatial relations  Limitations: Short range interaction Sparse 4

5 5

6 6 x: image y: (position, scale, orientation) graph=(nodes, edges) a: index of node b: child of a f: appearances on node a g: potentials on edges (a,b)

7 7 Recursion x: image ; y: (position, scale, orientation); Vertical independency; Self-similarity;

8  Representation Recursive Compositional Models (RCMs)  Inference Recursive Optimization  Learning Supervised Parameter Estimation Unsupervised Recursive Dictionary Learning 8

9  Inference task:  Recursive Optimization: 9 Recursion  Polynomial-time Complexity:

10  Supervised learning Perceptron algorithm (MLE, max margin – svm) Parameter estimation needs fast inference. 10 Collins 02. Taskar et al. 04

11  Goal:  Input: a set of training images with ground truth. Initialize parameter vector.  Training algorithm (Collins 02): Loop over training samples: i = 1 to N Step 1: find the best using inference: Step 2: Update the parameters: End of Loop. 11 Inference is critical for learning where

12  Representation Recursive Compositional Models (RCMs)  Inference Recursive Optimization (Polynomial-time)  Learning Supervised Parameter Estimation  RCM-1: Deformable Object 12

13  Potentials for appearance 13 * = [ Gabor, Edge, …]

14  Potentials for shape: triplet descriptors 14 (position, scale, orientation)

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18  Segmentation (Accuracy of pixel labeling) The proportion of the correct pixel labels (object or non- object)  Parsing (Average Position Error of matching) The average distance between the positions of leaf nodes of the ground truth and those estimated in the parse tree 18 MethodsTestingSegmentationParsingSpeed RCM-122894.71623s Ren (Berkeley)17291 Winn (LOCUS)20093 Levin and Weiss N/A95 Kumar (OBJ CUT)596

19  Multi-level Precision-Recall curves quantify the recognition performance of object parts.  High-level regularity (more parts) help recognition (remove ambiguity). 19

20  Modeling: (Representation) Recursive Compositional Models (RCMs)  Inference: (Computing) Recursive Optimization (Polynomial-time)  Learning: Supervised Parameter Estimation Unsupervised Recursive Learning  RCM-1: deformable object 20

21  Task: given 10 training images, n o labeling, no alignment, highly ambiguous features. Induce the structure (nodes and edges) Estimate the parameters. 21 ? Combinatorial Explosion problem Correspondence is unknown

22  Multi-level dictionary (layer-wise greedy)  Bottom-Up and Top-Down recursive procedure  Three Principles: Recursive Composition Suspicious Coincidence Competitive Exclusion 22 Barlow 94. Recursion

23 23

24 24 Composition Clustering Suspicious Coincidence Competitive Exclusion

25  Unified representation (RCMs) and learning  Bridge the gap between the generic features and specific object structures 25

26 26 LevelCompositionClustersSuspicious Coincidence Competitive Exclusion Seconds 041 1167,43114,68426248117 22,034,851741,662995116254 32,135,4671,012,7773055399 4236,95572,6203029 More Sharing

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30 30  Fill in missing parts  Examine every node from top to bottom

31 31

32 32 MethodsTestingSegmentationParsingSpeed Unsupervised31693.317s Supervised22894.71623s

33  More classes/viewpoints -> more training/detection cost 33

34  No enough data for rare viewpoints/classes 34

35  Joint multi-class multi-view learning  Appearance sharing  Part sharing 35

36  120 templates: 5 viewpoints & 26 classes 36

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46  Representation Recursive Compositional Models (RCMs)  Inference Recursive Optimization (Polynomial-time)  Learning Supervised Parameter Estimation  RCM-1: Deformable Object  RCM-2: Articulated Object 46

47 47 y=(switch, position, scale, orientation) Composition Switch multiple poses

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50  Representation Recursive Compositional Models (RCMs)  Inference Recursive Optimization (Polynomial-time)  Learning Supervised Parameter Estimation  RCM-1: Deformable Object  RCM-2: Articulated Object  RCM-3: Scene (Entire Image) 50

51  Task: Image Segmentation and Labeling 51

52 52 Geman and Geman 84. L Zhu et al. NIPS 08  Flat MRF: object labeling (recognition only).  Lack of long-range interactions.  Lack of region-level properties.  High-order potentials -> heavy computation

53 53 Geman and Geman 84. L Zhu et al. NIPS 08  Flat MRF: object labeling (recognition only).  Joint segmentation-recognition template

54  (segmentation, object) pair: chicken-and-egg of segmentation and recognition.  Multi-level low-dimensional abstraction 54 Global: gist of scene object layout Local: concurrent shape and appearance coarse to fine

55 55 f: appearance likelihood g:object layout prior homogeneitylayer-wise consistency object texture color object co- occurrence segmentation prior Recursion y=(segmentation, object) Horse Grass

56  State space: C=21 classes; D=30 templates; K=3 classes / per template  Inference (recursive optimization):  Supervised learning (perceptron ) 56

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59  Implementation Details  Comparisons 59 TextonBoost Shotton et al. 04 PLSA-MRF Berbeek and Trigg AutoContext Tu 08 Classifier only RCM-3 Average57.7646867.274.5 Global72.2 69 (Classifier) 73.577.775.981.4 DatasetClassesSizeTraining Size Training Time Testing Time MSRC2159145%55h30s

60 60 RCM-1 RCM-2 RCM-3 Triplets of Parts Triplets of Segments Boundary only Region + Boundary

61  Principle: Recursive Composition Composition -> complexity decomposition Recursion -> Universal rules (self-similarity) Recursion and Composition -> sparseness  One formula for different tasks.  Key: the representation of visual patterns, i.e. y.  Low dimension, simple potentials  Scaling up: practical Image Understanding System 61

62  Long Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, Antonio Torralba, William Freeman, AlanYuille. Part and Appearance Sharing: Recursive Compositional Models for Multi- View Multi-Object Detection. CVPR. 2010.  Long Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, Yuan Lin, Chenxi Lin, Alan Yuille. Recursive Segmentation and Recognition Templates for 2D Parsing. NIPS 2008.  Long Zhu, Chenxi Lin, Haoda Huang, Yuanhao Chen, Alan Yuille. Unsupervised Structure Learning: Hierarchical Recursive Composition, Suspicious Coincidence and Competitive Exclusion. ECCV 2008.  Long Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, Yifei Lu, Chenxi Lin, Alan Yuille. Max Margin AND/OR Graph Learning for Parsing the Human Body. CVPR 2008.  Long Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, Xingyao Ye, Alan Yuille. Structure-Perceptron Learning of a Hierarchical Log-Linear Model. CVPR 2008.  Yuanhao Chen, Long Zhu, Chenxi Lin, Alan Yuille, Hongjiang Zhang. Rapid Inference on a Novel AND/OR graph for Object Detection, Segmentation and Parsing. NIPS 2007.  Long Zhu, Alan L. Yuille. A Hierarchical Compositional System for Rapid Object Detection. NIPS 2005 62

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64  Polynomial-time inference:  Supervised learning Perceptron algorithm (MLE, max margin – svm) Parameter estimation needs fast inference. 64 Recursion Collins 02. Taskar et al. 04

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67  Task: find a small dictionary D (sparse coding).  Multi-level dictionary (layer-wise greedy)  Bottom-Up and Top-Down recursive procedure 67 Barlow 94. Recursion

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