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2011- 2012 Assessment Logistics Training For CELApro, CoAlt, and TCAP November 2011 11/2/2011.

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Presentation on theme: "2011- 2012 Assessment Logistics Training For CELApro, CoAlt, and TCAP November 2011 11/2/2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011- 2012 Assessment Logistics Training For CELApro, CoAlt, and TCAP November 2011 11/2/2011

2 What’s New for 2011-2012? Changes to Student Bio Grid –Accommodations have been expanded to collect all accommodations that apply for each student for each test. –For Lectura/Escritura, the accommodations “Translated oral script” and “Word-to-word dictionary” can no longer be bubbled. –Student Bio Grid has a set of bubbles labeled “State Use Only” – districts do not bubble. SBD Changes for CELApro and TCAP –Accommodations fields will not be available in the Student Biographical Data (SBD) files for completion or update. –Accommodations data will be present in your final GRF files. –The data will be what was bubbled at test time, so be sure to complete this data. 11/2/20112

3 What’s New for 2011-2012? Short-Add Forms and TCK Order Deadlines Stray marks should not be erased from test books after testing. Student Bio Grid has a set of bubbles labeled “State Use Only” – districts do not bubble. Stack cards/paper bands will be shipped in bulk and package sizes have been increased. 11/2/20113

4 Assessment Logistics This Logistics Training doesn’t replace reading the SAC/DAC Manuals! 11/2/20114

5 Assessment Logistics TOPICS I.Before Testing II.After Testing III.Packaging and Shipping IV.N-count and Student Biographical Data reviews V.Questions 11//2//115

6 I. BEFORE TESTING 11/2/2011

7 How do I Order Test Materials? Online Enrollments have closed for 2011-2012 All enrollment counts for CELApro and orders for materials are placed online through CTB’s Navigator system. When you became a DAC, you should have received user-IDs and passwords from CTB. CELApro has its own user-ID and password; TCAP and CoAlt, have the same user-ID and password. The log in gives you access to all information and files associated with that assessment(s). User-ID and password questions go to the CTB Help Desk 711/2/2011

8 When do I Order Test Materials? Online Enrollments have closed, but they happen about the same time every year. Online Enrollment Windows on Navigator: –CELApro OE Window 10/3/11 - 10/14/11 –CoAlt OE Window 10/17/11 – 10/28/11 –TCAP – Special Populations OE Window – 10/31/11 – 11/23/11 Counts for regular TCAP test books are based on a combination of the previous year’s counts and enrollment data from Student October, which CDE sends to CTB. If you are short of materials you may order them during the short/add windows. 811/2/2011

9 2012 Test Administration Windows 11/2/20119

10 Does my District Need Early Test Administration? Request early test administration in advance of testing through the TCAP Early Testing survey on Navigator. Dates to request: 10/3/11 through 12/9/11 CoAlt and CELApro do not have early window surveys. –DACs concerned about special circumstances for CELApro testing may start the administration of the Speaking section after December 15. This is not an early window that needs approval from Student Assessment. 11/2/201110

11 Delivery Dates for Materials CELApro –Test Materials - by December 2 –Test Coordinator Kits - by December 2 CoAlt –Test Materials - by January 20 –Test Coordinator Kits - by January 31 TCAP –Gr3 Reading Test Materials – by February 10 –Gr3-10 Test Materials (except Gr3 reading) - by February 24 –Test Coordinator Kits – by January 31 1111/2/2011

12 Test Coordinator Kits (TCK) DAC Kits: –Test Booklets (and special pops), Instructions for Short/Add orders, Shipping Labels for “To be Scored” and “Not to be Scored”, Envelopes (CoAlt), Home school GIS (TCAP) SAC Kits: –Rosters and Labels, Test Proctor Manuals, Group Information Sheets (GIS), School Group Lists (SGL), and Stop Sheets Teacher Read Directions, Oral Scripts, and Translated Oral Scripts are available online through Navigator 1211/2/2011

13 How to Order Extra Materials CELApro: –Short/Add Form is available 11/16/11 for early ordering. –All orders will be processed beginning 12/5/11 –Last day to place a Test Materials Short/Add is 1/13/12, TCK Short/Add is 1/23/12 CoAlt: –Short/Add Form is available 1/3/12 for early ordering. –All orders will be processed beginning 1/25/12 –Last day to place a Test Materials Short/Add is 3/14/12, TCK Short/Add is 3/23/12 1311/2/2011

14 How to Order Extra Materials TCAP Grade 3 Reading/Lectura: –Short/Add Form is available 1/3/12 for early ordering. –All orders will be processed beginning 1/24/12 –Last day to place a Test Materials Short/Add is 3/1/12, TCK Short/Add is 3/6/12 TCAP all other tests: –Short/Add Form is available 1/3/12 for early ordering. –All orders will be processed beginning 2/7/12 –Last day to place a Test Materials Short/Add is 4/3/12, TCK Short/Add is 4/13/12 CTB will address orders beyond these dates on a case by case basis. 1411/2/2011

15 Pre-coded Labels (PCL) Pre-coded student labels are supplied for TCAP, CoAlt, CELApro, and COACT. CELApro labels are based on Student October data. Student data for CoAlt, TCAP, and COACT labels come from the Pre-coded Labels (PCL) collection. The PCL collection is voluntary. Districts who don’t submit data for the PCL collection receive labels based on data in their Student October submission. PCL collection is12/5/11 through 1/11/12 on CDE’s Automated Data Exchange system. Submit all students for PCL, not just the new students. 1511/2/2011

16 Review Materials Before Testing Detailed information is found in the DAC/SAC Manual which is posted on Navigator. Step 1 Review Your Test Materials –Make sure you have adequate quantities of all materials –Review rosters of pre-coded information –Gather information for students who do not have labels because they are new to your district Step 2 Distribute Test Materials –Deliver materials to schools one week or less before testing –Distribute test books to proctors only on scheduled testing date 11/2/201116

17 5 DAC/SAC 68 Procedures Use Pencil ONLY! Student Name District Name Teacher Name School Name Use only a standard, wooden, graphite-based, #2 pencil on any part of the test book…. including the front cover! 11/2/2011 17

18 II. AFTER TESTING 11/2/2011

19 Stop Sheets for Lectura/Escritura Stop! Remove all stop sheets from completed Spanish assessments before packing and shipping. Stop sheets will stop scanning of these booklets. 1911/2/2011

20 After Testing Procedures Step 3 Instructions for the SAC in the DAC/SAC Manual Collect Test Materials Check Student Data Grids –Test Invalidation and Accommodations fields These fields must be bubbled after the student completes the test for all content areas. 2011/2/2011

21 Check all test books: All students are required to take the TCAP. Most test booklets will have the “0” bubble(s) filled in! All other Test Invalidation bubbles allow your district to account for missing data. After Testing: Test Invalidation Codes 2111/2/2011 All tested subjects

22 Check all test books: All students must have one or more accommodations code bubbled on the data grid. Most test booklets will have the “0” bubble(s) filled in! Marking all that apply allows you to record all accommodations used for a student. After Testing: Accommodations Codes 2211/2/2011 All tested subjects

23 Step 4 Instructions for School Assessment Coordinators Name on cover of draft and test books. Pencil only! Pre-coded label and/or Student Data Grid are complete and accurate. Stray marks inside the books should not be erased. Stray marks on the front cover or the student bio grid should be erased. No tape, post-it notes, staples, scratch paper, paper clips, or rubber bands should be in/on any test books. TP return test books (in alphabetical order) to SAC: Make sure transcription is complete for Braille or large print books. After Testing Procedures: Check Test Books 11/2/201123

24 After Testing Procedures: How to Use the Pre-coded Labels Verify pre-coded labels with student rosters prior to testing –No Free/Reduced Lunch (District Use C) and Homeless (District Use D) data printed on rosters, but data are included with label Proper placement of label on book is critical If the wrong label is placed on a book: –Place two blank labels over incorrect label and then complete the student data grid 11/2/201124

25 Pre-coded Labels In order for the scoring process to move smoothly, it is ESSENTIAL that the labels are not placed crooked or outside the designated area on the front cover. Slightly off-center and tilted or upside down 11/2/201125

26 After Testing Procedures: When to Use Pre-coded Labels Do not use the label if an error exists above the line of Student Data Grid - complete all information. If any data below the line is incorrect, use the label and fill in only the information that needs to be corrected. TCAP label on TCAP book, etc. 11/2/201126

27 What is Unique about CELApro data grid: Student’s grade level Primary Disability Home Language Language Proficiency Test Invalidation: “Eligible to take CoAlt” Accommodations At least 8 Accommodations and Test Invalidation bubbles to complete! CELApro Student Data Grid 11/2/201127

28 What is Unique about CoAlt data grid: Multiple content areas on one data grid No grade field to bubble Expanded Accommodations Test Invalidations and Accommodations for RWMS R/W Spanish version (grades 3/4) ALERT: Take care when transferring responses from the protocol to the rating form! CoAlt Student Data Grid 11/2/201128

29 What is Unique about TCAP data grid: Grade comes from the test book Grade 4-10 Reading/Writing on same book TCAP Student Data Grid 11/22/201029

30 Opportunities to Get the Data Right Before testing: –Student October collection –Pre-coded Labels (PCL) collection After testing: –Data grid completion and review –Student Biographical Data (SBD) collection Testing the correct students on CELA: –Just because you have a CELA label for a student does not mean that this student qualifies to be tested –Students who test on CELA must be identified as NEP, LEP, or FEP in Student End of Year collection. 11/2//201130

31 After Testing: GIS and SGL forms SACs complete GIS and SGL forms Different colors for GIS forms by test DACs and SACs check to make sure the GIS and SGL numbers match – critical GIS SGL Scorable Test Books 11/22/201031

32 Group Information Sheets - GIS SACs complete the GIS Must Complete and Bubble Pre- coded 1. Principal’s name X 2. School name X 3. Number of Students Testing X 4. Grade For CELApro and CoAlt For TCAP 5. Special Codes X 6. Organization name, District name, etc. X Make a copy of each GIS 11/2/201132

33 Different Colors of GIS Forms CELApro: Salmon CoAlt: Red TCAP: Blue –Homeschooled students for TCAP: Green 11/2/201133

34 School/Group Lists - SGL SGLs list ALL GIS forms with test books by content area sent in to CTB. SGLs arrive Pre-Coded. You must complete: 1. Contact Person and Telephone number. 2. Principal Name 3. Grade Tested 4. Number of test books Make a copy of each SGL 11/2/201134 Pre-Coded 1 234

35 Shipping Materials 11/2/201135 Do Not Mix Assessments in Shipments! Use the Green Striped Boxes for shipping materials back to CTB TCAP and CELApro test books use Paper Bands and Stack Cards –CoAlt will use envelopes like prior years Two Shipping Labels “To Be Scored” –Purple for CELApro, Orange for CoAlt, and White for TCAP “Not To Be Scored” –Yellow for all assessments

36 Step 7 Instructions for the School Assessment Coordinator 1.Complete Group Information Sheet …as directed in Step 5 of SAC/DAC Manual. Make a copy of each GIS for your records. 2.Bundle test books and Group Information Sheets with Paper Bands. Do NOT mix grades, TCAP content areas, or TCAP English with TCAP Spanish books. Do NOT include student draft booklets. 3.Place GIS on top of the first bundle, if more than one bundle is used. 4.Place bundles in green striped shipping box(es). Do not seal boxes yet. 5.Complete the School/Group List and place on top of GIS in the first box. 1. …as directed in Step 7 of the SAC/DAC Manual. Make a copy of each SGL. 6.Send loosely sealed boxes to DAC for checking. 7.Pack NOT TO BE SCORED materials in separate green striped boxes from TO BE SCORED materials. Prepare Test Materials for Packaging For CELApro and TCAP 11/2/201136

37 Prepare Test Materials for Packaging For CoAlt Step 7 Instructions for the School Assessment Coordinator 1.Complete Group Information Sheet …as directed in Step 5 of SAC/DAC Manual. Make a copy for your records. 2.Place Rating Forms and Group Information Sheets into unsealed and labeled envelopes. Label envelope with school name and number. Do NOT include any materials except Rating Forms. Do NOT mix grades. 3.Place GIS in the first envelope, if more than one envelope is used. (envelope #1 of ___, etc). 4.Place envelopes in green striped shipping box(es). Do not seal boxes yet. 5.Complete the School/Group List. …as directed in Step 6 of the SAC/DAC Manual. Make a copy of each SGL. 6.Send loosely sealed green striped boxes to DAC for checking. Crumpled paper can be used as packing material. 7.Pack NOT TO BE SCORED materials in separate green striped boxes from TO BE SCORED materials. 11/2/201137

38 Step 8 Instructions for the District Assessment Coordinator DACs must check to ensure that: There is a test book for every registered student in each grade level and content area. There are no sticky-notes, paper clips on books, etc. No NOT TO BE SCORED material in with TO BE SCORED materials. SACs have ensured student data grids are complete and accurate. Every book is clearly associated to an appropriate GIS (and stack card for CELApro and TCAP) The GIS and SGL forms match. Package Test Materials 11/2/201138

39 Paper Bands and Stack Cover Cards For TO BE SCORED and NOT TO BE SCORED Materials For CELApro and TCAP test materials Complete a stack cover card for each bundle of test books. Note: CoAlt Rating Forms to be scored will use an envelope, not paper bands/stack cards. 11/2/201139

40 How Many Booklets per Bundle? CELApro: 20-25 TCAP Grade 3: 30 TCAP Science and Grades 4-10 Math: 25 TCAP Grades 4-10 Reading/Writing: 20 11/2/201140

41 Example Packing Order For CELApro and TCAP TO BE SCORED Materials Top of Stack Completed School/Group List Stack Cover Card Grade 3 Group Information Sheet completed Test Books for Grade 3 students tested (each bundle requires a new Stack Cover Card and is secured with two (2) paper bands) New Stack Cover Card Grade 4 Group Information Sheet completed Test Books for Grade 4 students tested (each bundle requires a new Stack Cover Card and is secured with two (2) paper bands) Repeat this stacking order for all other grades. Bottom of Stack 11/2/201141

42 TO BE SCORED materials Include: CELApro or TCAP Test Booklets to be scored CoAlt Rating Forms to be scored Purple for CELApro Orange for CoAlt White for TCAP Do not copy or use “fake” shipping labels! 11/2/201142

43 NOT TO BE SCORED materials Include: Unused test books (with paper band for CELApro and TCAP) Used test books that are not to be scored (with paper band for CELApro and TCAP) Braille and Large Print books Oral scripts Teacher-read directions All used and unused draft booklets CoAlt Test Protocols CDs, Examiner Guides, etc. 11/2/201143

44 The Green Box 11/2/201144 Place Label HereDo Not Place Label Here

45 1. Are the correct test booklets under the correct stack card or in the correct envelope for CoAlt? Do NOT mix grades or content areas! 2. Have you numbered the stack cards or envelopes correctly? 3. Have you returned all the “To Be Scored” materials for each grade/TCAP content area in the same shipment? Note: Make-ups will come in later shipment from the bulk of content area tests which are sent in early. 4. Have you counted to make sure these numbers all match? Number of actual test books Number of test books noted on GIS Number of test books noted on SGL 5. Are all “Not To Be Scored” materials separate from “To Be Scored” materials? 6. Are all boxes taped and packaged securely to prevent excessive shifting during transit? 7. Have you completed the School and District information on the shipping labels, i.e. box 1 of 1? 8. Are district staff and locations ready for the pickup driver to arrive? Final Checks Before Shipping - DAC 11/2/201145

46 Final Packing and Shipping - DAC SGL “TO BE SCORED” Materials “NOT TO BE SCORED” Materials SGL 11/2/201146

47 Shipping Test Materials to CTB Ship tests as soon as they are completed. Window Opens 2 Weeks Ship completed tests Window Closes 11/2/201147

48 Scheduling of Returning Materials to CTB CELApro –Retrieval window: December 19 – February 6 o Last day to schedule pickup: February 2 TCAP Early Testing Window –Grade 3 Reading/Lectura Retrieval Window: February 15 – March 2 o Last day to schedule pickup: February 29 –TCAP Grade 3 Writing and Math, Grades 4-10 Retrieval Window: March 8 – April 13 o Last day to schedule pickup: April 11 11/2/201148

49 Scheduling of Returning Materials to CTB TCAP Regular Window –Grade 3 Reading/Lectura Retrieval Window: February 15 – March 15 o Last day to schedule pickup: March 13 –TCAP Grade 3 Writing and Math, Grades 4-10 Retrieval Window: March 8 – April 20 o Last day to schedule pickup: April 18 CoAlt –Grades 3-10 Retrieval Window: March 8 – March 29 o Last day to schedule pickup: March 27 11/2/201149

50 After Shipping: Ncount and Student Biographical Data Review (SBD) CELApro (Tentative) –Ncount: February 28 – March 4 –SBD: March 5 – March 16 CoAlt/TCAP (Tentative) –Gr3 TCAP Ncount: March 30 – April 4 –TCAP/CoAlt Ncount: May 20 – May 25 –SBD: May 23 – June 10 COACT SBD –Open June 26 - July 5 ADE Website: –Log in, respondent forms, documentation 11/2/201150

51 How to Handle Questions 1.Check the appropriate manual first. 2.If Test Proctor has questions, ask SAC. 3.If SAC has questions, ask DAC and inform your building principal. 4.If DAC has questions: –Refer to Manuals –If DAC has questions about materials, call CTB: 1-800-994-8557 –If DAC has questions about policies or procedures, check the Procedures Manual and Accommodations Manuals. –If the DAC still has questions, call CDE: 303-866-6929. 11/2/201151

52 Call the CTB Help Desk 1.800.994.8557 for questions about your CELApro, CoAlt, and TCAP Materials 11/2/201152

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