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Xabier Irastorza European Risk Observatory ESENER-PR European Survey of Enterprises on New & Emerging Risks – Psychosocial Risks Working Conditions and.

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Presentation on theme: "Xabier Irastorza European Risk Observatory ESENER-PR European Survey of Enterprises on New & Emerging Risks – Psychosocial Risks Working Conditions and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Xabier Irastorza European Risk Observatory ESENER-PR European Survey of Enterprises on New & Emerging Risks – Psychosocial Risks Working Conditions and Health and Safety surveys in Europe: stocktaking, challenges an perspectives OSE - ETUI Brussels, 18 March 2009

2 Brief description of EU-OSHA-1  Established in Bilbao in 1996  To help improve working conditions in the EU by collecting, analysing and communicating technical, scientific and economic information to people involved in safety and health at work (OSH)

3 Brief description of EU-OSHA-2 Tripartism as basic principle  The Agency is a tripartite European Union organisation and brings together representatives from: governments employers’ workers’ organisations as well as from the European Commission

4 Brief description of EU-OSHA-3 European Risk Observatory  Aim: the identification of new and emerging risks  Analyse trends, anticipate changes in the world of work and their possible effects on OSH  Stimulating reflection among the Agency’s stakeholders and providing a platform for debate

5  Contribute to ‘real-time’ dimension of the European Risk Observatory (ERO)  Provide answers to European OSH questions and describe factors underlying emerging risks  Assist in directing action, setting policies and supporting campaigns  Generate a high-visibility, large-scale initiative  Contribute to genuine culture of risk prevention Motivation for a survey

6  Feasibility study 2005  Stakeholder consultation 2006  Budget approval WP 2007  Procurement finalised November 2007  Cooperation with Eurofound  Ongoing dialogue with stakeholders Survey background

7  Comm. Strategy 2002-2006 on H&S at Work – explicit mention of psychosocial risks  Comm. Strategy 2007-2012 on H&S at Work – renewed attention  Shared concern in EU social dialogue – Framework agreements on: Work-related stress (8.10.2004) Harassment and violence at work (26.4.2007) Survey topic: Psychosocial risks

8 Management view  General H&S management in the establishment  H&S risks in the establishment  Management of psychosocial risks in the establishment  Barriers for psychosocial risk management and existing support  Formal employee representation in OSH issues

9 Survey topic: Psychosocial risks Employee view  Role of employee representative in OSH issues  Resources and training of employee representatives in OSH issues  General H&S management  OSH and psychosocial risks  Psychosocial risk management  Drivers and barriers for psychosocial risk management

10  Telephone survey of managers and H&S reps.  Minima of 500, 1000 or 1500 interviews per MS  All enterprises with >10 employees  All sectors except NACE ‘A’, ‘T’ & ‘U’  EU-27 (Community budget)  Croatia and Turkey (IPA funds)  Switzerland and Norway (own costs) Survey specification

11 Project outline  Kick-off December 2007  Stepwise approach: 3 phases  Total budget for EU27: €2.3 million  24 months duration from 2007 to 2009  Cooperation with Eurofound  Survey Advisory Group

12 Project GANTT

13 Project contractor  Consortium leader: TNS Infratest Sozialforschung  Partners Institute of Work, Health and Organisations (I-WHO) Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin TNO Quality of Life – Work & Employment Group of additional experts: BG, IT, FI, CY, PL. TNS opinion and TNS network of national fieldwork institutes

14 Key dates  End of quantitative pilot:24/10/08  Expert discussion on pilot results:04/11/08  Consultation of survey advisory group:07/11/08  Final English master questionnaire:14/11/08  Final versions:16/02/09  Fieldwork:13/03/09  First results:Oct 2009  Data delivery:28/04/10

15 Status report  Result of pilot and expert discussions  Employee representatives’ definition  Specification of application for web presentation  Approximately 45 ‘OSH questions’ in managers’ questionnaire and 35 in health & safety reps’  Total of 28,500 interviews with managers and approximately 10,000 with health and safety reps.

16 Thank you! Xabier Irastorza

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