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CFPSA/NPF EMPLOYEE SURVEY Serving those who serve Gérard Étienne, VP HR.

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Presentation on theme: "CFPSA/NPF EMPLOYEE SURVEY Serving those who serve Gérard Étienne, VP HR."— Presentation transcript:

1 CFPSA/NPF EMPLOYEE SURVEY Serving those who serve Gérard Étienne, VP HR

2 CFPSA/NPF EMPLOYEE SURVEY First ever employee survey Conducted Nov 02 – Feb 03 by StatsCan Questionnaire patterned on PSC Survey To assess how employees view their work and their workplaces 2800 employees responded

3 CFPSA/NPF EMPLOYEE SURVEY Demographics – Sex & Status –Female 64% –Male 36% –Full-time 49% –Part-time 34% –Casual 17%

4 CFPSA/NPF EMPLOYEE SURVEY Demographics - Language –English 77% –French 23% –Unilingual 72% –Bilingual 28%

5 CFPSA/NPF EMPLOYEE SURVEY Demographics - Age –Up to 29 yrs 27% –30-39 yrs 27% –40-49 yrs 27% –50-54 yrs 9% –55 + yrs 10%

6 CFPSA/NPF EMPLOYEE SURVEY Demographics - Education –High School or less 49% –College/CEGEP 33% –Below Bachelors 4% –Bachelors 12% –Post Graduate 2%

7 CFPSA/NPF EMPLOYEE SURVEY Current Steps –Place summary of responses on CFPSA Web-site (Jan 04) –Thank employees for their responses and advise them that results on Web-site –Prepare approach and suggested solutions to address issues of concern

8 CFPSA/NPF EMPLOYEE SURVEY Positive Responses –92% Agree that in their work unit every individual, regardless of race, colour, gender or disability is accepted as an equal –80% Agree that they can disagree with their immediate supervisor on work related issues without fear of reprisal –91% Agree their organization is a good place to work

9 COMMUNICATION/EDUCATION Q98.My work unit has clearly defined client service standards. Results Agree 86%(PSC 73%) Disagree 8%(PSC 19%) Don’t Know/Not Applicable 7%

10 COMMUNICATION/EDUCATION Q4.I am familiar with the provisions of my collective agreement. Results Agree 54% (PSC 76%) Disagree 16%(PSC 17%) Don’t Know/Not Applicable 30%

11 COMMUNICATION/EDUCATION Q116.My immediate supervisor understands and respects the provisions of my collective agreement or the HR policy manual. Results Agree 64% (PSC 77%) Disagree 8% (PSC 9%) Don’t Know/Not Applicable 28%

12 COMMUNICATION/EDUCATION Q22. I am encouraged to be innovative or to take initiative in my work. Results Agree 65% (PSC 58%) Disagree 30%(PSC 41%)

13 COMMUNICATION/EDUCATION Q24.I have a say in decisions and actions that have an impact on my work.. Results Always/ 47% (PSC 43%) Often Sometimes/ 48% (PSC 57%) Rarely or Never Don’t Know/N/A 5%

14 COMMUNICATION/EDUCATION Q42.I am satisfied with the way in which informal complaints on workplace issues are resolved in my work unit. Results Agree 57%(PSC 59%) Disagree 27% (PSC 29%) Don’t Know/Not Applicable 13%

15 COMMUNICATION/EDUCATION Q109.I feel I can initiate a formal redress process (grievance, right of appeal, health and safety, etc.) without fear of reprisal. Results Agree 67% (PSC 51%) Disagree 20% (PSC 35%) Don’t Know/Not Applicable 13%

16 COMMUNICATION/EDUCATION Q110. I believe that senior management will try to resolve concerns raised in this survey. Results Agree 65% (PSC 50%) Disagree 22% (PSC 38%) Don’t Know/Not Applicable 13%

17 RECRUITMENT & SELECTION Q51. I believe I have opportunities for promotion within my division, given my education, skills and experience. Results Agree 38% (PSC 49%) Disagree 37% (PSC 45%) Don’t Know/Not Applicable 24%

18 CFPSA/NPF EMPLOYEE SURVEY Approach and Solution – –LR Training Course – now in process –Due to limited funds, concentration on training to perform jobs in short term –Importance of development recognized and part of Employer of Choice and a key objective in CFPSA FY 04-07 Strategic Plan in long term –Introduction of Succession Planning –ADM(HR-Mil) support of increased access to CF training

19 CFPSA/NPF EMPLOYEE SURVEY Next Steps –Consult with managers and employees with respect to suggested solutions –Establish costs and priority for addressing issues of concern –Implement solutions


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