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Accommodation & Hospitality Services Ops Team 1 Staff meeting 30 th March 2015 Please sign all three attendance lists.

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Presentation on theme: "Accommodation & Hospitality Services Ops Team 1 Staff meeting 30 th March 2015 Please sign all three attendance lists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Ops Team 1 Staff meeting 30 th March 2015 Please sign all three attendance lists

2 Accommodation & Hospitality Services News HR Environment Quality Management/ ISO 9001 Accommodation Surveys Health & Safety AOB Agenda

3 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Vacancies Domestic Assistant – 3x27.5h Training Development plans for summer support Staff Ben Jones is coming back to OPS1 Anna Milczarek is moving as an AOC to Westwood Good wishes to Anne Bampfylde Katherine Ryan is leaving in April News

4 Accommodation & Hospitality Services The current quarter runs until the 1st of April. All the nomination cards have already been collected. The successful nominations will be announced at the next Let's Talks, week commencing 13th April, so we hope to see you all there. You can already start nominating for the next quarter. STAR Post Box Locations Marlborough & Solsbury tea room Eastwood 20/21 kitchen Brendon Court housekeeper’s office Westwood tea room WAC staff area EAC (Woodland Court) kitchen Eastwood housekeeping tea room Damson Quad level 4 4.1 STAR Awards

5 Accommodation & Hospitality Services NVQ L3 Hospitality Supervision & Leadership Apprenticeships L2 Cleaning Apprenticeships L2 Team Leading Apprenticeships and L2 Customer Services Apprenticeships If anyone is interested in signing up for the Apprenticeship programme, government funding might still be available. If you are interested please let us know. Development

6 Accommodation & Hospitality Services News

7 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Resurfacing Norwood Avenue Convocation Avenue News - Campus Travel Updates

8 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Refurbishments - Westwood Housekeeping Office - Norwood Housekeeping Office - Brendon store - Eastwood Houses 7-11 - Polden Court boiler works - Eastwood/ Westwood communal areas News

9 Accommodation & Hospitality Services

10 AHS Spring Dinner Dance The Claverton Rooms Friday 15 th May 7.00pm until 1.00am Tickets £10.00 Includes: One free drink on arrival between 7.00pm and 7.30pm 3 Course Meal Live Band DJ Tickets on sale now and available from Anna Milczarek and Clare Cobb (150 availability) Tickets can be purchased for guests outside of AHS

11 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Environment

12 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Zero Waste Encourage students to donate unwanted items

13 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Zero Waste

14 Quality Management Accommodation & Hospitality Services

15 Quality management is an organisation-wide approach to understanding what customers need and continuously providing for these needs within budget, on time and with the minimum impact to society, environment etc. In short it is the act of overseeing all activities and tasks needed to maintain a desired level of excellence, no matter what the product or service that your organisation delivers.

16 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Quality Management Principles Customer Focus Leadership Engagement of People Process Approach Improvement Decision Making Relationship Management

17 Accommodation & Hospitality Services That’s all very good but what really does it have to do with me? I’m only…

18 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Listening to your customers An important concept in quality control is listening to the customer. The customer typically has three desires: They want a quality product/service. They want it fast. They want it cheap. You have several ways to hear your customer: You can ask…(how?) You can borrow good ideas from your competitors. You can use a good customer relationship management (CRM) system, which is a handy tool for gathering and analysing data about customers.

19 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Quality of our work

20 Accommodation & Hospitality Services

21 Quality Management System for the Accommodation and Hospitality Services Department ISO 9001 is the international standard which will give our organisation a quality system that will provide the foundation to better customer satisfaction, staff motivation and continual improvement. In April 2014 we achieved for ISO 9001 Quality Management. NQA will return in May 2015 to carry out a Surveillance Visit.

22 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Why are we doing it? Provides us with an efficient management process Sets out areas of responsibility across the organisation Communicates a positive message to staff and customers Identifies and encourages more efficient and time saving processes Provides continuous assessment and improvement Create potential marketing opportunities Can help to reduce costs What does it mean for our customers? Improved quality and service Delivery of products and services on time Right first time attitude Fewer complaints Independent audit demonstrates commitment to quality

23 Accommodation Surveys Accommodation & Hospitality Services

24 Accommodation Surveys Run in all residences Surveys tailored to the type of accommodation and individual buildings OPS 1 - 542 surveys completed – more than the whole Student Exit Survey 2014 Valuable customer feedback Great ideas for continuous improvement Vital role in Quality Management

25 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Accommodation Surveys

26 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Accommodation Surveys - self clean area

27 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Accommodation Surveys - self clean area

28 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Accommodation Surveys – serviced area

29 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Accommodation Surveys - self clean area

30 Health and Safety Accommodation & Hospitality Services

31 Electrics – Visual Checks

32 Accommodation & Hospitality Services What does the law say? maintain electrical equipment if it can cause danger. decide the level of maintenance needed according to the risk of an item becoming faulty, and how the equipment is constructed check periodically if any work needs doing consider: the increased risk if the equipment isn’t used correctly, isn’t suitable for the job or is used in a harsh environment; and if the item is not double insulated, This includes any electrical equipment employees use at work, whether it is their own or supplied to them.

33 Accommodation & Hospitality Services In some cases, a simple user check and visual inspection is enough, eg checking for loose cables or signs of fire damage and, if possible, checking inside the plug for internal damage, bare wires and the correct fuse. All employees should: look at the supply cable to the electrical equipment before they use it (user check). look at electrical equipment before they use it (user check). Ensure that damaged or faulty equipment is recognised and removed from use without delay

34 Accommodation & Hospitality Services User checks These should be carried out before most electrical equipment is used, with the equipment disconnected. Employees should look for: damage to the lead including fraying, cuts or heavy scuffing, eg from floor box covers; damage to the plug, eg to the cover or bent pins; tape applied to the lead to join leads together; coloured wires visible where the lead joins the plug (the cable is not being gripped where it enters the plug); damage to the outer cover of the equipment itself, including loose parts or screws; signs of overheating, such as burn marks or staining on the plug, lead or piece of equipment; equipment that has been used or stored in unsuitable conditions, such as wet or dusty environments or where water spills are possible; and cables trapped under furniture or in floor boxes.

35 Accommodation & Hospitality Services

36 AOB

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